Tuesday, December 30, 2008

congrats to all those who picked up
their PMR results today. (:

welcome to form 4.

its gonna be hell.

just kidding. ;)

Monday, December 29, 2008


pictures from dad's house are coming.
omg. its gonna be 2009 in just 2 more days.

i havent been doing much. ive been running errands actually. lol.
but yeah. pictures will be up shortly.
going back to mums tomorrow.

oh oh. i made a CAT-erpillar.
will show you why.
and i named it jared. :D

till then.

and ko-en! :D
turning two in feb

yeap thats them. so grown up kan?
thats kaizer who's turning 6 on the 3rd

the grandparents i hardly see.
which was kinda the main point i was there at my dads.

jared. :D


happy birthday,

happy 15th birthday sweets. (:
im pretty sure you'll have an awesome one even with
your results coming out as well.
just take everything easy and you'll pull through.
you're getting a year older and definitely wiser.
thank you for being there. (:
i know we havent spoken much but i'll give us the chance to catch up.

i havent seen you in ages and
we should meet up! :D
im suppose to meet up with joshua tan soon, you come with yeah? ;)

enjoy the day, as it is yours. (:


Sunday, December 28, 2008

so long, farewell.

i attended
Ee Wui Yang's farewell/open house last night. lol
(well he isnt leaving just yet. )

kinda alot of people attended, but i hitched a ride
from leenna and marie and aainaa. (:
with marie's dad but halfway through her dad lost his way so he dropped us off at subang parade
and we called wui yang to pick us up.
quite the fun la.

marieuswui yangwui jiewui liang
*on the phone*
hi could i speak to wui jie please
(wui yang passed the phone)
hey we're kinda lost from subang parade could you ask wui yang to pick us from
wui yang!!
omg that was wui yang you were first on the phone with?!
stupid boy. -.-
pass the phone to wui yang.
wui liang?!
pass the phone back to wui yang
omg.-.- the wui brothers ah. lol.

we pigged out like crazy! like no joke.
and then everyone practically entertained themselves
by playing different card games.
we had ujin in one corner with a bunch of em who were playing cards
that needed drinks. lol and pui yi, trixie and all playing
harry potter trivia questions, matt and ian who were playing poker and black jack
which btw matthew chew, you owe me 7 bucks. ;)

and what do you know, there was a cake as well. :D
so we pigged out some more.
and fi went hyper. lol. so we decided to go up to his room to use his toilet
cause some people dont really know how to pee properly. eewie.
and then fi decided to advertise his stuff. lol.

while waiting for wui yang's dad to send us to mcd's
so marie's dad could pick us up, we stumbled on a present. :D
that read,"to bryan ee wui yang....."
and we all just went,
shocker huh? we kinda figured he didnt fit the bryan name,
but then again its probably cause he never used it around us. huh.

went back to rie's place and we lepaked while waiting for leenna's dad
and then i got sent home
and here i am now.

ive got pictures to upload and i have no idea when im gonna get em done. shit!
i need it done by the 30th by the very least.

pics from my camera and marie's.more coming.




take 1

take 2

take 3

we had free complimentary drinks while waiting for our wedges

the honey stick they made me buy so we could all wait at coffee bean for wui yang.


fi, leenna and elisa

pui yi, weng yee, jessie and trixie with jia lik behind weng yee
doing the harry potter trivia

and so we played bluff.

that as you can see was the drinking game. ;) no worries parents, i didnt participate.

then there we were playing black jack.(:

so we did a camwhore session considering how bored we were. lol

i guess marie didnt get the message bout being serious. lol

ian was using leen's camera.

the retard

stupid candid. lol

he said "be cool"

his idea

funny thing, leenna said "lets point to you wui yang"
and we ended up pointing at leenna. lol

we sang happy birthday for some reason to everyone who was leaving.
quite cool.

yeap. look how read jin was. lol

thats better. ;)

i found it funny that they had ice lemon tea in a kettle. :P

look look! fi ate a whole pice from the cake! :D
but she failed as a baker.lol. so she says from the way she was cutting the cake.

he had a pink wallet in his room.

fi advertising his closet. lol
theres more. :D
waiting from leenna's pics.

yeap, they were still hungry

there's still more so just wait. ;)