Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow Day!

Yesterday, an amazing thing happened. It snowed in Austin! At our house, it came down all day, and the kids loved it. Well, Scout had her moments when it just got too cold for her, but Garrett could have played out there all day, I think. The minute it started, I bundled up the kids and sent them out immediately. You never know how long something like that is going to last in our area, so I wanted to make sure they didn't miss it. We made two snowmen and had a great snowball fight. Garrett was very sweet to make snowballs for Scout, and then he would instruct her as to whom her next victim would be. He even chose himself sometimes and stood still so she wouldn't miss. The snowball fight that happened when Ryan got home was a little more brutal, and it was right up Garrett's alley. We're sad to see that everything had melted by this afternoon, but it was fun while it lasted!

G trying to catch some on his tongue just as it started falling

Our backyard and deck when it really started coming down

The kids starting to form some snowballs

Our snowman



Scout trying to hug the backyard snowman

Never saw it coming


Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy V Day!

Garrett was really excited about Valentine's Day this year, with good reason. We had more candy than both kids could eat. He made some sweet projects at school for Mommy and Daddy, and gave and received some sweet cards and treats. Scout is loving having a brother in preschool, because she gets to attend all the parties and partake in all the treats. At G's party this year, they frosted and decorated sugar cookies, which was surprisingly not that messy. Neither of my kids finished their cookies, either, which was great. G even decorated a special cookie just for me!

Our actual Valentine's Day was spent running and driving all over Austin. Ryan ran the Austin Marathon, and I had the privilege of cheering him on. My parents came into town for the weekend and brought my kids out to cheer as well. The reason this marathon was so special, was that Ryan got to run it with our friends Kim and Derek. It was their first marathon, and there are few things Ryan loves more than sharing his love of running with others. Kim had a little bit faster marathon time goal than Derek, so Ryan decided to stick with Derek and let Kim go on ahead. He was so glad he did. He ran a marathon the day before that didn't have adequate water stations, so he got dehydrated. The morning of Austin's race, his legs were killing him. He kept it to himself, though, so as not to worry Derek.

The first time I saw them was a little beyond mile 5. I randomly met up with my friend Andrea, and we waited to cheer them on. The kids had made signs for our three runners, which I had ready with me. They all looked great once they saw us, and we saw a few of our other friends there, as well. My next stop was a little after the halfway mark. Kim was still going strong, and the guys seemed to be doing well, also. It helped that they knew to look for the signs. I met up with my family after that and went to mile 21.5 where Ryan's running club had an unofficial aid station set up. Ryan's running buddies were true to themselves, holding nothing back to cheer on their friends and fellow runners, Mexican wrestling masks and all. Ryan got serious inspiration from seeing them, and he needed it to make it to the finish. I didn't get to see Kim cross the finish line, but I was so happy to see the guys do it. I think the accomplishment was made so much sweeter by the fact that they helped each other reach their goals. There were times when Ryan felt strong, and Derek didn't. But there were also times when Ryan wanted to walk so badly but didn't, because Derek was running strong. I'm really proud of all three of them for doing something most people never will. I felt like I was on cloud 9 for a couple of days after the race, and I didn't even run it! I always thank Ryan for letting me be a part of his support team, and this time I have to thank Kim and Derek, too. If you haven't crewed before, find a runner and try it. You'll be hooked!

We did have a nice Valentine's dinner the next evening at home after we put the kids to bed. I didn't mind spending my Valentine's Day the way we did, though. We were surrounded by things and people we love, doing something we love, in the city we love. Run Austin. Love Austin.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


As most of you have heard by now, my son asked to have his hair cut short. He has said this before, but we dismissed that request almost immediately. He seemed to be a little more serious this time, and even had four reasons why he'd like his hair short. "I don't want my hair to get in my ear wax. I don't want it to get in my nose. I don't want it to get in my mouth. How many is that?" "Three." "Oh, and I want to look like a rock star."

So, Ryan took him to Floyd's Barbershop, where a guy named Bill with a bunch of tattoos (he immediately met G's approval, since he likes pirates, too) cut off my precious baby's hair. Ryan said it was pretty traumatic watching the huge clumps of hair falling to the floor. Even one of the other hairdressers was surprised, asking him if he was sure he didn't want to look like a pirate anymore. I have to admit that I was pretty shocked when he walked through the door. Even the next morning when he climbed into our bed, I did a double take. He just didn't seem like my G at all. Now, I'm used to it, and I have to admit that I really like it. I feel like we now know that he can pull off long and short, and I'm fine with whatever he wants. The advantages to the short hair, though we don't get as many compliments from strangers, are that he'll be much more comfortable this summer, he doesn't get it in his mouth or eyes, and no one thinks he's a girl anymore! So, I guess we went from pirate to rock star. It's a change I can live with, and he loves it so much. Either way, he's a great-looking kid!

Cold February

It's been freezing this month, and we're all ready for some spring-like weather. The kids squeal and complain every time we get in the car, until the heat gets going. I know we don't suffer like some who live up north, but there's a reason we chose to live in Texas, and it wasn't for the beautiful beaches or lack of bugs. We're trying to look on the bright side and enjoy the fun things about winter. Here are some:

warming your toes by fires in the fireplace

roasting marshmallows

roasting chesnuts

cute winter hats

watching your breath as you play outside

snuggling in a chair to read a good book

hot chocolate and hot tea

fuzzy scarves

not having to mow the lawn

the occasional sleet or frost

concrete floors, that make it possible to ride your bike or scooter inside

soup in bread bowls

fuzzy Crocs

We'll try to enjoy it while we can, because we'll soon be complaining that it's too hot. Then, I'll be thankful for all my cute tank tops...

January Stuff

We ended 2009 and started 2010 with my sister downtown. We went to the parade at First Night, which is a family-friendly event in downtown Austin, and it was a lot of fun. The kids loved all of the weird floats and funny costumes. It was really windy, though, and we were happy to get back in the car and head for home. We changed the kids into pj's, poured some sparkling cider, and did our own countdown, before putting the kids to bed. Garrett is up for any excuse to drink something sugary, but Scout practically gagged on the cider. She took about three sips, before finally giving up on it. I think she just enjoyed the clinking of glasses and cheering "Happy New Year!" After the kids went to bed, Andrea and I settled down to watch the celebration in New York. At one point, she said that she'd heard that in some cultures, they believe that the way you spend New Year's Eve is the way your year will go. We're so hoping that's not true, as it was a fairly uneventful evening spent in our robes without a man in sight.

My man was missing because he was in Kingwood, TX getting a good night's sleep before his first marathon of the year. He has challenged himself to run all of the Texas marathons this year, and the first was on New Year's Day. What a way to start the year, bright and early. He stayed the night with an older couple from the local church, who were hosting a party for their Funtimers class. So, Ryan celebrated sitting on the couch next to a 90-year old woman in a tiara, who was very pleased to have a handsome young man next to her. He ran the race well, and received the biggest finishing medal I've ever seen. The race promotes itself as having the biggest medal. It's seriously the size of a salad plate.

The next day, our friends Brett and Stacy from college and their kids drove in to town to see us. We haven't seen them since Harding, so there was a lot to catch up on. Their son is really into garbage trucks, so Ryan's landfill was right up his alley. We also fed the giraffe and saw the other animals on the ranch. Thanks, Davies family for making the drive!

Later that month, we headed to Bandera for Garrett's one mile trail race. It's the same one he did last year, only Ryan wasn't running in the 100K this year, due to his marathon goals (he ran a marathon the next day). So, basically, we drove almost two hours for a one-mile race on a day when the temperature didn't climb out of the 20's. It was all worth it, though, to see G cross the finish line. Ryan ran it with him again this year, but told him that he'd have to do it on his own next year. The course is a tough one, with some rocks so big, he had to climb. We were freezing waiting for him, but it was so great seeing him finish. He received a finishing medal and a trophy of a horned toad. He said it was a good run, but that he could have really used an aid station and some food along the way. Joyce, who organizes the run, said she'd put an aid station out there for him next year with some water. We had a celebratory dinner at Incredible Pizza and finished out the weekend with my sister in San Antonio. The kids had a great time playing at her place with her guinea pig and spending time with their sweet aunt. We parted ways with Ryan the next day, so that he could go to his next marathon.

It was a busy and fun month. We got back into the routine of school and life without Christmas parties, and I've learned to get through a church service by myself with the kids, waiting for Ryan's text that he put another 26.2 behind him. I'm so proud of Ryan for all of his races, though, which he talks about in detail on his own blog. I'd give more details about them, but I've only been to the one in Austin. Sorry, babe!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


A conversation I just overheard between my two kiddos at the lunch table:

G: The Holy Spirit is with us, Scout.
Scout: Huh?
G: The Holy Spirit is with us - while we're eating, whatever we're doing. He's always with us.
Scout: Ohh!
G: I think we're going to heaven, Scout.
Scout: Otay, G!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas fun

We got to do a lot of fun things this December. Ryan constructed a gingerbread house, which the kids decorated. Well, G decorated it. Scout couldn't stop stuffing her mouth long enough to actually put anything on the house.

We went to Home Depot again this year to get our tree. It was freezing the night that we went, but we managed to have fun.

The kids got some cute Christmas pj's. It's so hard finding matching ones for a boy and a girl!

Garrett got to play Joseph in his school Christmas program. His friend Emma was Mary, and Scout's friend Brooklyn was one of the sheep. They were all so cute!

Ryan's parents came to visit. His dad brought two projects to put together for Scout - a rocking chair, and a cradle for her baby. Garrett helped a little. She absolutely loved them! Thanks, Pop. We roasted chesnuts together, went to the Galleria and saw Santa, and went to a Christmas laser light show. The kids had a lot of fun with their grandparents, and it was a fun visit.

Roasting toes and chesnuts

G doing his signature dance move to the Christmas music

Nonni, look at the lights!

Dancing to the music with Nonni

Snow in central Texas!

Let it fall!

Mommy even got some in her hair

Looking at the lights with the special glasses Nonni brought (it makes the lights look like Santa or a snowman)

Enjoying hot chocolate and popcorn after the show

We baked, decorated and delivered Christmas cookies to our neighbors. It's one of our traditions that just keeps getting better as the kids are more able to be involved and understand what we're doing. The kids even got something in return. The sweet neighbors across the street gave the kids a Christmas cookie cookbook and cookie plate, and they gave Garrett a bike that they bought for their youngest grandson when he came to visit this summer. So sweet!

Christmas Eve was fun. Our kids had spent a few nights at my parents' house, so we were happy to have them back. We let the kids open a couple of presents. G loved his new fire truck that makes noises and lights up, and Scout served us tea all evening with her new tea set that makes noise when you pour it. The kids sprinkled reindeer dust on the yard to attract Santa's reindeer, and then we set out for the Christmas Eve program at our church. It was a family-friendly service, and the kids got to go on stage and sing Christmas carols. Scout got really into it and raised her arms in the air at the end of the last song, then clapped for herself. It was a miracle that we didn't set ourselves or the church on fire with the candles. We came home, set out cookies for Santa and carrots for Rudolph, and went to bed. Merry Christmas, everyone!