Monday, August 16, 2010

Go Arizona Cardinals!

We were given tickets to go see the Cardinals 1st preseason game which happened to be on a Saturday. We got to take the whole family. The kids were very excited and of course we had to show our support so I got us all Cards shirts. I think we looked pretty good! We had a fun time, other than parking was crazy and we parked in a lot where they bus you to the stadium, so it was hot waiting for the bus. The kids loved that they got a chance to ride on a school bus. We all had fun cheering them on. When we left at the end of the third quarter, they were losing 13-0 (typical cards, right?) Well, they ended up winning 19-13! We missed all the action. Oh well, we just didn't want to get caught in the horrible traffic on the way home. All in all, it was a great experience. Who knows when the next time will be to go to a game? Go Cards!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First day of School for 2 kids!

Monday was the first day of school for Jackson and Briana. Jackson is in First Grade and Briana is in Kindergarten. Briana has been looking forward to this day since she graduated from preschool in May! Jax was excited, but only to see his friends. He really wishes he didn't have to "GO ALL DAY, EVERYDAY!" We only had a little breakdown with Briana when I was doing her hair. I think the nerves got to her and she cried for just a couple of minutes. But when we were ready to walk to school, she was ready to go. Jerry and I had to split up. He took Jax and I took Bri. They both went and played and then headed to class when it was time. They had a great day. Jerry and I not so much! It is hard having 2 gone all day! We really missed them so we had to go to lunch at Red Robin to "mourn our loss!" We picked them up and they were both pretty exhausted. Bri ended up taking a nap. But I think all in all, they are going to have an awesome year. Their teachers seem great, so we will see how it goes! Especially just having Cassie at home by herself. I don't think it has sunk in that she is the only one home and that it is going to be like that for a long time. I hope she does okay. Although as you can see in the pictures, she thinks she should be going to school as well. We love all our kids so much. I just can't believe how fast they are growing up! They need to stop!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jax and the Tooth Fairy

So Jackson has had his 2 front teeth very loose for a while now. I never thought they would come out. So finally on last friday, one of the front teeth came out when Jax and Bri were wrestling around. He was super excited. And especially because we had just watched the movie "Tooth Fairy". He was hoping "The Rock" would be coming to get his tooth and give him money! : ) The next morning Jax woke up and was sad that the tooth fairy didn't come. (Such a bad tooth fairy). But I asked him, "Are you sure? and he said yes. Well, I told him to go to the bathroom and then we will check it together. Luckily, he has 2 pillows and the tooth fairy left a dollar under the "other" pillow. (wink wink) He was very excited.
Then later that morning he was just playing and the other tooth came out, too! I was sure, I mean the tooth fairy was sure to be right on time with the money this time! 2 teeth gone in 2 days! Crazy! Now he looks so different with his teeth missing and every once in a while you hear a little whistle when he talks! My boy is growing up!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Rare Fun Family Day

Today was a funfilled day. It started off with soccer games for both Jackson and Briana. They had been getting kind of burned out of soccer, but today they were in rare form. Jax scored 3 goals in 2 games and Briana scored 2 goals! Her first two goals! She was so excited and we are so proud of her. Then, after the games, Jerry got a little time off (which is rare for a saturday, so we took full advantage).

First stop - Mattress Shopping. Jerry knows a guy that comes out to the complex that owns a mattress store and he told us that he had some good deals on cal kings. We have had the same mattress since we got married and that was a hand-me down from Jerry's grandparents. So yes we are way overdue. We picked out a nice and inexpensive one. We cannot wait to sleep tonight! But while we were getting the mattress, the kids were having the time of their lives. They were having a "Glee" moment. For those of you "Gleeks", do you remember the mattress commercial they do on the show! Where they are all jumping on mattresses and jumping from mattress to mattress? That's what the kids got to do. Who doesn't want to do that? They jumped from mattress to mattress, running all along them. Laughing the entire time. The owner was so nice to allow them to do that!

Second Stop - Lunch at our Favorite place. By then, we were all starving so we decided to head to our favorite place to eat . . . Olive Garden. We are so predictable, but it is so good. Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks! That's all I have to say!
Third Stop - Movie. As you can tell, we don't have that much time to go do anything all together as a family. So we decided to go see a movie with the kids as well. We decided to go see "Despicable Me". This movie is absolutely hilarious! We were all laughing so hard. Who doesn't like Steve Carell?!?!? That's definitely a movie we will be getting for our movie library.

It was a fun family day and we are completely exhausted, but grateful for that time to be together. Now I can't wait to go try out that mattress! Good night's sleep here I come!