Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just a couple fun pics

We went to the SLC boat show over Valentine’s weekend…so we could “covet” what we would never spend $100k on.  What we did come home with were a few of these:

moustachesDefinitely a good look for my kids.

We looked at houses and did a little shopping…needed to update the church wardrobe.  I need to get a full picture of Anna in this dress she picked out.

She stood in front of Nana’s mirror and twirled just like a princess.  Way more girl than I ever was!

kids4 kids2 kids3 I need a photoshop expert to take the best of each one and put it in one picture. :)

And after we move back…we’ll get more and more of this

Time with Aunts and Cousins…


Shae is the bubble blowing pro, as you can see by how hard she is concentrating.

Just kidding.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day – Thanks Mom & Dad

My parents so generously offered to watch ALL EIGHT of their younger grandchildren (ages 7 and under) and sent us couples to a show at the Desert Star Theater for Valentine’s Day.
The show was great fun…and as you can see above, all the kids got “sweet” Valentine shirts from their Nana & Pop.
We came home to a very loud chaotic house.  This is definitely a first for our family.  First of all, we’ve never all been around at once;
Second, adding two more babies to the mix makes it even more lively…
as you can see by my dad’s face (above) with the 3 little girlies—none of which seem too happy.
These girls obviously love their Pop, though!
Mom said they could handle it again…probably just once a year, though.  We’ll see about that, since we’ll be adding
two more babies to the mix next year.  Luckily, as you add babies, you also add a year to the ages of all the rest--
which can be good (for the older ones) and bad (for the younger ones who are now unstoppable toddlers).
I had to put this picture in of London.  She is at such a fun age!  Huge smiles and mischief.
(Notice her unloading the wipes)
  Happy Valentine’s Day to all my brothers, sisters-in-law and hubby.
Jake & Heather; Curt & Shae; Nate & Becky; Me & Ben
It was a fun night.  Thanks Mom & Dad!
If you haven’t ever gone to a show at Desert Star—you need to.  They do spoofs on great shows…a good old fashioned playhouse…lots of fun!
Click here for the link.

Valentine Creativity – Year 4

So, my creativity peaks one day a year – Valentine’s Day.  I’ve done homemade valentine’s with the kids every year they’ve been in school.  After this year, though, I don’t know how much longer I can keep it up.  40+ valentines now for the boys…add Ann and we are looking at 60+!  Not sure we can pull that off.

This years efforts took us almost an entire week…because I wanted the boys to do most of the work (which they did everything with the exception of all the cutting.  It would have taken us 3 weeks if they cut everything out).  I think they turned out great.  For the boys, Colton wanted to use little army men.  How do you incorporate gun wielding, bomb throwing army men into a Valentine?  Thanks to my brother Curtis for help with the “phrase” – this is how:

Video 10 0 01 13-26

Video 10 0 01 23-19

So, we made these for all the boys, both in Colton and Bryson’s class…

but even Colton agreed that the girls needed something a little more “girlie”…

So, after cutting out 21 butterflies and 84 dots and finding a piece of candy in this valley that would work for the body

(I couldn’t believe how hard that turned out to be—we ended up with plastic wrapped licorice pieces)…

Video 10 0 00 00-01

We ended up with a table of beautiful butterflies for the girls!

Video 10 0 00 29-30

Video 10 0 00 18-06

Video 10 0 00 11-21

We’ll see how I feel next year if we keep this tradition alive.