Freitag, 29. Januar 2021

DC Whatever the weather

 Hello, crafters! The Daring Cardmakers have a new challenge for you.

Whatever the weather!

Show us something weather-related on your cards.

I used my umbrella on a water colour background. I ran the water colour paper trough a laminator and was able to remove most oft he warping! Yay!

The weather here was really crazy this week … a mix of snow, rain, sunshine and storms. The challenge fits perfectly 😉.

Can you see the snow on the pavement ... but not on the road ;-)?!

Diese Woche geht es bei den Daring Cardmakers um das Wetter. Zeigt uns eure Werke, auf denen Regen, Schnee, Sonne etc. zu sehen ist.

Das passt perfekt zu dieser Woche, in der wir hier bereits viel Regen, etwas Schnee, ein minibisschen Sonne und starken Wind bzw. StĂŒrme hatten.

Ich habe meinen tollen Regenschirm verwendet und ihn auf einem Aquarellhintergrund geklebt. Da es mich immer so stört, dass das Papier sich wellt (auch wenn ich es mit Kreppband auf die Unterlage klebe!), habe ich es dieses Mal, als es noch ein A4 Papier war, durch den Laminierer geschickt. Hat super funktioniert!


Freitag, 15. Januar 2021

DC It's Bagel Day

 Hello, crafters!

As every Friday, the Daring Cardmakers have a new challenge for you. As it is Bagel Day in the USA, Nat wants to see circles on your cards.

Apparently it's National Bagel Day in the US of A today, so I'm challenging you to celebrate that round food favourite by featuring a circle / circle frame / circle aperture as the main focal point of your card.

But should you happen to have a bagel or even a donut in your stash, it's definitely a good excuse to include that on your card!

And of course make sure you enjoy a bagel today! ;)

I don’t have any bagel or donut stamps in my stash and I haven’t eaten a bagel since my time in the USA over 10 years ago … but it was a good prompt to use my new circle die cut, which creates a swing card.

Einen Bagel oder Donut habe ich nicht zu bieten, aber Kreise 😊! Und es war die perfekte Gelegenheit mal das neue Stanzenset von meinem Action-Hamsterkauf zu verwenden. Die Stanze kreiert ein tolles Drehelement. Die Maße habe ich von Reni ĂŒbernommen. Allerdings habe ich das Gutscheinfach weggelassen. Ich verschenke i.d.R. keine Gutscheine oder Gutscheinkarten.

Freitag, 8. Januar 2021

DC January Elemental Inspiration


Hello, crafters! Welcome to the new year 2021!

I wish you all a very happy and healthy new year which will hopefully grant us a bit more freedom than the last one.

(But as crafters at least we’re never bored at home, right?!)

The Daring Cardmakers will inspire you with weekly inspirations again and hope that we can inspire and encourage each other.

Have fun with the Daring Cardmaker’s first challenge in 2021! Pick three elements from the inspirational picture and use it on your card:


I used a „wooden“ background, lots of snowflakes and a winter sentiment (only to realize that I have no „neutral“ winter sentiment that doesn’t refer to Christmas … maybe next Christmas season …).

I have never been persistent enough… but I will seriously try to reduce my craft shopping this year and use more of what I already have and maybe even declutter my crafting cupboards again. Let’s see how it goes…