It was too cold but because I've just quit my job yesterday, we decided to go out. It was windy and cold so I was too lazy to fix my make up. Of course I put on make up before we left but because it was too cold I decided not to fix my make-up because I know no one will be interested to look at me in a very cold weather. But I didn't know that my hubby can notice about it. He told me to take care of my skin or face and don't forget to put on and fix my make-up. He said it doesn't mean that I don't work so I don't need to prepare myself. Even when I'm home, my hubby always notice me. The way I dress up and the way I look.
Anyway, he was funny when he told me to fix my make-up while we were heading home. Yes, we were just heading home so I thought he won't care about it anymore but still he noticed me and told me to put on more make-up. Ouch!
Btw, he also noticed my bag. He told me not to use it anymore even when it's still in great condition. It still looks good and new but he said it's not on anymore. He told me to use my brand bags. Ouch!