"We got no troubles ... Life is bubbles. Under the Sea."
Sebastian, The Little Mermaid
Pozdrav poletju in počitnicam.
Komaj smo jih čakali, tako otroci kot tudi tisti ta veliki. :)
Še nekaj dni in pomahala bom obema v pozdrav, do naslednjega leta.
Hello to summer and holidays.
We couldn't wait for them, both children and the big ones. :)
Only one day and we will wave goodbye to both of them, until next year.
Čudovit mehurček počitniških dni,
ki nas poletne mesece odpelje daleč stran od vseh skrbi,
bo vsak čas počil in nas odpeljal nazaj domov.
A wonderful holiday bubble,
which takes us far away from all worries during the summer months,
it will burst at any moment and take us back home.
Vendar če dobro pogledaš svet okrog sebe,
lahko vidiš, toliko čudovitih stvari in kako čudovita je narava okrog nas.
Naj bo to poletno cvetje na domačem pragu, pogled z vrha gora ali pa na dnu morja.
But if you take a good look at the world around you,
you can see so many beautiful things and how beautiful is the nature around us.
Let it be in the summer flowers on the doorstep, a view from the top of a mountains
or at the bottom of the sea

Letos sem imela res neverjetno srečo in svojo dobro morsko vilo,
ki me je odpeljala na morje, kjer škržati pojejo svojo pesem
in tam kjer valovi šumijo morsko pravljico.
I had such an incredibly luck this year.
My mermaid fairy took me to the seaside, where the crickets sings their song
and where the waves rustle the sea fairy tale.
Zato je za nov izziv pri I Love Math Challenge #17: Number 9 - Nature,
ki ga je tokrat izbrala Željka nastala voščilnica z dna morja,
kjer sem uporabila devet morskih elementov.
For the new challenge at I Love Math Challenge #17: Number 9 - Nature,
which this time was chosen by Željka, I made a card from the bottom of the sea,
where I used eight sea elements and a bubble with a sentiment.
Za ozadje sem uporabila Distress Oxide in iz papirja izdelano šablono za dno morja,
štampiljke Jane's Doodles Under the Sea ter štampiljko Najlepšega para.
In dodala še brezbarvne mehurčke z Nuvo Crystal Dropsi.
I used Distress Oxides for the background and a homemade paper stencil for the bottom of the sea,
Jane's Doodles Under the Sea stamps and little stars stamps from Najlepši par.
I added bubbles with Clear Nuvo Crystal Drops.
Lepo vabljena, da se nam pridružiš pri izzivu še ti. :)
Ob koncu izziva srečneža čaka lepa nagrada, set štampiljk Jane's Doodles po izbiri.
Za še več navdiha pa pokukaj na blog še k Milki, Nehi, Kaji in Željki.
You are kindly invited to join us in the challenge. :)
At the end of the challenge there will be a nice prize one lucky winner will receive Jane's Doodles stamp of your choice.
Look at Milka, Neha, Kaja and Želja where you will find some more inspiration.
Letos je bilo poletje zame prav na glavo, a sem hvaležna za morski oddih.
Od tod tudi navdih za nastalo voščilnico, pridružiš se nam tudi ti
in najdi navdih narave okoli sebe.
This year, summer has been quite a challenge but I'm really grateful for the sea vacation.
An inspiration for the summer card is from my vacation and you can also join us
and find your own inspiration in the nature around you.
Pozdrav v slovo poletju in počitnicam.
Greetings goodbye to summer and holidays.
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