That hasn’t changed much. He is still a pleasant child…with a big ol’ SMILE that lights up his whole face. He is in Kindergarten this year and his teachers say they wish they had a whole class of Brysons, He is kind, happy, loves to make everyone feel included. He’s also sensitive himself. He can get his feelings hurt and he hates it when he does something he shouldn’t and gets in trouble. He especially loves his brother and sister. He and Colton are very different, but they are still best friends…and he’s always trying to help Anna with whatever she needs. Bryson also LOVES the family dogs…almost to a fault when it comes to Atlas. He loves to have Atlas cuddle with him…which Atlas doesn’t really like to do all the time—so he forces it and gets snapped at. Thank goodness there is Chewi, though. If he’s feeling sad, all he has to do to feel better is go be licked to death by Chewi or cuddle up next to her on the floor.
Year 5 for him brought full-time school in the dual-immersion program—which he has loved. He really seems to have a knack for a 2nd language—a lot more than I thought he would. He learned to ride his bike. He snow skied for his 2nd year and did great. He overcome some of his water fear to play a little harder at Lake Powell. He did his first long hike without being carried.
In Year 6, he gets to start playing soccer. He’ll be starting 1st grade in a new school, making new friends, but be really close to his cousins, Aunts & Uncles, and Nana & Pop. He is so excited about that. We’ll see what else the year will bring.
Mom and Dad love you so much, little buddy! Keep smiling for all of us. His only birthday wish was to go to Chuck-E-Cheese with his cousins.