-she had a hard time getting to sleep when I would rock her like crazy for almost an hour, so one night I got frustrated & just had to put her down & she fell right to sleep. So ever since then, we just swaddle her & lay her down at night & she goes right to sleep (but we do have to put her binky back in a few times before she falls asleep enough to not need it)
-good sleeper, only wakes up once at night
-has to have her blanket by her face to go to sleep & her binky
-naps in swing, but trying to get her used to the crib by giving her at least one a day in there & isn't swaddled for naps
-absolutely hates carseat
-we read at least 3 stories a day
-sticks out her bottom lip & cries when we sing "you are so beautiful, to me"
-I had to take her to get her shots by myself & thankfully it wasn't as bad as everyone says. She was a tough little cookie & just had sore legs the rest of the day (no fever or loss of sleep)
-Weighs 11 lbs now & is in the 44% for weight & 30% for length
-had to start supplementing because she wasn't getting full
-she has a thick bald spot on the back of her head because she moves her head back & forth when she loses her binky & her hair is also thinning
-getting good at holding her head up
-wearing size one diapers
-when people ask her name, they always ask if its irish
-we take puppies for walks everyday & she rides in the bjorn & loves it
-smiles & coos a lot, "oh's, mmm's"
-loves the owl on her bouncer, smiles at it alot
-rolled over once on my bed, but had a little boost from the comforter under her back (I had walked into the bathroom for two seconds, came back out & found her on her belly...scared me!)
-always tries to watch tv when eating or laying on couch
-got her pictures taken at target, she got super grouchy, but luckily we got a few good ones
-loves her stroller
-loves people & will smile when they talk to her
-loves being out & about
-still eats almost every two hours
-loves looking at the picture frames on her wall when she's getting changed
-sleeps in our bed after she eats in the middle of the night