Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Calista

Calista and her cousin Carson turned 3 last week! Since they are
less than 24 hours apart we have celebrated there birthdays
together. It's so fun to have them so close! I always like to try
new things for my kids birthday cakes, so I decided I wanted
to try my first fondant cake! I got my sister in on it so she made
Carson one too. It was a very time consuming project, but it
was fun! I have to say it didn't turn out quite like I had hoped,
but it turned out okay. If anyone is wondering if it looks lopsided,
it is! I wanted to off center the two tiers, but then I wished that
I hadn't and just worked with it! The party was a success and
everyone had lots of fun! I still can't believe my baby is 3!

The birthday kids!!

make a wish!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Home for Halloween

In my last post I said that we hadn't been home on a weekend
in almost two months. Well after 2 1/2 months we were home
at last!! I thought that after school started in August things would
settle down a little, but in our case it just got crazier!
This year we went to hurricane to this fun street! Its really
is cool, they close the road and almost every house is decorated
with spooky things, music was playing and everyone is dressed
up. There were a few haunted porches that the kids had to go
in to trick or treat. They had so much fun! We will probably go
there again next year, if we can.


Ready to trick or treat!

Monday night we went to Grandma & Grandpa
Browns house for family night. The kids carved
their pumpkins and played some games.
The kids got these cool suckers so they were
showing me how scary they could be.

Calista getting a prize out of grandmas
special brain filled treasure box

bobbing for apples

I thought this picture turned out pretty cool,
there was smoke in the air from the outdoor
fire pit. sure makes for a spooky picture!

gutting pumpkins