Monday, April 6, 2015


Today was the ward Easter egg hunt/breakfast. We rode our bikes and enjoyed the weather. The kids had so much fun!

Today we went to church of course. I was able to go to Sunday School AND the combined 5th Sunday meeting. The combined lesson was on a missionary work. It was very inspiring and I feel like Matt and I got a lot from it.

The days are all a blur to me. I probably worked on some bow ties for a friend's sis-in-law's wedding. I haven't been getting many orders in the last while in my shop so it was good to have something happening.

Today I worked on the bow ties some more and made some adjustments to make them look better. We went to a park with some friends (Charis and Catherine and their kids) and we fed the ducks and ate lunch and the kids played.

Today I finished up the bow ties. The kids had a half day so I took them to the cheap movies and we saw Paddington. It was a cute movie.

 Matt had to work late, but later he got to go help my dad with the security at the Easter Pageant at the Mesa Temple. We decided we wanted to go and watch. Erin and Cheyanne came with us. I brought the little kids to my moms and only Ella ended up coming with us. It was really cool to see after a really long time. Afterwards we got to go behind the scenes and see a cute baby lamb that had been born just a few hours before. My dad took us up to the top also which was cool. We had to be careful not to get in trouble.

Today we watched Conference while doing housework. I was able to get more out of the talks while I kept myself busy. The talks that stuck out to me the most were Pres. Packers talk, Sis. Burton's talk, Pres. Eyering's talk on Fasting, and the one on materialism (can't remember who's talk that was). The kids and I made rainbow jello and it was delicious!! Matt went to priesthood session while the kids and I went to my moms to hang out. Natalia and Erin and their kids came too. We had dinner and chatted. It was nice to be with them. An embarrassing moment I'll share: we were talking about essential oils and about diffusers. I don't have a diffuser yet and was remembering that I had some oils on the stove earlier that day. I panicked and had to leave to go home to turn off the stove. I thought of all the scenarios that could've happened and when I got home the stove was off :-/. Oops! I think I might be losing my mind. I can't remember a lot of things anymore. Embarrassing.

Today was Easter and more conference! The kids were happy to see that the Easter bunny had visited.  Every Sunday morning session, it is tradition to go to Spencer and Lindsay's for breakfast. It is always delicious! My mom had brought eggs for an egg hunt and the kids had a blast! Conference was awesome as always. President Monson only spoke once (except for Priesthood session) and he seems very tired and not as spunky as normal. Sad.
I am Happy that we can celebrate our Savior at Easter and Christmas time. I am so grateful for Him and His Atonement. It has meant so much to me, especially over this last year. I love Him and have
felt His love for me so much! I am thankful to a loving Heavenly Father for sending His son to earth to fulfill His plan.

Today was back to school. I took the girls to school and then brought the 3 littles to the park to hang out with our friends the Garvins. The on I took Brody to school and went grocery shopping. His evening we had FHE and watched videos about the Savior.