Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Parenting: Touching the Hearts of Our Youth

Watching this the other day gave me an extra boost on what I have been trying to do all along with my children. With little time during the day for much of anything, I often catch myself not paying attention or not "being there".

Today during my workout/walk pushing the stroller, Bronson (3) and I were able to have such a good long conversation when we were going downhill or on flat road (I prohibit uphill talking as a strict rule). Analise had fallen asleep so it was concentrated time just for Bronson. I was so impressed with the songs he wanted to sing, and the thoughts he had while we walked. I thought about this little YouTube video as I was walking and felt so happy. This is what it means to connect to their hearts. Pure joy at that moment.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Laughing With you, Not AT You!

This one's a funny one, this Bronson Keller. He comes up with some great lines. The boys watched "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" with their cousins last week. A few days later I heard Bronson talking about that funny movie, "Diarrhea Wimpy Kid". When I busted out laughing at him, he took it personally and said, "Mom, stop laughing, I don't think it's funny anymore." I can very much understand the misunderstanding of that movie title- it sounds just like that.

Last week I had my Heating/AC guy (unfortunately we've had issues so ...he is here a lot, and so he is... "my" A/C guy) bring me some new filters for the upstairs furnace. They are white square box looking things- he brought me 6, stacked up on his hand. Bronson looked out the front door window and shouted, "'s the pizza man!" I told the "pizza man" what he said and we all had a good laugh. Bronson again had that look on his face like, "why are you laughing at me?!?"

Bronson is AWESOME. I love 3 year olds very much.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

He's 12!

My first born turned 12. I have a 12 year old. In our church, it's a very important age. It's the age when a boy is able to be ordained to the priesthood. You can learn more about this at So that is just one more exciting step for Landon to take as he grows older. Here are some things about Landon that make me a happy and thankful mom. First, he is healthy. He is a very responsible boy, helps so much at home, knows how to work hard and how to relax and have fun. He has a happy disposition most of the time and is very easy to be around. He is a great example to his little brothers and sister, and takes good care of them all. I feel very honored to be his mother. Before I know it, he'll be leaving for college- we don't have him around forever. I know this after living the last 12 very fast years with him around. It's all very surreal. Thanks, Landon for being YOU.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Makin' Memories One Summer at a Time

The boys are back to school. We have had such a fun summer together and tried to pack in as many fun activities as we could. Here is a skeleton list, in no particular order, of what we did the last couple of months:

planted a garden, t-ball/baseball season, BYU swim and soccer camps, dinosaur museum, SLC Children's museum, swimming lessons, hanging out at the gym pool with good friends, taking care of the baby girl, playing in the backyard, lots of family visits, Bear Lake trip, wake boarding/boating/tubing, CA beach trip, rode bikes, visited family/play with cousins, swim meet, Willow Park Zoo, Stokes Nature Center, hiking, scouts, played with friends, long long long slip n' slide (250 feet down a huge hill on a farm...), had friends visit from far away/BBQ in the backyard/s'mores, piano lessons, sun, sun and sun. And of course lots of chores in the lazy summer mornings. Camden is literally seeing some of the fruits of his labor as he has diligently watered his strawberry plants everyday. He has also nurtured the zucchini, rhubarb, peas, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, carrots, and cabbage. We really made some good memories this summer- and took Eric with us whenever we could. He and I even got a Deer Valley get-away. What more could one ask for?

I am now grieving over the days gone by but just for a few minutes. Because, I'm happy for my kids to have started a fresh new year. New teachers, new notebooks, new pencils and supplies, (old clothes because they all still fit and's polo shirts and khakis for the dress code), and just a brand new start all the way around. Today they came home from school a little hot but with big smiles. That is so good. I'm trying to take it all in. Each year. Each moment. I'm trying to take the advice of older moms who keep saying, "it goes by so fast...enjoy it all!" Being "in the moment" is so cliche, but when one truly practices it, it seems to keep getting easier. Like a learned skill. I'd better master it quick- because remember? No regrets.