Last week, we were supposed to do a review of all the swar. None of our Hindi Sr. friends showed up!
This week we had three students and it was back to the building blocks with at least two of them. Remember, regular attendance, a review of what was taught and diligence with your homework are the keys to success!
This week we did the following vowels all over again along with matras.
We learned how to identify the beginning sound and whether it is a long or short vowel.
अ (A) - अ ना र Anaar (Pomegranate) No matra
आ (Aa) - आ म Aam (Mango)
इ (e) - इ म ली (Imli) - Tamarind.
ई (ee) - ई ख (eekh) - Sugarcane
उ (u) - उ ल्लू (ulloo) - Owl
ऊ (oo) - ऊ न (wool or yarn)
ए (ae) - ए ड़ी (ankle) , ए क (one)
ऐ (aae) - ऐ न क (glasses)

When the vowels follow a consonant or any of the non-vowel letters they will assume a different shape. This shape is called a mātrā (मात्रI).Matras for these Swar look like this :

We did a couple of examples of these Matras in conjunction with the vyanjan to see how they look.
We did the first six matras from the following list:

Please review these and review the rest of the vowels before next class.
Agle haftephir milenge.
मीना आंटी