At the beginning of the month Mia and I spent 8 days in Utah visiting family! I shared about our
4th of July but haven't talked about the rest of the trip yet. We had the best time visiting the Brinkerhoff and Crowley grandparents, we were spoiled rotten! I didn't take many pictures (I never do when we are visiting family, why is that?!) but I thought it would be fun to share a few more highlights from our trip through photos!
We had too much fun at the Brinkerhoff's! Mia played hard with her cousins, loved on the kittens, experienced fireworks at home for the first time and soaked up all the lovin' she could get!
Mia figured out how to ride the scooter by herself, and got that leg up as high as she could each time, ha ha!
She carried the kittens around as if they were an accessory, ha!
We took Mia boating with my parents and younger brother and Mia LOVED it! This is her 3rd summer out on the boat and each time is better than the last! It was a cloudy, cool morning (I don't even know if it was 80 degrees? And we are used to 100 degrees for swimming, ha!) but that didn't stop us from swimming in the perfect, glass like water (I was seriously SO tempted to wake board, ah!) Mia's lips were turning purple so I asked if she was ready to get out, "no, mom!" and go wrap up in a towel and cuddle, ".... yeah, mom! Let's go cuddle!" She's never said that to me before and it was the cutest! I'd go boating every day if I could just to get that response from her!
This picture cracks Eric and me up! Sweet, cuddle bug Mia is trying real hard to act like she's not enjoying these snuggles! :)
My dad plays the guitar in the orchestra at Tuacahn so we were super excited to have a girl's night with my mom and go watch the show that my dad is playing in, When You Wish. It's a collection of Disney acts (Little Mermaid, Mulan, Tarzan, etc) and it is the CUTEST! Mia sat on the edge of her seat the WHOLE time (aside from the few minutes on my mom's lap) and clapped enthusiastically at the end of each scene. I've been dying to take her to a show at Tuacahn ever since she was born, and this was the perfect one to take her to for the first time! She was absolutely perfect, especially considering this didn't even start until an hour past her bedtime. I'm so glad we had the opportunity to go!

Mia is obsessed with Ariel so we couldn't resist meeting her after the show! I didn't know how Mia would do considering it was HOURS past her bedtime, but she was adorable! She walked up and gave Ariel a hug then just stared at her while trying to pick at her outfit (the very next photo after this one is Mia reaching for the flower in Ariel's hair, ha ha) Ariel was adorable with Mia and I swear my heart was going to burst because I knew how much Mia was loving this! Makes me SO excited to take her to Disneyland!
So, not nearly enough pictures to show off the amazing time we had with our families, but we were so lucky to spend that time with them! Of course the very best part was coming home to daddy! We missed Eric like crazy and can't wait until we can all take a trip to Utah together!