Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hawaii was awesome! We saw dolphins and sea turtles and went para-sailing.  We had a blast with Brent's family.  We were able to experience a little bit of everything on the great island of Oahu.

We were able to see Pearl Harbor and the Polynesian Culture Center.

We had a great time playing in the ocean and seeing the sites of Hawaii!

I got a little sick after para-sailing (of course, classic me), but it was so fun.
And of course we had to sport our Minnesota Twins T-shirts :).

They were shooting a scene from Bay Watch and I had to take a picture.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Take me out to the ballgame!

Hi Everyone,

It's been a busy couple of weeks but we're updating our blog.  I (Brent) am learning how to do this so hopefully I don't screw it up.

The annual MHA prom was really fun and we were able to get together with a lot of the first and second year students. That was Brent and now this is me :) The pictures weren't working before for some reason....

 Brent surprised me on the day before my birthday (May 5th) haha. And he gave me a cute twins shirt and tickets to the Twins baseball game on my b-day.  We had so much fun.  It was rainy but Brent got great tickets underneath the overhang so we didn't get wet.
Brent has been a little injured lately.  He twisted his ankle playing basketball. He is hoping to play tomorrow. This picture is actually improvement.  This week and last he is teaching early morning seminary. No joke, he went to bed at 9:00 on Wednesday. I've never seen that before.  He is enjoying it even if it is super early.

Well, we started our garden.  It was fun to pick out fruits and vegetables for planting. We put up a fence to block out the rabbits and woodchucks, but ahhh they got in and ate one of our tomato plants and the top of our green pepper plant, but we are not giving up!  Things are still starting to grow. :)

This last weekend we went camping with some MHA friends.  We had a blast! We went to Taylors falls. We made yummy tin foil dinners and Brent bought us a dutch oven so I was able to make peach cobbler.  The weather was perfect. We were able to see large potholes and the beautiful St. Croix river which divides Minnesota and Wisconsin.

This is the huge pothole that we are standing in.
Brent and I are having so much fun in Minnesota. We are very blessed and lucky to have such great family and friends.  Brent is enjoying his internship and I'm enjoying work with the Red Cross. It keeps us busy but we are able to enjoy all the fun Minnesota has to offer..apparently it was 50 degrees in Utah and 85 in Minnesota...go figure. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Time in Minnesota

Hi Everyone,
It has been beautiful weather here in Minnesota! A month ago we went to Lake of the Isles. It was beautiful. We also went to Lake Calhoun where we saw people skiing and sailing on the frozen lake. It was really fun to watch.
Brent and I had a great Easter weekend. We decorated Easter eggs with some friends.  

 Brent and I gave each other Easter baskets.  He wrote cute clues to help me find my Easter basket.  So creative. :) Then we just enjoyed the weekend relaxing and watching conference.

Brent and I celebrated our 100 days of marriage! Time flies. It is great.  He gave me flowers. It was really sweet.

We are excited for Brent to start his internship and for the opportunity to experience Minnesota in the Spring and Summer time. I've already been looking up camping spots. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentine's Day Weekend

Hi Everyone,

Brent and I had a great first Valentine's Day weekend together. I decorated sugar cookies. (Amy Loves Brent cookies). Saturday night we played games and made homemade pizza with some of our Minnesota friends. It was great!

Brent is busy with school doing presentations, problem solving, and tests. He is doing a really good job. He enjoys coaching the young men's basketball team and playing ball with his MHA friends.
We just received some great news. Brent got the summer internship at Maple Grove Hospital! It is a brand new hospital. It opened on December 30th, 2009...what a great day. It was meant to be.

I've been in my job now for almost a month. It is going well. It will be a good fit for me. Everyone is really nice and I'm able to nerd out. :) I have a division marketing meeting in Omaha, which will be good to meet more people.

I finally finished Brent's scarf...I realize the weather is slightly warmer, but it's Minnesota, so I'm sure we will still see some cold weather. Oh and I cut Brent's does it look?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wedding Cruise and Minnesota

Hi Everyone,
Well, normally I am anti blog and I don't really love facebook, but Brent brought up a good point that by being far away from family and friends, maybe we should let everyone know what we are up too...and I agree. :)

The wedding was perfect. It was a beautiful white snowy day. Brent and I couldn't have been happier with how everything turned out. Thank you to everyone who made it so special for us!

We went on a Caribbean cruise. It was so much fun! We went zip lining in Honduras and saw the Mayan ruins in Tulum. It was fun to hear Brent speak Spanish. I like to pretend I do as well.

After the cruise, we went to Salt Lake for a day and a half, then drove to Richfield for two days, then drove and drove then slept one night in Nebraska and drove more and now we are waking up in Minnesota! What a whirl wind.

People are so friendly here. Which is so great. Brent started school up again. He is getting his Masters in Healthcare Administration at the University of Minnesota. He is also the new young men's basketball coach. He's a great coach. :) I got a new job at the Red Cross in St. Paul. I will be starting as a Marketing Operations Specialist on February 8th...very much a blessing.

We are so happy here. It is fun to spend time together and make our apartment more homy. Brent has incredible skills in packing and assembling furniture. :) It is fun to cook and I'm having a great time using all my new kitchen supplies.

We went to the winter carnival in St. Paul on Saturday. It was cold and rainy, but we had a great time. They had some fun ice sculptures and a parade.
I wanted to share some pictures from our wedding as well. I'm still trying to figure out how Blogging works, so excuse how the pictures are set up.
It was cold, but we didn't get numb until the very end of picture taking. I love how they turned out.
The reception center was beautiful and all the colors looked great together.
Thanks everyone for making it so perfect!