Monday, March 21, 2011

Common Sense?

So, there are a couple things that have happened over the last few weeks that convinced Ben I was crazy to still be going to Disney World.  The first is my uterus is prolapsing…which means basically that my uterus is not wanting to stay in my body and its taking my bladder with it.  The more I am up and walking around the worse it gets.  It isn’t causing problems with the pregnancy at this point—there is not a risk currently of pre-term labor—but it can get very painful and uncomfortable pretty quickly if I’m up and moving around a lot.

The 2nd thing happened just 2 days before we were to leave for Orlando.  I had driven to Salt Lake on Friday, March 18th, so we could spend the weekend with Ben, celebrate Bryson’s birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese with family, and leave for our big DISNEY WORLD spring break trip on Monday.  We took the family out to dinner, ran a couple of errands, then got the kids in bed at Nana & Pops.  My back had begun to hurt as we were heading to my parents.  It quickly got much worse…and at first I thought I was going into labor.  The fact that this severe “contraction” didn’t stop was the clue that I wasn’t dealing with labor.  Ben and I were positive it was another kidney stone (the last one I had was 10 years ago), so he rushed me to the ER.  I have never been so grateful for drugs in my life.  As I was in the ER, they were obviously concerned about the baby and had an OB monitoring that and encouraging me to absolutely stay off my feet and not go to Florida due to my dropping uterus.  They also referred my to a urologist who told me I should absolutely not go on this trip, that it was too risky if I hadn’t passed the stone, yet.  Ben was on the same page as everyone else, but not me…I was still going to go…so when one of the ER nurses asked us if she could get us anything else, Ben said, “Yes, get her a bucket of common sense.”  We then had to leave the room to get the ultrasound done and when we came back, this is what we found:

IMG_0062A bucket of common sense waiting for me.

Glad the nurse had such a great sense of humor.  It was definitely needed at that moment.  Now, as to the rest of the story…I, of course, went on my trip anyway where I was stuck in a wheelchair the entire time.  It was a pain sometimes and a blessing at other times; it made the trip doable for me, though.  I was not bothered at all by my kidney stone – which according to the ultrasound at the time was still sitting there.  As soon as I got back, I met with the urologist who had scheduled me for immediate surgery to put in a shunt in order to remove it…but he then determined there was no stone and chalked up my extreme pain to a back spasm.  Huh?  No stone?  I personally think there is no way that kind of immediate, immobilizing pain was just a back spasm…I think a miracle occurred due to Ben giving me a priesthood blessing that night in the hospital.   Whatever it was, though…back pain or a kidney stone…I’m just grateful its over and surgery was not needed.

I am praying daily that everything else through the next 16-18 weeks I have left will go smoothly…or at least not get worse…and that I can give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our little miracle…

Girl parts…yes, we are having a girl.  That makes a perfect balance of 2 boys and 2 girls.  Anna said she wanted a little sister so she’d have a buddy, too.  She obviously understands that “the guys”, as she calls them, are buddies and she wants the same. 


This little girl will make the 4th (possibly 5th—we’ll know in May when Becky has her surprise) grand DAUGHTER for my parents in 3 years.  Carter was the only boy.  These 4 or 5 girls are going to be the best of friends, I’m sure.  She’ll also have one girl cousin on the Petzinger side (being born in a couple weeks).  These two girls may be the last…Shelagh is the only one left having babies, so its up to her.

We are thrilled to have this little baby girl join our family and pray that the remainder of this pregnancy will go well.