Tuesday, July 5, 2011

So far this summer.....

Well I can't believe we are already into July! It has been a fun

summer so far, we've had a family reunion, a grand canyon trip,

swimming at the rec center, mine and BJ's 11th wedding

anniversary, and just celebrated the 4th! We haven't

ventured to far from home this summer because Cutler

is still really little, but we've still found some fun things to do

close to home. Cutler was also blessed this past weekend

on July 3rd. BJ gave him a beautiful blessing, I am so proud

of him for being a worthy priesthood holder so he can use those

gifts to bless and baptize our children! I love spending time

with my family during the summer, so here are some pictures

of some of our fun times! (FYI my kids really like being goofy

in pictures! :) Ive really got to get them to stop with the peace

signs too! )

Sparkler Cupcakes

for Cutlers blessing

I love that they are both smiling!


We had my nephew Jordan with us

It was a lot of fun!

Every year BJ's work has an annual meeting

with a free dinner, bounce houses, face painting,

and lots of fun games for the kids for all Dixie

Escalante customers. Here are the kids

with their faces painted.

I just threw in a couple random pictures of Cutler

and the kids

Monday, May 16, 2011

Baby Cutler

Wow where has the time gone?! Our lives were blessed with sweet

little Cutler Barret just over 5 weeks ago, I can't imagine life without

him! He was born 3 days before my due date on April 15th.

Everything went well with no complications. He was a healthy

7lbs 4 oz and 19 3/4 inches long.

He is growing so fast, its crazy! He lost a little weight at his 2 day check

up, but gained it back and then some for his 2 weeks at 7lbs 14oz.

Calista absolutely loves him (a little to much sometimes ;) ) The boys

love him too! BJ has been amazing, he took a week off work (which he

has never done with any of the other ones) and cleaned and cooked

and anything else I needed! I am so lucky to have such an amazing

husband! I don't know what I would do without him!

We've just been keeping busy since he has been born. Zander and Tag

started peewee baseball this month, luckily they are on the same team

this year so we only have one practice and one game at a time to go to.

Plus a few yard projects BJ has been working on after work and

with the end of school coming up we had Calista's preschool program

and different activities for Zander and Tag, it will be weird when school

is finally done and my kids will be home all day! I am looking forward to

summer and all the fun things we get to do with the kids, hopefully its

not to crazy!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Room for 1 more!

I guess I better update before this baby comes, since its been a while! I just wanted to post some pics of what has been keeping us busy for the past couple months. We have been finishing Zander & Tag's new room downstairs, I was starting to worry we weren't going to finish before this little one arrives! Thankfully we were able to! I felt kind of bad for Calista because for a few days she didn't really have a bedroom. While we were waiting for carpet to be installed I wanted to paint her room, which is where the baby is going to be now, so her stuff was scattered all over the house. She slept in the boys room on the floor. Once we finally got the boys moved downstairs and the babies room painted, I could finally start painting Zander and Tag's old room which is Calista's new room now. (wow thats kind of confusing!) Anyway, we got everybody moved and situated in their new rooms and I am so relieved it is all done!! So with just days from my due date I'm trying to enjoy not having any big projects and relax a little! This first pic is Calista's new room, I still have to hang her letters on the wall of

her name which will go on the green wall. Baby bedding

This is the babies new room, I still have cute little

decals to put on the wall, but you get the idea. These are pics of the Zander and Tag's new room. There are some before pics too at the bottom.

I think my camera lens was dirty, so it looks

kind of spotty, Sorry :(
This last Sunday after church we took the

kids to pioneer park on skyline to hike around

a little, since it wasn't raining or cold! It was

such a nice day!

I had to post some pics of my lovely pregnant self

for Cyndi, because she has been bugging me about

it, so Cyndi these last few are for you!! ;)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Congrats Zander!

I have been so horrible at blogging! I feel like so much has
happened since christmas! I can't keep up!
Since BJ was MIA during the kids christmas vacation from
school, we didn't really get to spend much family time together.
So not long after new years we decided to have a snow day. BJ
didn't go to work and we kept the kids from school to go snow
tubing at Brian Head. I was kind of bummed that because I'm
prego I couldn't go down! for all those who have never been
tubing there, the adults have to go on their stomachs so they
can drag their feet on the way down to keep yourself from
going to fast and running into the safety net at the bottom.
The kids had so much fun though so even though I couldn't go
it was so worth it, just to see their smiling faces. I didn't post
any pics from it because I took all the pictures with my video
camera and can't figure out how to get them off right now!
Soon after that Zander had his 8th birthday and we celebrated
at Fiesta Fun again, since that is his favorite place in the world!
Then this last sunday, Feb 5th we were honored to watch
our oldest son become a member of the Church Of Jesus Christ
Of Latter Day Saints! It was an amazing day! I am so proud
of him! His cousin Kaleb also was baptized earlier that day so
we were able to attend both!
I am so grateful for family and friends who were there to
support us, we couldn't be happier with how everything
turned out!

Zander and his dad!

Zander and Kaleb

Zander's cake! (thanks liz for recommending her)

Did somebody short take this picture or what?!

Zander b-day cupcakes

Minature golfing

presents and pizza!

Go Karts! My stinkin' camera was having
serious problems, and I couldn't get any pics
of them on the go karts!


Just playing jumpin around!