Freitag, 22. November 2019

DC natural, gold, white

Happy Friday, everyone! 
I already made plans visit Christmas markets and sheduled the first Christmas parties with colleagues and relatives … it’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas.

The Daring Cardmakers would like to add to the early Christmas feeling.

We'd love you to join in with us for our seasonal calendar
Have a Very Crafty Christmas
it's a mix of card challenges and others where you can share any kind of crafting project on our given themes -  come and get crafting with the DCM

Natural, Gold and White
This week it's 'Anything Goes' challenge and its a Colour Palette challenge
So, feel free to share any kind of craft project you
 fancy making, but with the beautiful 
Natural, Gold and White colour palette, please!

I used a card and added golden trees and a sentiment. The background paper has a wood pattern for the natural element.

By the way, the weather is awful around here: cold, foggy and always grey – perfect for crafting 😉!

Make the most out of this season!

Freitag, 15. November 2019

DC Just cards: Christmas Songs and Carols

Hello, crafters! The Daring Cardmakers bring you a new Christmas inspired challenge.

This week is an 'Just Cards' challenge and the theme is 

Christmas Songs and Carols

choose any Christmas Song or Carol as the inspiration for making your card. If you want to add a twist by making it not a Christmas card then go for it!  we’d love to see how you manage that

I used a patterned paper with a Christmas song on it and added a few musical notes.

Freitag, 8. November 2019

DC baubles and bows

Hello, crafters! Let the Christmas countdown continue …

The Daring Cardmakers have a new challenge for you to stock up your Christmas cards and projects.

We'd love you to join in with us for our seasonal calendar

Have a Very Crafty Christmas
it's a mix of card challenges and others where you can share any kind of crafting project on our given themes, so tags, bags, boxes or anything else you make.

This week is an 'Anything Goes' challenge and the theme is 

Baubles and Bows

So, feel free to share any kind of craft project, but it must feature 
Baubles and Bows, please

I made a card. For the baubles I used die cut circles and the bows are drawn with black fineliner.

Freitag, 1. November 2019

DC November elemental inspiration

Yay! You might think it’s the start of November … but for the Daring Cardmakers it’s already the start oft he festive season. So get ready for snow, Christmas trees, winter scenes etc. during the next few Fridays.

This week we start our seasonal calendar - its a mix of card challenges and others where you can share any kind of crafting project on our given themes, so tags, bags, boxes or anything else you make.
 We're calling it:
Have a Very Crafty Christmas

This week though, we're sticking to cards and as it's the first day of a new month it's an 
Elemental Inspiration Challenge 
For November we have this lovely, Wintry mood board for you to play with.
Remember, you just need to pick a minimum 3 elements  from the picture to use when making your card.  If you choose to use the colour palette, then that would count as one of your elements.

[Image: board.jpg]

I picked glitter, stars and snow covered trees.

You will notice during the next weeks that I love this set of dies (and the matching stamps). It was an expensive purchase but I think I already got it’s money worth out of it. And besides ... I don’t own that many Christmas products…

Hallo, ihr Lieben! Ihr denkt der November fängt an, aber fßr die Daring Cardmakers beginnt heute schon die Festtagssaison. Die nächsten Wochen gibt es jeden Freitag eine sehr weihnachtliche Inspiration fßr euch.

Macht doch mit, falls ihr noch Weihnachtskärtchen braucht.

Diese Woche gibt es eine Bildinspiration. Sucht euch drei Elemente aus und verwendet sie auf euren Karten.
Bei mir seht ihr schneebedeckte Bäume, einen Sternenhimmel und ein bisschen Glitzer.

Happy crafting! Viel Spaß beim Basteln!