Andy had the choice between going fishing in the mountains and making zucchini boats for his birthday activity. He chose zucchini boats. So, Bean came home early, we carved our zucchinis, and busted out the longboard. Even Isaac was a skater for a day.
Brigham was the longboard king and got pretty good going down the grass hill.
Everyone got rides.
Tricks even.
Bean got a few runs in without any kids standing on the board, just Andy chasing him down the road.
It was the day before freezing, so we cleared out the rest of the produce from the garden.
We pulled out winter squash, green tomatoes. Oh, and look, a cute baby!
When Landon came we were all so excited to see him. The kids mauled him pretty good. Here the boats are all carved to perfection ready to take to the canal.
Kenya was pretty proud of her creation. The pipe cleaners started out being her initials KAS but then she added a "t" to make "kast" (as in cast) which is why her zucchini has a blue band-aid. Got it? She was so proud of her boat that she didn't want to lose it in the water, so we will never know if Kenya's boat is a champion or not.

Isaac got a first-class seat. I just noticed that he is missing a shoe. How can it be?
Everyone loves Landon.
Waiting for the boats to make it through the culvert. Who's is going to be?!
And the winner is Isaac! His was the only boat that stayed afloat.
I am thinking we will have to make this a tradition. We are pretty good at growing gigantic zucchinis anyway.
Since it was Andy's birthday I let him wear jammies ALL day. I don't usually let him wear them all day, just some of the day, so this was a big deal.
Photo by Kenya. She is so artistic.
Another photo by Kenya.
One of the boys' favorite activities is to get in Landon's truck.
Campfire fun. The birthday boy wanted hot dogs and marshmallows. We sang songs and everyone told the best part of the day. I am pretty sure Andrew said "marshmallows". Bean's was longboarding. And mine was something like how just when I was about to cancel the party because the kids' jobs weren't done, they started working like a team to get it done. Landon's was probably just being with us because we are so awesome. I can't remember what he said, but it was probably that.
The birthday boy all cleaned up ready for some cake! Andy loved his blue tractor, blue basketball, and blue sleeping bag cake. He has been asking for it for months.
The basketball portion. I didn't really make a blue sleeping bag cake, but he thought I did so that is all that matters. You had no idea I have so much talent, did you?

The final hurrah of the evening was a pajama party. Everyone got new pj's and treats for conference the next day. We played "Skunk in the Barnyard" and then it was off to bed!
This is what Landon worked on during conference. It is going to be a custom-made sweater! He hasn't told me yet, but I am pretty sure that he is going to make one for me next.
Acrobatics between conference.
It was really unfortunate that he has a life and had to leave. For a week straight Brigham and Andrew ask me if Landon is stronger than Dad. Looks like our superman dad has a rival. Nobody could possibly be stronger than Dad, but Landon sure comes close.
I am pretty happy that I had my camera out to capture us playing in the yard before the last session of conference. Bean and his boys.
One of Isaac's final times as a crawler.
Kenya showing off her new sparkle belt.
Oh man, this is the life!
Oh no, the baby monster is going to get me!
He's my Biah! His nickname is Biah, Isaac-->Izy-->Izy Bizy-->Iza Biza-->Iah Biah-->Biah. Just want to remember the origins, that is all.
I am so in love with Brigham's signature these days. Here is the sidewalk chalk version. The "g" and the "a" have tails, but he was not quite sure which way they go. Since then, he figured it out so I am glad I captured it.