"I takes a lifetime to discover all the Greek Island,
but it only takes an instant to fall in love with them."
Oh to poletje.
In ti brezskrbni dnevi.
Oddih in navdih za dušo ter telo.
Oh, this summer.
And those carefree days.
Relaxation and inspiration for body and soul
To so ti dnevi.
Dnevi počitka, dnevi užitka.
Dnevi poslušanja valovanja morja.
These are the days.
Days of rest, days of pleasure.
Days of listening the waves of the sea.
Pod nogami vroč pesek,
na koži žarki poletnega sonca
in sol v laseh ter na obrazu nasmeh.
Hot sand under my feet,
rays of a sunshine on my skin,
salt in the hair and smile on my face.
Poletje me je presenetilo.
Odpeljalo v Grčijo, na sanjsko otočje Santorinija.
In me preprosto začaralo s svojo lepoto.
This summer surprised me.
Took me to Greece, to dreamy island of Santorini.
And simply enchanted me with its beauty.
Modra z belo.
In bela z modro, moji barvi poletja.
Ter petdeset odtenkov grške modrine.
Blue with white.
And white with blue, colours of my summer.
And fifty shades of Greek blue.
Po oddihu na čarobnih grških otokih Santorinija
in navdihu teme izziva I Love Math Challenge #14: Summer Grid,
ki sem ga tokrat izbrala jaz, je nastala morska voščilnica za prijateljico,
ki sem jo spoznala na otoku.
After a vacation on a magical Greek Island Santorini
and the inspiration of the I Love Math Challenge #14: Summer Grid,
that I pick, I created a summer card for a friend,
that I met on an island.
Upam, da lahko prepoznaš tri modre kupole,
ki so tipične za Santorini in se nahajajo v vasici Oia,
kjer lahko opazuješ najlepše sončne zahode na celem svetu.
I hope you can recognize the three blue domes,
which are typical for Santorini and located in the village of Oia,
where you can see the most beautiful sunesets in the whole world.
Pridruži se nam pri izzivu tudi ti.
Ob koncu izziva srečneža čaka lepa nagrada,
čudovit set štampiljk Jane's Doodles, Summer Icons.
Za še več navdiha pa pokukaj na blog še k Milki in Nehi.
Join us in the challenge!
At the end of the challenge there will be a nice prize,
one lucky winner will receive Jane's Doodles stamp set Summer Icons.
Look at Milka's and Neha's blog where you will find some more inspiration.
Hvala, ker še vedno obiščeš moj blog in za vse prijazne besede.
Upam, da se nam pridružiš pri tokratnem izzivu.
Vesele poletne dni ti želim!
Thank you for still stopping by at my blog and all kind comments.
I hope you''ll join us at the challenge.
Happy summer days!
Voščilnico prijavljam na:
Oh to poletje.
In ti brezskrbni dnevi.
Oddih in navdih za dušo ter telo.
Oh, this summer.
And those carefree days.
Relaxation and inspiration for body and soul
To so ti dnevi.
Dnevi počitka, dnevi užitka.
Dnevi poslušanja valovanja morja.
These are the days.
Days of rest, days of pleasure.
Days of listening the waves of the sea.
Pod nogami vroč pesek,
na koži žarki poletnega sonca
in sol v laseh ter na obrazu nasmeh.
Hot sand under my feet,
rays of a sunshine on my skin,
salt in the hair and smile on my face.
Poletje me je presenetilo.
Odpeljalo v Grčijo, na sanjsko otočje Santorinija.
In me preprosto začaralo s svojo lepoto.
This summer surprised me.
Took me to Greece, to dreamy island of Santorini.
And simply enchanted me with its beauty.
Modra z belo.
In bela z modro, moji barvi poletja.
Ter petdeset odtenkov grške modrine.
Blue with white.
And white with blue, colours of my summer.
And fifty shades of Greek blue.
Po oddihu na čarobnih grških otokih Santorinija
in navdihu teme izziva I Love Math Challenge #14: Summer Grid,
ki sem ga tokrat izbrala jaz, je nastala morska voščilnica za prijateljico,
ki sem jo spoznala na otoku.
After a vacation on a magical Greek Island Santorini
and the inspiration of the I Love Math Challenge #14: Summer Grid,
that I pick, I created a summer card for a friend,
that I met on an island.
Upam, da lahko prepoznaš tri modre kupole,
ki so tipične za Santorini in se nahajajo v vasici Oia,
kjer lahko opazuješ najlepše sončne zahode na celem svetu.
I hope you can recognize the three blue domes,
which are typical for Santorini and located in the village of Oia,
where you can see the most beautiful sunesets in the whole world.
Ob koncu izziva srečneža čaka lepa nagrada,
čudovit set štampiljk Jane's Doodles, Summer Icons.
Za še več navdiha pa pokukaj na blog še k Milki in Nehi.
Join us in the challenge!
At the end of the challenge there will be a nice prize,
one lucky winner will receive Jane's Doodles stamp set Summer Icons.
Look at Milka's and Neha's blog where you will find some more inspiration.
Hvala, ker še vedno obiščeš moj blog in za vse prijazne besede.
Upam, da se nam pridružiš pri tokratnem izzivu.
Vesele poletne dni ti želim!
Thank you for still stopping by at my blog and all kind comments.
I hope you''ll join us at the challenge.
Happy summer days!
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Letošnje kartice z dopusta - ko pogrešaš ustvarjanje in barvanje, si kupiš potovalni komplet osnovnih barvic in kartice pobarvanke :) |
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