Sunday, November 16, 2008

She's Two!

Calista is already 2! I can't believe it! I have to

warn you, there are a lot of pictures. There are

too many cute ones of her growing up it was hard

to choose, so I apologize in advance. First of all I just

have to say how proud I am of Zander! He finally learned to ride

his bike without training wheels!! He went for the

longest time where he didn't even really like riding it

to riding it every chance he got. He's been practicing

so much and he finally did it!

I don't know where the time has gone, but Calista Autumn

Brown, born on Nov. 14, 2006 at 1:18 p.m. weighed 7 lbs 1 oz.

It has been so fun to watch her grow and develop her

personality! She was I think the easiest pregnancy

I had. I think chasing my two other boys around

all day kept my mind off everthing else. Even though she

was 3 days overdue it was a pretty smooth pregnancy.

I am so grateful for all of my kids, I am truly blessed!

It took 9 months of trying with fertility to get pregnant

with Zander. Then fertility again with Taggart and Calista,

Heavenly Father has blessed our lives. Here is a tribute to her life up to

this point.

She learned to Crawl at 9 months

Her First Birthday! She learned to walk

on her own at 12 1/2 months

She Turns Two!

Here is my attempt at making a butterfly cake

I think it turned out pretty good.

Blowing out the candles!!

FUn and Games! First they did pin the tail on

the donkey, Calista did pretty good for being

blind folded and not really knowing what she was doing.

Thats her tail on the donkey.

All the kids gathering around for fish pond prizes!

Showing off her prizes


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Halloween

So Halloween has come and gone once again!
I can't believe it's time for the holidays already.
I'm not ready at all, but I'm still way excited
to get together with family and eating lots of yummy
food!! Well a few weeks before halloween we
went to Kanab and my sister-in-law Rebecca
bought some spray paint for the kids. I wasn't way
excited about it, but the kids loved it! I had to
wash their hair about 3 times to get it all out.
Calista didn't want to be left out, so we gave
her a little black hair too.Zander wanted a skunk stripe, I think he looks
like a rebelious little kid. (still cute though)

my kids are Ryan's kids Ethan and syrece
(sorry Ryan I don't know how to spell her name)
all together with their crazy hair!

Taggart looked so different with black hair, he
didn't even look like the same kid!

This year we went to BJ's brothers house
to carve pumpkins with their cousins Phoebe
and Chandler. They had tons of fun. Zander didn't
want to touch the pumpkin guts, he's always been
funny that way. Calista loves making messes, so
she was all over the idea of getting her hands dirty.
I was so mad, of course I forgot my camera, so
my sis-in-law Carissa took some pics for me.
Zander and his masterpiece!

Taggart wanted a mean pumpkin. It
didn't turn out very mean looking so he's
making a mean face to help.

Zander had his Halloween party at school,
of course I forgot my camera again!! I am
seriously struggling this year. This is him and
his teacher.
Him and his best friend Josh

Batman, (aka;Jace) Ironman, (aka; Josh)
and Spiderman (aka; Zander)
Taggart also had his Halloween party at
preschool. This is all the kids combined from
all her sessions. they are scaring all the moms!
I actually remembered my camera!
Taggart is the green skeleton

Calista was so good about letting me paint her face
for Tag's party, but on Halloween she wouldn't
have anything to do with it. So this is the only pic
I have with her face paint! I'm glad I got at least

My three scary goblins!
This is Calista on Halloween without her
cute little kitty cat face, little stinker!

My sis and her two youngest boys,
Colten and Carson