Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Six weeks left! (maybe five)

This pregnancy has gone by pretty fast. Recently, I have been told by a few people that they didn't know I was pregnant (until they saw me that is). There's no mistaking now! Anyway I have come to the conclusion that it is because I don't blog enough. Plus I don't like pictures taken of me lately. (so you get none!)

So I guess I'll update on the pregnancy since apparently no one knows...
I am technically almost 34 weeks along, but measuring around 37 weeks. In one week from today I'm going in for an ultrasound to see how big he really is and see if the doctor will induce early. I'm pretty sure that will be the case, but probably only one week early. He said I can handle another nine pounder but would like to prevent me from having an eleven pounder. Yikes! I think he was kidding a little about 11 lbs. (I hope)

I am having small contractions but not like with all three of the other pregnancies. They were all day long for weeks and weeks. This time around it seemed like they started later and that they are fewer and farther between. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I feel like that's what helped my body be more ready for labor. It makes me worry that my labor might end up being longer (I am planning another natural birth so that makes me nervous!).

Everyone that asks me how much longer I have gives interesting comments. One of them was, "I would shoot myself in the head if I had that much longer to go." Wow! I guess I am THAT huge! I know I get big, but geez, hold back the comments! No, I really just laugh about it. I'm used to it. With Brody I got the are you having twins comments.

We are kind of hoping that he looks a little more like Ella because Macy and Brody look so much alike, we need a little dark haired boy to balance it out. But either way, we're excited to have another little baby around here again. They grow out of that stage WAY too fast.

And no, Andrea, he doesn't have a name yet. :)
Every time we start to talk about naming him we get nowhere. So he might be another no name until about an hour before we bring him home from the hospital! Any name suggestions are welcome...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our House

I've been meaning to post a picture so here it is finally!