
Monday, December 29, 2008

Lovely Idstein

After several times we had postponed our trip to Idstein, finally last Sunday we managed to be there. Thanks to our dear friend, Kak Liza who made the initiative to drive us there. Otherwise I didn't know when we will actually get there because with this cold weather, it makes us so darn lazy to go out. And some more knowing that Idstein is not that far, we just wait and wait....

Idstein indeed is pretty close to Raunheim when you travel by car. It takes around 40 minutes to get there. Since Kak Liza has been there before, she said she would like to take us there to visit Kak Na and family and see how beautiful Idstein is. And the weather on that Sunday was very nice, with bright sunlight (although it was very cold, - 1C) so Kak Liza said she wouldn't worry on driving back after dark because the road wouldn't be so icy.

But the morning we wanted to start the journey, apparently one of Kak Liza's car tyre was kaputt so cik HB had to change it first. And to change a tyre in a cold weather was actually very challenging. Since it was very cold, all bolts and nuts became so painful to the touch.

Seksanya nak tukar tayar.....

Journey to Idstein was so pleasant with beautiful scenary of Deutschland countryside. And as Kak Liza said, Idstein as beautiful as it is.

Countryside view

View of Idstein town taken from Autobahn

Kak Na's place is located in this small village called Wallrabenstein, about 6km further up from Idstein town. A very old village with buildings as old as more than 300 years. After lunch we went for a stroll in the village area.

In front Kak Na's House

Rombongan cik kiah kat Kg. Wallrabenstein

New kids on the block

It's so peaceful strolling here

And we found a horse ranch not very far from Kak Na's house. Even Kak Na and her husband didn't know the existence of this ranch. The kids so excited to see the horses especially Nabihah who loves horses very much.
Isn't it so beautiful?

What was more exciting; we were allowed to go to the horses' barn and touch them but of course, we were warned not to make noises, not to feed the horses, and not to hit them (you know kids, they tend to poke the horses with sticks). The horses were beautiful and so friendly. When they saw us, most of the horses came out from their barn, and approached us. And they acted like they wanted us to pat them so we all did. And boy! the horses reacted so affectionately. Make me feels like having one as a pet :)) (of course if I'm rich enough).

Nabilah yg takut nak dekat ngan horse

Nabihah yg x takut langsung nak pat horse

Jenuh nak pujuk Nabilah sentuh horse..

Since it was very cold and getting dark, we had to go back because the kids started having running nose and being outside in longer time was not good for them. On the way back we found a small waterfall in which the water had turned into ice. Looked so beautiful with sword-like ice. The boys took some of those and played with it but of course it crashed instantly.

Spikes of ice

Nabilah yg merajuk sbb dia nak didukung....

We had dinner at Kak Na's house and headed home by 8.00 pm. I want to go there again next time because I haven't seen enough of Idstein. I saw some of the historical buildings in Idstein town but since we didn't have much time, we didn't explore the place. And when I surfed the Internet, apparently Idstein is a tourist attraction town (check out this link). Probably when it is warmer, we would go there again.

Salam Maal Hijrah

Sekejap aje masa dah berlalu dan satu lagi Tahun Baru Islam dah tiba. Sepatutnya smlm Tahun Baru disambut dgn bacaan doa akhir tahun dan awal tahun tp dek kerana smlm aku bersukaria di Idstein, maka aku terlupa. Astagfirullahalazim....

Anyway bulan Muharram ada byk perkara2 sunat yg boleh dilakukan sebagaimana aku petik dr sini:

Antara amalan yg sunat dilakukan pd bulan Muharam:

1. Berpuasa. Maksud Hadis: Barang siapa berpuasa satu hari dalam bulan Muharam pahalanya seumpama berpuasa 30 tahun.Maksud Hadis: Barang siapa yang berpuasa tiga hari dalam bulan Muharam, iaitu hari Khamis, Jumaat dan Sabtu, Allah tulis padanya pahala seperti mana beribadat selama 2 tahun.

2. Banyakkan amal ibadat seperti solat sunat, zikir dan sebagainya.

3. Berdoa akhir tahun pada hari terakhir bulan Zulhijah selepas Asar sebanyak 3X

4. Berdoa awal tahun pada 1 Muharram selepas Maghrib 3X

14 perkara sunat dilakukan pada hari Asyura (10 Muharram):

1. Melapangkan masa/belanja anak isteri. Fadilatnya - Allah akan melapangkan hidupnya pada tahun ini.

2. Memuliakan fakir miskin. Fadilatnya - Allah akan melapangkannya dalam kubur nanti.

3. Menahan marah. Fadilatnya - Di akhirat nanti Allah akan memasukkannya ke dalam golongan yang redha.

4. Menunjukkan orang sesat. Fadilatnya - Allah akan memenuhkan cahaya iman dalam hatinya.
Menyapu/mengusap kepala anak yatim. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengurniakan sepohon pokok di syurga bagi tiap-tiap rambut yang disapunya.

5. Bersedekah. Fadilatnya - Allah akan menjauhkannya daripada neraka sekadar jauh seekor gagak terbang tak berhenti-henti dari kecil sehingga ia mati. Diberi pahala seperti bersedekah kepada semua fakir miskin di dunia ini.

6. Memelihara kehormatan diri. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengurniakan hidupnya sentiasa diterangi cahaya keimanan.

7. Mandi Sunat. Fadilatnya - Tidak sakit (sakit berat) pada tahun itu. Lafaz niat: "Sahaja aku mandi sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala."

8. Bercelak. Fadilatnya - Tidak akan sakit mata pada tahun itu.

9. Membaca Qulhuwallah hingga akhir 1,000X. Fadilatnya - Allah akan memandanginya dengan pandangan rahmah di akhirat nanti.

10. Sembahyang sunat empat rakaat. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengampunkan dosanya walau telah berlarutan selama 50 tahun melakukannya. Lafaz niat: "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat hari Asyura empat rakaat kerana Allah Taala." Pada rakaat pertama dan kedua selepas Fatihah dibaca Qulhuwallah 11X.

11. Menjamu orang berbuka puasa. Fadhilat - Diberi pahala seperti memberi sekalian orang Islam berbuka puasa.

12. Puasa. Niat - "Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala." Fadilat - Diberi pahala seribu kali Haji, seribu kali umrah dan seribu kali syahid dan diharamkannya daripada neraka.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Dah dekat seminggu cuti, dan selama tu la jugak xde apa2 yg produktif berlaku. Aktiviti hanya berkisar di rumah.....makan, tido, layan internet, kemas rumah (ini mmg on going process, cik kak berdua tu asik buat sepah aje). Kalau keluar rumah pon sbb nak beli barang. Nak pulak cuti krismas ni kedai2 semua tutup sampai weekend, lagi la malas keluar.

Ni la cik kak 2 org yg suka buat sepah

Sebenarnya kitorg plan nak gi Idstein then nak gi Siegen, seterusnya Aachen. Idstein, rumah satu famili Malaysia yg dah 2 kali berkunjung ke rumah kami. Tak jauh pon, still dalam state Hessen still kena tukar 2 trains, and naik bas lagi in order to get there. So we are still contemplating when to go. Sejuk2 cam ni malas sungguh nak keluar.

Siegen and Aachen pulak we are planning nak pegi next week with Liza and Razif. And probably nak sewa kereta memandangkan kalau naik train, kosnya for 6 of us sama mcm travelling by car. Tp kalau sewa on weekend la. Memandangkan rakan2 di Aachen skrg sedang bercuti di Turki, dan hanya akan pulang selepas this weekend, bermakna kami kena pergi on weekdays. So we have yet to decide whether to go by car or by train.

By the way, cik HB dah abis download Heroes season 2 & 3 and aku ngan dia tgh cari masa sesuai nak tgk. Lagi la malas nak pi mana2 kan....Teringat kat Dal, asik citer kat blog pasal tgk tgk citer tu or citer ni...hahahaha, nampaknya aku dah berjangkit jugak.

Anyway, thanks Dal sbb bg aku link Torrent tu semua. Mmg syok la....cik HB dok asik download ntah apa2 lagi....

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Cold Saturday

It's very cold today. It's cold everyday actually but today it feels colder and gloomy. And makes me feel so lazy. I was so supposed to go to flea market in Frankfurt with a group of ladies friends (outing without the twins!) but my friend called and said that outing is cancelled because some of them couldn't make it. Besides, I'm relunctant myself, with weather like this, it feels much better to be at home.
Made nasi goreng for breakfast this morning and I'm thinking what to cook fo lunch. I have this urge to just get the frozen pizza baked rather that cook a complete malay dishes for lunch. But I still have to cook something for dinner later. So it's better I get myself up and start cooking lunch with extra for dinner.
Been thinking about making karipap too....rajin ke?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tajuk apa ye?

Masa xde internet itu ari, perasaan nak blogging berkobar2. Macam2 benda rasa nak cerita kat blog. Siap taip kat Word, konon2 bila dah online nanti boleh cut n paste kat blog. Tp skrg perasaan tu xde la pulak. Bila baca balik mcm x kena aje nak paste kat blog ni. So rasanya baik citer balik semua2 tu berdasarkan perasaan skrg.

Family n kwn2 asik tanya camne life aku kat tempat org. Well, ada yg best, ada yg x best. Dulu pon masa aku belum dok oversea ni, aku rasa cam best aje dok oversea. Kalau dgr org nak pi oversea, mmg aku rasa jeolous. Tp bila dah dok ni, rasanya x la best mana. Betul la pepatah Melayu "Hujan emas dinegeri org, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik di negeri sendiri". Apa pon aku tetap bersyukur, sbb aku diberi peluang merasa hidup kat negara org.
Masalah paling besar kat sini, of course la masalah bahasa. Sebab tu la gak kot Internet amik masa berbulan2 nak dpt. Kalau aku pandai ckp jerman, rasanya aku dah sound dah company telekom ni. Tp sbb x reti ckp kan, terima la seadanya. Byk jugak la masalah2 lain. Ari tu visa kitorg renewed just nice a day before expired. Kalau tak aku dah bungkus kain baju balik Mesia...hehehe.

Dan kat sini merasa la jalan kaki sebyk2nya (tp aku tetap x kurus2!!!) Ari tu aku call mak aku, aku ckp 'susah mak, xde kereta kat sini'. Mak aku gelak aje, sbb mak ayah aku pon x penah ada kereta selama ni, biasa aje pada diorg. Padan muka aku, kat Mesia, nak gi sejengkal pon naik kereta. Tp nasib la public transport kat Jerman sgt la reliable dan punctual. Mmg diorg kena punctual, kalau x sejuk beku le nak tunggu bas or train time winter ni.
Masa salji turun for the first time (dr tingkap dapur rumah aku)
Kembar dan Frau Katarina (babysitter diorg)

Classmate Deutsch course aku. Yg pegang bunga tu cikgu aku, Lukas. Masa ni birthday dia.

Ni waktu pagi tunggu train nak gi kelas bahasa. Masa ni belum sejuk sgt

Gambar neighbourhood aku. Diambil dr balkon rumah. Masa ni penghujung autumn.

Sorry la gambar2 aku x susun ikut perjalanan cerita. Sbbnya dah bape kali aku try drag gambar2 tu, x berjaya jugak. So aku malas nak layan. Ke ada cara senang nak susun2 gambar dlm blogger ni, cuma aku je x tau? Kalau ada sapa yg tau, tolong ajar aku ye!

Si kembar dah bgn! Aku kena stop dulu. Macam2 nak kena layan dua princesses tu. Hari ni cuti krismas dah bermula. Boleh lah aku bermalas2an. Walaupun ada byk keje rumah yg menanti....hehehe.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Ladies and gentleman.....
I now have Internet at home. Today. Finally!!!!
We've been waiting more than 2 months to get the Internet installed in our house. I guess we had more than 5 appoinments with the telecom company and none of the appointments actually succesful. It was either they cancelled it beforehand or the technician failed to show up. Something that I didn't expect in a so-called developed country, do you?
I'm so excited to update this blog, but in between house chores, childcare and my language course, I doubt there would be much time left to spend on the Internet. Tomorrow there will be A1 test, and I should be studying now. I've done this test before, it was a trial one, and I barely passed. Hopefully I would do better this time.
There are so much things to share in this blog, but at the moment I need to give priority to other things. Besides the language exam, I need to reply all the messages from friends and family members asking how I'm doing in the e-mails and Facebook. So blogging has to wait for a while. Starting next week I'm going have long breaks for Chrismast holidays and that probably the best time to blog. Unless we are planning on travelling....but we don't have any plan at the moment.
Ok, gotta go......

Monday, November 10, 2008


Hi folks!
It's been quite sometime since my last post. I'm now blogging in my friend's house. Internet has yet to land in our home. It was supposed to be last week. But when the telecom man came to do the setting, he figured out that there was no telephone connection from the MDF box to our apartment. We need to make new appointment with them again after we sort out the connection problem. The landlord has promised to look into the matter. But it is really a hassle to us.

So, what's up with me? Long story but to sum up; we now live in our own apartment in Raunheim. It's not very far from Frankfurt, about 20 minutes ride by train to Frankfurt Main Haupbahnof. Things are good so far.

I've also joined Deutsch class since 2 weeks ago and the good thing is, the centre provides child care services so I have no problem going to the class. The class starts from 8 am to 12.30 pm every weekday. Learning Deutsch is really a challenge to me. Deutsch is one complicated language for me. But the class is fun.

I have so much things to share on my every day's life routine but I can't do it now. Let's see whether I can write more when I have internet at home.

Till we meet again............

Friday, October 3, 2008

Raya in Germany

So it's Syawal now and today is the fourth day raya in Germany since we celebrated first Syawal on 30th Oct.Though celebrating abroad, actually raya is not that bad. I guess we are quite lucky because we meet a lot of new friends eversince coming to Germany so we are not that lonely.

The first Syawal we didn't have much things great since we have decided that special makan-makan to be held on 1 October (because in Malaysia the first Syawal fell on 1st Oct.) The first day of raya was the day we cooked raya dishes and I say, we really cooked! From soto, ketupat, rendang, roti jala, kuzi (this is the most complicated dish I've ever known), it was very tiring but fun. There were about 20 people coming to Razif & Liza's (the host) open house.

On the same day, in the evening we went to open house in Konsulat Malaysia and we saw more people and foods.....I was so addicted to teh tarik cause all this while the tea that I drink here is tea from Turkey and it tastes weird.

Nabilah with the newly wed couple, Fatah & Ain

Among friends in Konsulat

By the way, I'm moving into our own rented house today. There a lot of things to do and I'm not going to be online for quite sometime. We need to change our visa to resident permit before we can install Internet and telephone. That, I guess will take sometime.

Till next time....

Monday, September 29, 2008

Salam Aidilfitri

Saya dan keluarga mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri dan maaf zahir batin kepada semua. Terutama kepada kaum keluarga di Tanjung Malim dan Kota Bharu. Hati-hati di jalan raya.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Raya Spirit

So everybody is in raya mood already, eh?

Well, I'm not quite. This year raya I'm no longer busy with shopping for raya clothes nor preparing duit raya angpau. This year also I don't have to plan for balik kampung trip, calculating number of days I could take as raya leave.

This year is the first raya I'm going to celebrate away from my extended families and the first time celebrating it abroad. I'm sure it must be very festive back in Malaysia for raya is just less than a week away to be celebrated. There must be raya songs being aired everywhere!

Here in Germany, there's not much excitement about raya coming soon. And to uplift the spirit, Liza the host has suggested we make some raya cookies. And we did! So far we have made 5 different cookies. Not bad eh?

Trainees in action...hehehe

Sarang semut cookies. Notice there are 2 different colours?
The first batch was a bit burnt...hahaha

This kuih karipap of course is not part of raya cookies but still will be served during raya. We made a lot, about 80 pieces. We even baked them for a while to preserve the shape.

Tat nenas bunga yg sgt menarik pembuatannya

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hari Sabtu kami dijemput berbuka puasa di rumah konsulat Malaysia di Frankfurt. Dan kami diberitahu, celebrity chef, Chef Ismail akan memasak juadah berbuka puasa. And ada wakil TV3 nak buat liputan. Wah! Apalagi...takkan x pergi kan?

Dari Russelsheim ke Frankfurt, kami naik train dan berjumpa ramai lagi Malaysian (students & expatriates) di Frankfurt Main Haupbanhof. Then naik bas utk kerumah konsulat. Pendek kata separuh bas tu mmg penuh ngan Malaysian. Macam rombongan cik kiah....hehehe.

Di rumah konsulat, kami berjumpa lagi ramai Malaysian. Cerita Chef Ismail yg memasak mmg betul tp cerita wakil TV3 tu x betul rupanya. Juadah berbuka puasa jgn cerita la....dr masak lemak daging salai (yg sgt famous di Restoran Rebung Chef Ismail tu), ikan kering dan segala ulam2. Ada bendi, pegaga, jantung pisang pon ada! Kuih saja pon bermcm jenis sampai aku x tau mana satu nak makan dulu.

Razif & Liza, tuan rumah kami menumpang buat masa ini. Such a sweet couple...

Nak jugak amik gambar ngan chef

Sebelum balik kami dijemput utk dtg majlis rumah terbuka hari raya pada 1 October nanti. Not bad rupanya beraya diperantauan.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kena Marah

Seorg kawan yang telah lama menetap di Jepun pernah bercerita macamana tensionnya dia dgn jiran sebelah rumah yg akan mengetuk dinding dgn kuat setiap kali anak2 teman ini buat bising. Buat bising bukan la bising yg melampau tp setakat bising bermain. Dan bukannya di waktu malam, siang hari pulak tu. Jadinya si teman ni terpaksa la mengawal sentiasa anak2 supaya x berbunyi kuat setiap kali bermain. Macamana la budak2 nak main tanpa berbunyi, ye tak?
Dan skrg kami pulak yg mengalaminya. Semalam sewaktu kami tgh berbuka puasa, jiran di tingkat bawah dtg dgn marah2. Katanya budak2 ni bising di siang hari. Melompat2 mcm kanggaru. Dia ni rupanya bekerja malam, jadi waktu siang dia ada di rumah. Dan seperkara lagi, rumah di Jerman ni lantainya kayu, so kalau berlari atau melompat, agaknya org bawah mmg terganggu la kot.
Kawan2 yg dah lama tinggal di Jerman ni, bgtau mmg mcm ni la perangai org Jerman. Langsung x boleh terganggu walaupun kes budak2 bising. Dan aku terfikir, no wonder diorg ni kebanyakannya x berkeluarga sbb ngan budak2 pon x boleh tolerate.
Well, nak buat macamana, dah nama pon duduk tempat org, kena la ikut aje kan? So, skrg keje aku asyik mengawal si kembar, jangan berlari, jangan melompat, jangan ckp kuat2, apalagi menangis!
Harap2 kami boleh dapat rumah groundfloor supaya budak2 boleh berlari dan melompat dalam rumah sendiri!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Call me jakun but I have just found out the wonder of ebay.

We were discussing about buying strollers for the twins. So we checked the price and where to buy the strollers from the Internet. A friend who was online suggested we buy from Ebay. And she was willing to do the bidding on ebay. So we agreed. And we got this stroller at 65 euro (inclusive delivery cost). The market price is 199 euro. Isn't it amazing?

Anyway, when we tried to buy another same stroller, being auctioned 4 hours later, we failed to get it. Someone faster had bought it at 59 euro!!!

Our friend told us in order to bid in ebay, there are several tips to follow. First, don't bid during peak hours, and second; use special software to enable us to grab the bid at the final call. Whoa!! It means we have to learn a lot before we want to get involved in this auction business.

Tomorrow we will try again. We still need another stroller.....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Playground

We hardly go out now. It's very cold outside, mostly between 17 - 21 celcius. The twins are restless and cranky since they have nothing to do. But yesterday it was a bit hot, so we took them to a nearby playround in the neighbourhood. Playground here looks antique to me cause the slide, the swings and the jongkang-jongket still of those wooden made, like those during my childhood time. And I believe those have been there since the playground exists, for the past 20-30 years ago perhaps. But still in good condition.

Sands are everywhere on the playground. I guess children here are encouraged to play with sands. So I too, let them played with the sand which a big no-no back in Malaysia.
That is all for now.....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Eating out

Today we decided to break fast outside. Just to eat something different. So we went to Turks' famous eatery, Doner Kebab in Russelheim. It's darn delicious but served in a large portion. I couldn't finish mine so I passed it to cik HB for him to finish it off.

Durum Doner

I don't know what is this meal is called

Going out at night is actually very torturing because it is so windy and chilly. We need to buy more warm clothes cause it's getting colder everyday. What we have now is barely enough to warm ourselves. Goods prices are cheap in euro currency. Buying power is high here. For example, I get to buy a pretty sweat shirt at 5 euro. But of course we have to bear in mind not to convert the price in RM or we would be stingy to buy anything, hehehe........

Nabilah refused to walk cause she said it was so cold

Though I'm so tempted to buy more clothes, I have to refrain the wanting. We don't have house yet. The house that we tumpang now is not that big, so we shouldn't be using the space to keep our things. So we need to be patient.

Oh, when are we going to get a house?

Saturday, September 13, 2008


It's beginning of autumn and it's already cold for me. I can't imagine how cold it would be when it's winter. But fasting in this cold wheather is actually helping. I don't feel hungry nor tired.

Breakfast time also is fun. Though it is a foreign country, we still get to eat Malaysian cuisine. Yesterday we had beef rendang, ayam kalio, bubur lambuk, karipap. And today, more Malaysians who live in this area are coming to join us breakingfast. And it is a pot luck one. Liza and I are making roti jala and beef curry for the occasion.

Our house searching is still fruitless. Imagine a house just been advertised, on the same day it's already been taken. And we keep searching vey hard. We feel guilty to Razif & Liza for staying in their house for many days now but their great hospitality is making us feel at home. I miss sunlight.......

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hallo Germany!

Finally I'm able to update. I've been writing on our daily experience ever since arriving in Germany but because there was no Internet, I was not able to post them. So I'm warning you, this entry is a long long one, ok.


We had safely arrived in Frankfurt yesterday at 1 pm. Alhamdullilah, we didn’t have any problem throughout the journey. But no doubt, it was very tiring. We were on three different planes; Kota Bharu-KL, KL-Dubai then Dubai-Frankfurt. We had two farewell: one in KB Airport and one in KLIA.

With family in KB

With my brother and my parents

With my sisters

Departing from KLIA was very challenging. Our flight was at 2 am and the twins were already tired (they played at the airport playground for hours before that) and were very sleepy. And to reach our boarding gate was such a long walk especially when you carry several hand luggage and two sleepy toddlers. I felt like it takes hours the each ourgate. By the time we reached the gate, each of us carried one twin, and two hand luggage. And with the new security airport system where they checked thoroughly at the gate, we had to queue such a long line and then when it was our turn, we struggled to place the hand luggage and all personal belongings into the scanner belt while carrying the twins. And for me, I wore my new shoes and it was killing me, so having to walk such a distance, was very torturing. I was regret that I didn’t put on sport shoes. Nak nampak cantik le konon.

But luckily the twins slept so soundly throughout the KL-Dubai flight. I however was barely sleeping. Good enough Emirates flight offers such a huge selection of entertainment. So within that 6 hours flight, I managed to watch two movies, 27 Dresses and Narnia: The Prince Caspian and 1 episode of Heroes. We arrived in Dubai airport at 4.30 am,but we only arrived at the airport terminal nearly 5.30 am. Dubai airport such a huge airport. When we landed, we were transported to the terminal by bus and I felt like it was such a long distance to reach the terminal. And then there were so many people, so it was another long queue to pass the security gate. I was thinking to have sahur at the airport, but with all the things, we just didn’t have the time. Luckily we had meals on the plane, an hour before landing.

Dubai airport provides stroller facility and that was something that I really appreciated. Unlike KLIA. So less trouble to carry or drag the twins and the hand luggage too. The 4-hours transit which I thought would be a long waiting was actually very short. Looking for prayer room already took half an hour, then cik HB and I took turn to do prayer. By then, it was nearly 7 am. Then we had to change some money to dirham currency because we need to buy some food and books for the twins, books to occupy them for the next 6 hours flight. And I was thinking to buy myself a pair of sandal because of the torture of the new shoes. We only managed to get milk box and books for the twins but no sandal for me because we were running out of time as our next flight was at 8.25 am. And again we had to walk such a distance to reach our boarding gate and then rode a crowded bus to board the plane.

This Emirates flight to Frankfurt was a nice one. We were given seats very near to the toilet. It was just a step away….And then it was such a child-friendly flight (I don’t know about other airlines as this was the first time the twins on the flight journey). From goodies of sling bags packed with books, pencil colors and craft material which needs to be assembled to form dolls or something, hand moppets, then they took polaroid photo of the children for free. The entertainment TV had Disney movies, cartoon shows and really made the twins occupied and made our life a lot easier too! I got to watch more movies and Heroes series in peace….hehehe.

Another thing was bugging me before our arrival to Germany, was whether all the foods that I brought along would pass the custom check. My sister-in-law had mentioned that all we need to do is just to go to the ‘Nothing to Declare’ lane rather than the ‘Goods to Declare’ lane. If we were lucky enough, they won’t question anything. But somehow we ended up at the ‘Goods to Declare’ lane. But luckily the officer only asked for one small luggage to be opened. That was the bag full of foods actually. I was praying very hard he would not find serunding which packed under the bottom layer. But when we opened the bag, it was messy with twins’ milk formula all over. I suspected the pack was torn off. So the officer just lifted up a little bit of the formula pack and peep inside a bit then he said ok! Fuh…selamat serundingku. Then he only looked into my handbag and a paper bag and then let us go.

When we came out into the arrival hall, one Malay guy greeted us. He was the one whom cik HB’s friend had arranged to meet us at the airport. His name is Razif, along with his wife, Liza and they are very very friendly. Then they took us to their house in Rüsselheim by train, a district in Frankfurt. We were so blessed that they were there, because without them, it would be quite difficult for us to be on our own. Especially when we knew nothing about this new place and some more managing all the heavy luggage and the twins.

Liza and the twins at the airport

At their house, we were introduced to another friend, kak Ina whom has been in Germany for 16 years but still a truly Malay. Liza told me Kak Ina is an expert in cooking Malay dishes and it proved her right. Yester day for berbuka, we had very delicious karipap, made by Kak Ina and Liza had made kuih lapis, with Kak Ina’s recipe. They also served nasi tomato, gulai ayam and so on but after eating all the kuihs and still tired from journey, I was very full.

Today we’ll be going to Darmstadt. Since Razif is working, Kak Ina and Liza will accompany us to show the way. We’ll be staying in Hotel Aron, Darmstadt until Wednesday to get things settled. We would probably come back to Frankfurt if we could not find any house there.

It is still a lot of things to do and a lot of things to learn……….


Darmstadt – First Impression

We are in Darmstadt now. Yesterday, Razif, Liza and Kak Ina came along with us to get to Darmstadt. Razif, who was supposed to work yesterday, was not feeling well so he went to see doctor and got MC. Though not well, he insisted that he wanted to come with us. From their house in Russelsheim, we took train up to Frankfurt-Main then changed train to get to Darmstadt. Darmstadt is not very far from Frankfurt, I think it took us only 20 minutes to arrive in Darmstadt from Frankfurt-Main. Since Kak Ina has been to Darmstadt before and she reads and speaks fluent Deutsch (Razif too!), our journey went smooth.

First, we went to search for Hotel Aron, the hotel that we had booked online. From Darmstadt city, we took a bus to get there. The hotel located about 5km from the city. Though it is a budget hotel (the rate is € 29 per head for double room, still expensive if you convert to RM, huh?) the room is actually not bad. It’s quite spacious, clean and comfy. And they only charged additional €10 for extra bed for our twins.

After we had checked-in, we left our things in the room and came back to Darmstadt city with Razif, Liza and Kak Ina. Centre of Darmstadt city called Luisenplatz is a bustling place full of shopping complexes, shops, historical monuments and university. Cik HB’s university, TU Darmstadt is located only by 5-minutes walking distance from Luisenplatz. The first thing we bought was the food and drinks for the twins. Razif took us to this one cheap bakery shop called Back Factory. It has various selection of breads but of course we need to be careful whether it is halal or not. Liza mentioned that some buns are not halal like those extremely soft cause the ingredient is suspected to source from pork based.

And then we went looking for hand phone prepaid number. It’s very important for cik HB to get local number as soon as possible because he needs to communicate a lot with people here. We were so excited when we saw there was this good promotion of prepaid simcard (O2) with free Samsung cell phone at €15! (of course the hand phone is just a cikai one, but it doesn’t really matter, it is still cheap!). But then buying simcard is not as easy as we thought it could be. Apparently in Germany, if you want to buy a simcard, you must provide your residence address. Though Razif has given his address, it was still not acceptable unless Razif could show any letter or documents that printed his name and the address. And Razif didn’t have one. Luckily Kak Ina always brings along her utility bills, so they used her name. So complicated, huh?

Cik HB also met his mentor for the first time yesterday. His name is Junaid Shaikh from India and such a nice person. Razif, Liza and Kak Ina had left by then to Frankfurt. It was already 7 pm, we wanted to break fast in Luisenplatz and since this Junaid is a Muslim, we asked him whether there’s any Turkey’s Doner Kebab around. But too bad, he didn’t know. So we decided to go back to the hotel since we already very tired and we have some express food at the hotel.

View in Darmstadt

Fresh fruits

When we reached hotel it was already time to break the fast. We have dates and chocolates brought from home. And then I cooked maggi in rice cooker and later rice. We have serunding, sambal ikan bilis and crunchy fried ikan bilis with nuts. So it is good enough to fill our stomach.

Tomorrow, cik HB will be going to TU Darmstadt to get things settled. The twins and I will be staying in the hotel. It’s a pity that the twins don’t get enough rest and been dragged all over the place since we travelled to Germany 2 days ago. So let them get enough rest first before we explore more of this place.


House Searching

It’s our fifth day here in Germany. And it’s hard. All because of the language barrier. Everything is in Deutsch. We have yet to get a house. And finding a house/apartment is indeed challenging in Darmstadt. Since there 4 centre of higher learning education around Darmstadt, the competition to get an accommodation is very fierce. And expensive too! So our choice is limited especially to suit our budget and regulation ( the house must be at least 48m2 in space for four of us)

About the house searching, we get help from Indonesian students here. So far we have met two Indonesia who are very friendly, Mas Aldy and Sultan. They speak fluent Deutsch, so they are the one who make the phone call to query about house advertisement. Today cik HB and Sultan are going to see an apartment in Weiterstadt. So if everything is agreeable by both parties (cik HB and landlord), we will take the apartment.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ramadhan & Journey

I guess it's still not too late to wish those who's been reading my blog "Selamat Berpuasa", right?
I'm in KB again. Busy with preparation to go to Germany. Everyday we go out to buy things. And feel so blessed that we have the opportunities to break fast with families before we off to Germany. We were with my family in TM on the first day of Ramadhan and now with my in-laws. My mother-in-law keeps feeding us with favourite dishes every breakfast time. From ayam percik, gulai serati and today she's going to cook nasi kerabu, I'm sure I'll be missing all these when I'll be in Germany.
I'm thinking the best way to pack our things. Cause there are warnings from those we know, to be careful with packing method. Reason being, we carry loads of foods. So if we unlucky, our bags will be ransacked and probably things will be seized by the custom officers. How true is this, I don't know but whatever useful tips that I have received, I'll use it. Thanks a lot to Kak Azi and Zara for all the information.
Tomorrow will be the travellling day. We'll be off from KB airport at 4.50 pm and will be arriving at KLIA at 5.45 pm. We'll be meeting my family and some cik HB's siblings at KLIA. Our flight to Dubai will be at 2 am. So we have ample time to spend with families.
Please wish us luck with our journey. I really hope and pray that we will not face any trouble throughout the journey and life in Germany would be easy.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back Again

Oh! It feels so good to be able to blog again.

It's been pretty hectic for the past one week. Got back from KB then dropped by at Tg. Malim then off back to Melaka. Then to Putrajaya to accompany dear cik HB submitting his KPT papers. Then Melaka again to finish off with the packing.

Now we are in TM. Just arrived from Melaka at 12.30 am. At first we wanted to move out from our rented house in Melaka within this weekdays but the lorry is only available on this coming Sunday. So we have no choice. Since we have planned to go back to KB by 2nd of Ramadhan which is next Tuesday, we decided to go back to TM for a while to spend some time with my family before we off to Germany. Friday, we have to go to Putrajaya again to collect the cheque, then Saturday to meet some friends, then off to Melaka again for the moving out day on Sunday.

We are counting days now...yet there are still some things are incomplete. Just now we were browsing the net looking for temporary accommodation in Darmstadt before we could get a permanent rented place. There is this youth hotel that offers accommodation at affordable price but we were not very sure whether children are counted in the room booking because we couldn't find any option that includes children. So we sent e-mail to inquire about the matter.

Anyway, we have plan B for that matter. Cik HB's friend in Germany has arranged for his friend who lives in Frankfurt to meet us at the airport on our arrival day. We will be staying with this friend at his house for the first night. If we couldn't get a place within the temporary period, this friend has given assurance that we can stay at his place. But we hope we would get the youth hotel cause it is much better for us to be in Darmstadt rather in Frankfurt to get things settled and we do not want to cause anymore hassle to this new friend. It's good enough that he's meeting us at the airport and offers his place for our stay the first night.

Hopefully things are going to be in smooth run......

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Just An Update

Hehehe..finally I get a chance to update.

We are in KB now. Yesterday was my SIL's wedding. We bought the TMnet prepaid card and by using the fixed line, we get connected to the net. op. Using dial-up is not as bad as we have expected. Not as fast as Streamix of course but fast enough to do some browsing on the net.

Good news, our visa is now ready for collection. So does the necessary papers for KPT submission. Flights tickets are booked and confirmed.

However, there are several things to do. We haven't move out from our rented house in Durian Tunggal. That must be done by next week. Just 2 more weeks to go.

Ok, Nabihah is crying like baby and it's very disturbing. I gotta stop now.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Last Working Day


Finally, after two months waiting, and after have been working for 6 years 15 days, the day has finally arrived.

The project team had arranged a farewell lunch for me yesterday. They even bought a Secret Recipe cake. I know it's a norm to have a farewell party when a colleague leaves, but I didn't expect these construction guys would take effort to arrange for a farewell party. How sweet.....


The yummy cake

The project team. Don't ask which one is the evil boss.
He was not around. Invited but refused to come.

Me and Herda, my only lady companion for the past 2 months.
Now that I'm leaving, she'll be the only female at the office

This could be the end of my engineering career. Yes, I've said I hate my job but at certain points, I love my job too especially when I was a designer in the HQ. I feel proud to see some of the projects that I have involved with have been in operation. I've learned a lot for the past six years ever since I started working with SMHB. I'm thinking to pay a visit to my HQ, to meet my ex-colleagues (oh, they have become ex now!) especially Mr. Meyappan, my mentor.

Anyway, though working at site has made me so miserable (I call it the dark time of my working career), with evil boss (I think you have heard enough about him, huh?), long distant daily drive, problems with works, I'm so grateful that Allah s.w.t gave me the strength to go through all these obstacles. At one time, I have thought of going back to HQ, but then I thought again, all these are just small challenges in life, I can avoid this time, but there's no guarantee that I would not face these kind of challenges in the future, would there? So just deal with it.

And I did it. Did it. Yes I did it (nyanyi mcm Dora the Explorer...hehehe).

The past 15 months I have survived driving 240km a day, 1 road accident (read here), several car break-downs and lots more. It was hard but now I feel stronger.

The car that has served me for the past15 months.
Because of its problems, I've learned a lot about car maintenance.

This is my 'baby': Bekok Raw Water Transfer Project.
Bye-bye. X dapat join masa MB potong riben nanti...kekeke

I would not be blogging for a while after this. There is no Internet at home. Besides I'd be busy with lots of things to do. Anyway since I have to return the sim card of the telephone number I'm currently using to the company, and I need to get a new telephone number, I would probably looking for prepaid type that offers broadband. Ada tak, ha? And to friends and acquittance that read my blog and keep my current number, please take note that the number is no more mine after 31/7/08. Nanti kang you all call, takut org lain yg jawab, ok!

Tomorrow is a new beginning of new career: Full time housewife!!!! How exciting!!