Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sexy Smooth Legs!

Today Macy decided to find some things in my bathroom that she thought she needed and use them!  (I need it more!)  Please ignore the homeless look.  I should call it the "home" look because this is pretty much what my kids look like when we're at home.
Wax strips!
It took off the dirt more than anything!
She didn't even cry when I ripped them off!  (Yes I ripped them!)
She did complain about 5 minutes later that she had owies, but she's fine.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Huntington Beach '09

I counted 25 pictures!  Long post, but I figure I'll get it all done in one.  This is all in no particular order... Here goes!
On the last day after we checked out of the hotel we went to Newport Beach and went to our favorite pizza place there.
In the courtyard of the hotel they had these cool fire pits.  We hung out there for a little bit on the last night we were there.
Proof that I am somewhat brave... my Chicago dog and Matt's fire dog.  I'm not a fan of hot dogs but these were pretty good!
They were having all kinds of events over the weekend.  This was from the annual "Duckathon" where they dump out thousands of rubber duckies off the pier and kids get to collect them as they wash to shore.  We didn't partake in the festivities but it looked like fun!
There were bands playing just outside of the hotel and we could watch from the balcony.  (It was the hotels grand opening)  This van was from one of the bands... apparently they are from AZ!  They are called "The Maine".  Didn't get a chance to hear them play.  Bummer!
  We recommend staying at the shorebreak hotel.  It's right there by everything!  We didn't get in the car once the whole time until we left for Newport on our way home.
Another band.  Some of you may have heard of Meg and Dia.  We hadn't heard of them, but now we know who they are.
Really cute pic of Macy and Matt.  Macy was Matt's girl just about the whole time there.  (She was actually a huge stinker!)
Cute girls in their new headbands we got at the big sale they were having at forever 21
This is what I did much of the time (fixing hair)
My man (Ella had the camera a lot of the time)
Rob Dyrdek from Rob & Big and Fantasy Factory.  Matt loves those shows and we heard he was coming so I sent Matt out to go see him while I stayed with the girls while they napped.
One of the cutest pictures ever at one of the most rotten times of her life!  Boy was she being a pill!
Really cool chopper.  Ella wanted to take a pic for Poppa.  The lady got on right before she took the picture.  We would have preferred she wasn't on it.  Oh well.
Ella and I relaxing while Matt took Macy for a run
Layin around relaxin
digging in the sand
On the pier.  Poor Ella was so sick!
Just out of the shower

Having a snack on dad's lap
more digging
the water was really cold!  I didn't even touch it
My prego belly through the mirror in the hotel.  That's probably about as much belly of me as you'll get.  
Ella right when we got there.  She was so excited, but sick at the same time.  I felt so bad.  She puked 3 times in the car and twice in the middle of the night that night.  Poor girl!

It was a really fun trip all in all.  Matt and I decided the girls have to earn their next trip.  Ella has earned another one, but I don't think we'll take them for a while.  Macy is so hard to take places.  She has a lot of work to do to earn going anywhere (even to the store).  Our next trip will have to be just Matt and I.  (To make up for ZERO "us" time on our "Anniversary/Mother's day vacation"  What were we thinking???
It was great to see the smiles on their faces though, so it really was worth it.  We love our girls to pieces!  

Monday, May 18, 2009

Macy Singing in the car

For about half of the way home from our trip Macy serenaded (sp?) us and this is pretty much how it sounded the whole time.  It was so cute we had to video it.  (She doesn't normally sing for anyone!)  Plus she was in a very bad mood about 5 minutes before this.  I had told her to be happy and she said "No, my not bappy yet!"  Stinker!  Yes, I know she's not buckled all the way.  SOMEONE must've forgotten to do it on our potty brake about 10 or so miles before we noticed.
I'll post more about the trip later.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

6th Folder/6th Pic/Happy Anniversary!

So Leslie tagged me to post my 6th folder/6th picture and I was thinking (since it is our anniversary) how cool it would be if it was a pic of Matt and I.  What do you know?  It WAS us and it's a wedding picture!  Not my favorite one (love the cars in the background), but what are the chances?!  So here it is...
Happy 5 years Matt!  I love you!!!!!  You are the best!

I don't know who has been tagged yet so I'll just do it and if you already have been, just ignore me!  I tag..... Natalia, Kristin, Sarah K., Heather H. (neice Heather), Hillary, and whoever needs to update their blog!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mother's day gift

Earlier today Matt asked what I wanted for Mother's day and all I could think of was a vacation!  About an hour later he calls me and said we're going to stay in a hotel on Huntington beach (one of my favorites) for a couple days!  He already has it booked and everything, I'm so excited!  It won't be on mother's day, but it will be our anniversary weekend so it's kind of like a two for one deal.  And we're bringing the girls.  I don't care, as long as I'm relaxing on the beach and not at home dreading housework.  Thanks Matt!  You're the best!

6 toes

The other night on our way home from a fun FHE, Ella was counting her toes and she told me she has 6 toes (she kept counting the same one twice).  I asked her "where did you get 6 toes from?"  and she thought for a while, and said "Jesus!"  Kind of like, duh mom, don't you know?  Anyway, she now knows that she has 5 toes on each foot and can count them correctly.