Small town fun days always involve a great little parade with A LOT of candy. Anna picked up on the game real quick!
She also figured out that it was much easier to look cute and beg from her older cousins than to fight a bunch of kids in the street.

See! One more, that easy! Just ask Hannah or Bryson or Colton or Myah.
The girls champion softball team must have thought Colton was cute and tossed him a softball. Hannah, who is also on a competition softball team tried to convince Colton out of the ball by saying “Only girls play with softballs—if you keep it people will think you are weird.” It didn’t work. He kept it.
Along with candy came some patriotic necklaces from some political candidates we’d never vote for. :)
AND Slinky the Clown…
Who created this sword—that lasted about 2 hours max. (Colton’s sword only last 20 minutes or so).
Colton and Bryson did a little climbing on Uncle Joseph’s National Guard rock wall
Neither of them braved it all the way to the top, but they were close. (Come on…if you are that close, why quit now! I’m such a mean mom!)
My boys may not have gotten their food “appetite” genes from the McEntire’s, but they definitely got their love of cars. The classic car show is always a hit—and this little “boy” was an interesting distraction from the cars for Anna and Bryce.
Dad even got to have some fun participating in his first ever trap shoot competition. Not too bad for his first time! I think he may be hooked.
Thanks to Joseph and Angie for being wonderful hosts to us all week. We had a great time and would love to do it again someday.
The drive home took us through McCall—again STUNNING—and along the raging Payette River. These pictures don’t even do the river justice. It was no surprise that no one was on it.
Goodbye Northern Idaho. Hello Boise, again…and the rest of summer.
That was just the first week. Plenty more to come.