Monday, August 20, 2012

if you like movie posters, and all things graphic design...

I thought this was a cool website.
to be fairly honest, I'm puzzled as to how I kept this blog untouched. There was a time and point in my life where I depended on this blog to keep my life going.

The past 6-7 months have been the most brutal but most challenging moments in my life this year.

If I'm being honest, why hide it back?
I fell into depression, underwent a series of psychology treatments and was under antidepressants to stop my panic attacks that went on a daily basis for almost 2 months straight.

In the process, I lost some of my friends, others of which I found out were truly my real friends and I lost bits of myself I couldn't claim. Having said that, I'm in a much better place, focusing on what I do best, my design work... and Im ready to start this blog again, though I'm considering of opening a new one.