He may not be a big kid, but Nate's got a big personality. He is getting more & more independent each day. He has conquered the computer mouse, scissors, is almost able to independently dress & undress himself . . . next stop, Harvard!

It has been a long, hot, pregnant summer here in Dallas. Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Nate playing in the yard over Memorial Day, before it became to hot to go outside unless we were going swimming. Note to self--next pregnancy must avoid a Dallas summer at all costs.

If you ask Nate what he wants to be when he grows up, he answers "a dinosaur." So he was in heaven when we visited the Dinosaur Park in Ogden while we were in Utah for my brother's wedding this summer. I think at times Nate truly believes he is a dinosaur. He can identify tons of different dinosaurs, and Jake & I are learning a lot along with him.

Nate got a new aunt while in Utah--Nicole (not me, his new aunt) was a beautiful bride, the wedding was beautiful, the reception was a blast, and Nate & Kale made darling little ring bearers. Highlights of the wedding included the chocolate fountain, the aftermath seen on Nate's face, and tearing up the dance floor with some moves I didn't know Nate had in him. Jake & I even got to dance for the first time since our own wedding. Every trip feels like a whirlwind, but we had a great time with everyone, and will be back in November or December with a new little baby to bless!