
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Barcelona Critter of the Month

Barcelona Critter of the Month, 2006
Click HERE for the slideshow!

Barcelona is famous for its dogs. Everywhere and I mean everywhere there is a dog for just about each person.

Anyway, this pooch has a wonderful character. He sat, as if posed in one position, looking at me with the camera and following a conversation between two people.

I felt one photo would not capture his essence.

Hope you enjoy!

I did!

Monday, May 29, 2006

American Idol, Not!

Watch the video

Puerto del Angel, Barcelona, 2006

Well, some entertainers are lousy, some are bad and some aren't all that good. And yes, the focus of today's video/movie is no American Idol.

Does his strength lie somewhere else?

You be the judge!

Click HERE for Real Player.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Ruis y Taulet Castellers

DID YOU KNOW that once you play a movie in Quicktime, the first download is a little slow but then the rest of the Quicktime barcalunacy movies played from the web page will run much faster. Try it !

Rius y Taulet Castellers,
Barcelona, 2006

Try building a tower with humans and you get the famous Castellers. See how each person climbs to reach heights unimagined. In this video movie I happened to luckily stumble upon the Castellers doing what they do best.


They are truly awesome!

Click HERE for Quicktime.

Click HERE for Real Player.


REMINDER: You can enlarge the PICTURE/PHOTO by clicking it.

Awesome ... He is not.

Barcelona, 2006

"Bon Dia! Como esta tu familia?", each day he asks. His name is Stanciu Ilie Nelu, from Romania and he's been in Barcelona 4 1/2 years.

I came to "know" Stanciu a little over 2 1/2 years ago. He sat where you see him sitting now, in front of a mercado playing either the guitar or piano and entertaining the masses.

Today, because of some regulations, Stanciu is unable to play his instruments and now just sits all day greeting anyone who gives him a smile.

At times, we provide him with a "beverage" and a sandwich. And more recently he seems to be in his own world.

Stanciu is generous. As we were walking down the street this past winter, he called us over and gave US food. What a twist!

Stanciu is loving. He has a black dog that gave birth to three pups early part of this year. Oh how cute they were! I heard that he was hoping to sell them after they had been weaned and house trained.

But life can be cruel. One pup was eventually sold to a German tourist, the second pup STOLEN and the third pup has yet to find a home.

So, each day Stanciu comes to the market, sets up the bed for his dogs, his chair and money box, not playing his beloved instruments, and reads the newspaper, smiling at the passer-bys and exchanging greetings.

Oh, he is not someone important like Osama Bin Laden, President George Bush, or awesome like Tom Cruise and Brittany Spears, but he has created his own little world.

And I am part of it.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Freedom of Expression

Calle Tuset Demonstrators, Barcelona, 2006

What I love most about Barcelona is its people, their passion for demonstration and the time they take out to protest. Here we see a video of workers manifesting their dissent against something or other.

By the time I got to Calle Tuset, the protestors were already there for about 2 hours and were, as I was told, to continue another 2 1/2 hours.

I can't imagine being near or around Tuset for very long before going a little bonkers. (Torture by music).

You'll see what I mean.

Click HERE to watch the Quicktime Video.

Click HERE to watch the Real Player Movie.

I took a picture of the flyer and below it you will see a loose interpretation. If I have not translated the flyer to show the posters message as written, please feel free to let me know.



Your faithful suppliers, your development team for new products, your technical support, your factory.

We have adapted to all your needs and whims

You leave us stuck without orders or a future for 100 families.
You leave us on the street.

Thanks for not recognizing our effort and loyalty.

DISCLAIMER: I know no one who works for this organization nor am I personally interested in their cause.