Sunday, March 27, 2011


This is big. I am stepping out of my cave to give a little update. So, we have officially moved to Bear Lake. We are up here nestled in the mountains with an amazing view of the lake in our new cozy home. It is just perfect for our little family. We get to be close to work and I cannot even begin to tell you how good that feels! Here are some other perks: we are 5 minutes away from the marina, which makes for some good quality boating all summer long. We don't even have to put up with the wind if we don't want to! We are 15 minutes from Beaver Mountain and we already have season passes for next year (end of season discount). Bean's favorite fishing spot on the Logan is 15 minutes, as is some of the best hiking and mountain biking in Logan Canyon. So we are pretty much set for all of our recreational desires.

Just so you know we are currently welcoming any visitors. We will put you up in our guest room furnished with two queens and a bunk bed. If you are ever plan on visiting the area and need a place to stay...or I totally wouldn't mind if you just stopped in to say hi.

Here is what we do in Bear Lake for entertainment in the middle of the winter. Yes, still winter.

We bundle up and go to the park. Kenya didn't have boots and was tromping around in her running shoes, so our park adventure involved lots of mouth-to-foot resuscitation.

Don't mind the pink boots, all my boys wear them.

These swings were the best, big ole' plastic buckets great for clearing a path in the snow.

And here we have another favorite activity: "drive" Daddy's truck. I officially have two buddies.

These next few are of the "Skinner Family Dig Out 2011". This is our back deck covered in 2 or so feet of snow. This is going to be our "backyard" so we thought we would give it a head start. We are ready to bring out the bikes.

Kenya has been on a swim suit kick. This is where I found her the other day in 30 degree weather. Either she is really excited about getting summer here or we are just Bear Lake hardened. On a "warm" day the children play in the mud. Don't worry, Brigham assured me that the water was warm. Best day of his young life.

Now who wants to come up for a visit?