Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I guess maybe it's time to finally announce that we are expecting baby #4!!! We are really excited for another little one around here. I am about 11 weeks along and so far I can't complain too much about feeling sick! (unless you ask Matt)
I got to go have an ultrasound last week and it was really neat to see the baby moving and to hear the heart beating. I had never had one this early with any of the other kids.
The kids got to hear it, too which I thought was pretty special, but I think they just wanted out of there.
Well, there you have it. I probably won't post for another month and a half... again.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Go to this...

You won't regret it!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ella's School Picture

Well shoot... it's been a month since I last posted anything. Where does the time go?
Here is Ella's Kindergarten picture...

Isn't she so cute?! She loves school and is doing great!

Things are busy over here. Will try and catch up when I get a chance.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My baby is 1...

So a couple weeks ago, Brody turned one! I swear that was the fastest year a baby could ever have! It crept up on me and I was just not ready for him to be a big one year old. But, what can you do? Just love him to pieces, I guess...
He had been taking a few steps here and there but not loving the idea of walking. But on the day of his actual Birthday, he decided then and there that he was big and could now walk. Whatdyaknow?
He still doesn't talk much. He says hot, bubba (that's what we call him), dada, mama (not enough), Ella, and that's about it. He mostly just grunts and points. He takes after his dad!

He got some pairs of the cutest jammies and some super fun boy toys. It was just what he needed. They keep him occupied for long amounts of time. Thanks everyone for the presents!

He had this serious look on his face while opening presents. It was the funniest face!

And he got to hang out with both his grandmas. Both grandpas, too, just didn't get a picture.

Here is his cake... don't make fun!

First bite

Almost done...

And tapping out! But with a big hoorah at the end!
We were all yelling "Bruce, Bruce, Bruce" From the movie "Matilda" If you've seen it, you'll know why. If not, you should see the movie. I have probably seen it at least 30 times!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ella's First Day of Kindergarten

Ella had a great first day of school a couple weeks ago! It wasn't too hard for me because I got to go and be the parent helper that day, so it helped me not get too emotional.
Her teacher is Mrs. Stradling
We are excited for her to go and learn and make new friends.

Macy got all geared up for her school day. She really wishes she went to school,
but she will have to wait to go to preschool next year.

Ella thought she had to pose for her first day pictures

Here she is waiting for her bus to come get her.

She was so excited and could not wait!

And of course, I had to get video of her getting on the bus, but it won't upload so just imagine how cute it was! She rides a huge bus and only 4 or 5 kids ride it on the way to school.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Who's that baby?

I was going through pictures yesterday and came across this one. I thought it was Brody at first and realized that it couldn't be. I made Matt come and look and he swore it was Brody. I told him some of the reasons that it can't be Brody and he still thought it was him until he realized we don't own some of the toys that are on the shelf behind me.

It can't be Ella because she is in the picture on the computer and is bigger

So pretty much it has to be Macy, but she sure does look like Brody in that picture!

See if you can find any other clues for why it can't be Brody...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

This shows how far behind I am on blogging.
Matt's brother and his family were in town Memorial Day weekend (coincidentally) and we got to hang out at Heather and Tyler's house and go swimming and have bbq. It was so nice to visit with family and for the kids to play with some of their cousins that they don't get to see much. This was Brody's first time swimming and he LOVED it!

70+ MPH winds

A while back we went to the mall with some friends and saw this awesome Hurricane Simulator. We thought it would be funny to let our kids be the guinea pigs and try it out for us. They (mostly) had a blast and came out with their hair super crazy! I LOVE Macy's face in the second picture. You can tell she is just enjoying life.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ella is 5!

We had a movie night for Ella's Birthday party back in June. There was pizza, popcorn, licorice, cotton candy and movie tickets to get into the "Theater". The movie of choice was "Bolt".
It was a great party!

We sure love Ella. She is so smart and likes to be a good kid. She helps us so much with her brother and sister. We can't believe she is starting Kindergarten soon.
She is so ready to go and learn!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sam and Nicole's Wedding

The wedding...
It happened about a month and a half ago! It was such a nice day and everything turned out great!
Natalia, Lindsay and I made all the girls' dresses and I made all the ties. Natalia made all the girls' earrings, rings and hair flowers! I think all the kids looked adorable! And so did the happy couple!...
Sam and Nicole

Brody and I

Matt and I

Our cute kiddos

Ella Bella

Brody and his cousin Baron
(I think they're going to be best buddies!)

Brody and Matt

Macy wasn't cooperating for the pictures. This was about the best we could get of her outside of the Temple

The whole fam! We sure are growing fast!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ella Graduated Preschool

We were so glad we got to put Ella in preschool this year and are thankful to have had Miss Rachel and Miss Natalia as her teachers. She has learned so much from them! She is excited to be starting Kindergarten next year but sure does miss Miss Rachel's house for school.

Ella with one of her teachers (and Aunt) Miss Natalia

With her other teacher Miss Rachel

Getting her diploma

All her classmates

The girls

Field Trip

Ella's class had a field trip before school ended and I was able to go. We went to the Museum of Natural History in Mesa. We had a lot of fun!!!
We drove past the huge statue on the way there

Ella's class

Gavin doing his scary dinosaur impression

The kids got to be locked up in jail

Panning for gold