Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Brigg Matthew

Brigg was born on 7/7/11 at 12:42 A.M. He weighed 10lbs, 3oz and was 21 1/4 inches long. I'll get into the whole L&D details in a later post. We love him to pieces and are enjoying all the fun little baby things he does.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I thought I would do a last post before I have the baby. 4 more hours until we go! I have been trying to keep myself busy to pass the time.
Anyway, here are a few of our pictures from the last little bit.
We have been swimming quite a bit this summer. Brody is such a daddy's boy, he loves to hang out with him in the pool. He'll even let Matt throw him up and let him fall into the water and every time he comes up he says "again".
I LOVE when my girls get along. It is a very rare occasion when that happens but they are the best kids when it does. My sisters and I fought a lot while growing up and we are now very close. I hope that will be the case with my girls. (Or maybe they can quit fighting altogether and still be close when they are older.) :)
My super handsome man! He always says he's not photogenic, I guess I have to catch him at candid times like this.
My belly. I took this a few days ago. I may have even grown significantly since then, sadly! I think that shirt helps me not look as big as I really am, too. Don't mind my nasty mirror.

Welp, wish us luck!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Almost 39 weeks!

I am almost 39 weeks and am scheduled to be induced tomorrow night (wed)! I'm really excited and scared all at the same time. I think about how fun it will be to be able to hold a tiny one again, but then think about all the sleep I will not get and all the attention babies need and the attention my other kids will need and I get nervous about it. But I am more excited than anything else! We are happy to have another addition to our family.
I have been contracting a bit, but still not as much as I had with all three others. It has been kind of nice!
I am also more comfortable this time around towards the end than with all the others. I don't know why, but that's how it has been. I can't complain too much! Plus I FINALLY found the heartburn medicine that works best for me and haven't had it bad for 4 weeks! That has made the biggest difference!
We have come up with a name, finally! His name will be Brig or Brigg. We haven't decided on the spelling.
What do you think?? Comment and let me know what you like better and your reasoning (if any).
Also we don't have a middle name yet, but that will come easier, I think.