Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Home Tour

Okay. I'm not sure where November went??
Apparently, I'm behind on my posts!!
So we'll just jump right into Christmas! I've been listening to Christmas music and pulling decorations out of the tubs in my garage. I LOVE this time of year! The lights, the ornaments, the sweets!! Does it get any better??
There's more pictures and decor ideas at That Village House.
Merry Christmas everyone!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Halloween could not get here soon enough this year.
Addi has been talking about being a zebra for weeks now! So tonight was the big night. I made sure to get some pictures before we left, not knowing how long the costumes would actually stay on. We couldn't figure out what zebras do (??) so Addi roared like a lion most of the night "on Sydney's behalf". She also galloped (skipped) from point A to point B, which seemed to keep her occupied...
I love this one.
I'll pretend for a minute that they're always this sweet to each other. Ahh!
I feared Sydney would mess with her lion's mane all night, but she instead messed with Addi's. Lovely.
We headed off to the Fall Festival and spent half of our time at the petting zoo. Sydney loved the goats! She gave this one a hug...
and had a full conversation with this guy.
Addi loved the goats too.
and they loved her costume.
The rabbit was a safer bet.
We played games...
And then headed off to trick or treat.
Addi insisted on riding her bike. I thought the situation had disaster written all over it, but she actually did great.
At each house she would say "thank you Mister". Something she learned from our Trick or Treat book. I explained it at the first few houses, but then gave up.
Sydney played with the yard decor.
And we all did our best to avoid this guy! He's on one of those electric scooters & stands about 9 feet tall. Are you kidding me??
Can you see him in this picture? Luckily, Addi was so enthralled in her candy, that she missed him altogether. Thank you Lord!
It was a great sugar-filled night. Addi has already decided that she wants to be a giraffe next year. I guess I have that long to figure out what giraffes do :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

here's some of Addi's handywork...

Sydney was actually awake when it happened. They were laughing and giggling in the race-car cart at Lowes. I took my eyes off of them for 2 seconds & this is what happens. Noooo!! Addiiiii! Where did the pen even come from?? There's no telling. I discovered more drawings down her neck and under her shirt during bath time tonight. What in the world? The guy at Lowes must think I'm crazy!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dewberry Farms

We drove out to Dewberry Farms this week. A friend of mine got together 10 moms & all of their kids, so you can imagine, it was a CRAZY day!

We rode the wagon train.
And raced rubber duckies.
We took a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch.
And attempted to take a group picture. This is about half of the kids.
But Addi's favorite part was the HUGE slide.
Too fun! The dust and hotdog line was totally worth it!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tailgating at Cowboy's Stadium

We relived the good ole days with some college buddies on Saturday.
The boys cooked us lunch on this tiny grill.
Sarah & I ruled the corn holes game. Mostly because off Sarah!
Cowboys Stadium was impressive.
Ben can no longer watch punt returns.
We won half time!
Luke & the girls wore themselves out at Nana & Gramps.