Freitag, 19. Dezember 2014

DC Inspired by you

It’s already time for the Daring Cardmaker's last challenge in this year.

This week it's Leo here and I'm bringing you the final Daring Cardmakers Dare of 2014! We'll be taking a break over the Christmas holidays but will be back on January 9th raring to go with the new dares for 2015. 
For this final dare of the year I'd like you to be....
Inspired by You
Go through the cards you've made this year, wherever you upload them to and pick out a card you made to inspire a new one. It could be you use a different colour scheme or re-use the layout or the same embellishment, anything you choose. Have fun! 

I liked this card I made for my aunt. Actually I wanted to use it as a sketch. But as always it turned out different. But I used quite a few elements again: tags, pearls, paper doily etc.

Und schon ist es Zeit für die letzte Herausforderung der Daring Cardmakers in diesem Jahr.
Leo hat uns diese Woche herausgefordert uns von unserer Lieblingskarte inspirieren zu lassen.

Montag, 15. Dezember 2014

DC Shake it off

Sharon picked a very trendy topic for the Daring Cardmakers' weekly challenge.

 This week, I've chosen:

Shake it Off

I want to see shaker cards this week, and I'd really love to see some creative ways to fill them.

I managed to get this card done in time. I put some sequins and cake decorations in the shaker box.

I spent the whole weekend in this beautiful city. So my post is a bit late.

Sharon hat diese Woche ein sehr trendiges Thema gewählt: 


Schaut euch auf dem Blog der Daring Cardmakers an, was man alles in Schüttelboxen füllen kann und lasst euch inspirieren.

Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2014

Samstag, 6. Dezember 2014

DC December Colour Combo

Dawn picked her first colours for the Daring Cardmakers.
This weeks colour combination dare is  RED and BLUE (any shade)

I really do love seeing red and blue on Christmas cards or as a theme for your Christmas tree.  Something a little non traditional.  Hope this weeks challenge kick starts your creativeness ready for the festive season.

And here is the beautiful inspirational picture she send along.

I tried Jennifer McGuire’s tip to use greeting stamps as a background. You can see her great video tutorial here.

The English version is red and blue.

The German version is blue and silver.

Dawn hat diese Woche zum ersten mal Farben für die Farbherausforderung der Daring Cardmakers ausgesucht.
Rot und blau!

Ich habe vor Wochen Jennifer McGuires Videoanleitung gesehen und musste es unbedingt einmal selbst ausprobieren einen Hintergrund aus verschiedenen Textstempeln zu erstellen. Ich bin mit dem Ergebnis zufrieden :-).