So lets start with the Chairperson. This year, like the second half of last year, Shane Ryan will be the chair. When asked to describe him in a few words, these come to mind. He's energetic, positive, communicative, a hurler, a Limerickman and a phenomenal Jagerbomber. All great things. To contact him with all sorts of questions, you'll be able to email him at
chairperson.belgium.europe (a)
Jelena holding onto 2013's literary masterpiece |
Jelena is our one and only Serbian powerhouse. I kid you not. This woman gets things done. No messing. Not only is Jelena our Secretary for the second year in a row, a role that she has excelled in (and potentially deserves a sainthood for), she is also involved in the upper echelons of the Bass empire, running European GAA. No joke. So great is her love for camogie, she may have once donated a fingernail to the sport, but she has also become a phenomenal goalie for ladies football. Too many words. I'm going to stop now. secretary.belgium.europe (a) will get her should you need to contact her, but I promise you, she´ll contact you!
Ah go on! |
Oliver is our money man, officially called Treasurer, for the third year running, again, an incredible job. I cant find any photos from his time as a dancing priest, but please pay your fees, or Oliver will have to get serious with you. Running a club this size, and with this level of commitment and success requires serious organisation, and Oliver contributes hugely to this. Here he is, observing the dancing priest competition.
belgiumgaa.treasurer (a) will get you Oliver should you need him.
Declan (Deccie) is this years Assistant Secretary. So he does all sorts of wonderful things. He, in his spare time, is the Linguistic and Cultural officer for the European County Board, but is an accomplished actor, a phenomenal footballer, and can walk for a really long time in one go (100kms in one go is his personal best record so far).
(Late edit, Declan has his own email address now)
belgiumgaa.assistantsecretary (a) for walking, method acting and general assistance tips.
Nach bfhuil si go h'ailinn? |
Caoimhe Ní Shúilleabháin is the our Irish Club Liaison Officer and European Ladies Football officer. Caoimhe is involved in all sorts, a prolific campaigner, a proud Wicklow woman, she's very involved in Na Gaeil i gcéin, Seachtain na Gaeilge, getting people motivated and getting heaps of people interested in training the kids club (speaking of which, training is starting back for the kids club this weekend at the Astro Pitches at the BSB).
ladiesfootballofficer.europe (a) will reach Caoimhe if you need her.
We move on now to the code officers, the people who email you weekly with all sorts of important things. Make sure you're signed up on Teamer. Generally do what they say, read the whole email, and all will go well :)
1/2 a Tipp tackle |
Elaine (Young) Kennedy is this years Camogie officer. A recent returnee, Elaine has great things ahead for us this year. With captain/coach Irene, the Camogie branch of the club is in very good hands. Not that I should tell you here, but there's talk of joining the Quidditch championship being played in Brussels this weekend, to see how brooms compare to hurls. We'll let you know how it goes. Elaine is a keen iceskater, so we'll see how the Canadian's promised introduction of ice hockey goes for this camogie woman.
belgiumgaa.camogie (a) will get you Elaine. Training starts back on Monday 3rd of Feb indoors in the VUB from 7. Join!
Niall loves hurling |
Niall Goodwin is taking on the mantle of the men's hurling team. A former meme teenstar on the internet, Niall is looking forward to bringing the men's hurling team on to great success this year. From Waterford originally, but part Naas and part Eurobrat, living in Brussels for a good spell at this stage, Niall sends out the unmissable hurling update weekly from hurling.belgium (a)
Jane in flight |
Jane Brennan is this years Ladies Football officer, retaking over her role after a two year break from running the show. There is no organisational feat that this most practical of people cannot achieve, as well as being one of the 'originals'. Jane is excellent and an enthusiastic photographer, so every image of you looking slightly awkward and sweaty while wearing the wonderful shiny red shorts of Belgium GAA, either Jane or her camera has captured it. La Fent is captaining the ladies team this year, and with Jane they've arranged the 1st challenges of 2014, getting a Paidi O'Se tournament together (22nd and 23rd of Feb) and a 10km fundraiser in Dendermonde (in only 52 days time).
belgiumgaa.ladiesfootball (a) is how you can contact Jane, and training is back from Monday 3rd from 8pm.
P is this snazzy all the time |
Padraic Varley, Galway man, successfully lobbied, robbed, bribed and stole (intense campaigning and lobbying) to get the coveted position (against a host of opponents) of men's football officer. He promises a no nonsense regime of all organisational and logistical things football. This role is his dream come true.
Trainings will be Monday and Thursday from 20.00 - 21.30 in the VUB, and Padraic is hosting the 1st of the years team meetings after training on Monday 3rd.
football.belgium (a) will be the best way to reach him.
The other three remaining people on the committee look after glamorous things like this blog, your social events and socks. All fairly great really. So last but not least, here are the last of us.
Doin her thing |
Sylvia McCarthy, of the Cork baking dynasty and utter baking and blogging legend is another 'original', a dual player, previous PRO and all round good egg. She'll be doing her best to sort out exciting social events for us this year as our Social Secretary. I have no doubt that you'll be entertained in all sorts of wonderful ways, but please do send her on suggestions and ideas too! She's also a very very happy runner - check her out in her annual 10km run in Dendermonde! (a)
Darragh vs. the Berlaymont |
Darragh Cotter was once sent to Uganda to sort out a truce between the Belgian boys teams and some of our neighbours in the Hague, but it didn't work out, the rivalry there is still as stiff as ever, and he's back again amongst us. Holds a joint record with Conor DeBarra for the longest journey to a tournament, he's back to equip us all with all of the accoutrements we might need, our Equipment Officer.
Though it might read like something from the Wire, rest assured, this is a completely legitimate email address.
Darragh's contact details are belgiumgaa.gear (a)
Jumping for joy |
I served time as ladies football officer, but this year will be here, doing this and that, while hoping to keep you updated on the goings on for the four codes, club thingys, etc. Please do email me at pro.belgiumgaa (a), and bear with while we try and resolve a few niggles with the website.