Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Zermatt Weekend

My very special dad treated all of us to a great weekend at Zermatt Resort & Spa in Midway, Utah for Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. promo_sunrise
We spent Friday night in beautiful suites…and played some “Minute to Win It” games…thanks to Jake & Heather Oreo Cookies from the forehead to the mouth…Shae_Oreo Shae’s tongue saved her oreoBryson_CottonBall Cotton balls stuck to the nose with vaseline and carried across the room to a bowl.  No hands!Colton_CottonBall Jelina_CottonBall2 I could not get that thing off…laughing so hard didn’t help. Adrey, Bryson, Cru and Colton watching us all make fools of ourselves!
We also surprised dad with a new set of golf clubs for their boys only golf outing the next day.Pop_New Clubs
And while the guys were golfing, we took the kids to the pool.  Bryce Colton Colt_Anna Swim
After the guys got back, all of us girls were treated at the spa while the men watched the kids. 
And you can’t have a “Swiss” resort without some goats, right?VID00278VID00277VID00275VID00279VID00276VID00280You can’t see this really well, but Bryson has dropped his pants behind the tree to take a pee.  I told him to learn how to just stick his pee pee out the zipper in his shorts…but no, dropping them in a public place is so much more fun.

Swiss Resorts also need mountains to run down!  Step by Step face plant by Colton:VID00285       VID00284VID00283VID00282
He obviously lived to cross the little stream with his brother and sisterVID00281Thanks, dad, for an amazing and relaxing weekend.
Happy Father’s Day!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy #7 Colton

Such a cliché, I know!  But I can’t believe how fast time has gone.  My first baby is really 7 years old.
We had a fun little family celebration during our Zermatt WeekendVID00286
Then on his actual birthday, June 24th, he got to celebrate with his friends by going on a “Safari!”VID00353 Bryson, Ashton, Calvin, Owen, Skylar, Colton, Brady, Tyann, Azia
They received a safari map that led them first to the Outfitters where they got a Safari hat and binoculars…then off to the Jeep Garage…the snake pit…the lion’s den…the animal jungleVID00351 VID00350 and finally to the Mud Bog for a muddy, wormy dessert.VID00352
After the Safari, it was present time.VID00356 That is one happy face.  VID00355 He had been asking for a skateboard for a long time.  VID00354 The best thing about the story, is I bought it months ago with Bryson with me.  He successfully kept it a secret the entire time.  (At least that is what the two of them say.)
Colton is such a good boy.  He works so hard at being good at everything.  He loves his brother and sister.  He is so respectful of adults, works so hard in school, is so smart.  We love him so much.
Happy Birthday, Son.

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Baby is 2 Years Old

It happened 15 days ago...
Anna turned 2 years old!

She tried to spit out her candles...
She almost burst into tears during
the singing of "Happy Birthday"
(Probably my fault...I'm sure
everyone will agree that my singing can be
very upsetting)
She loved the new clothes from her Nana
and had to wear this shirt 3 days in a row.

And she squealed at site of the rocking horse.
We wrapped up an empty box,
so she was quiet confused when she opened the box
and didn't find a horse inside.

Then dad walked out with it already put together.

I don't think I've ever had a child so excited about a present.
Happy Birthday, my beautiful baby girl!
I love your big smile, your laugh, your friendship (already).

I love that you love to be with me.
I love you!

Back on the 4-Wheelers

After being out-of-commission for almost a year,
the four-wheelers are back!

Dad had to play around first...
doing doughnuts in the driveway

Then complaining about the boys messing up
the driveway by doing doughnuts.
Wonder who they learned that from?

Isn't that the reason we have a farm?

Bryson's 4-wheeler still won't start. :(
He's happy being passenger, though.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mom Only Movie Night...

When Dad has to be out of town overnight
on a weekend

The kids get the special treat of
pulling out the hide-a-bed,
the sleeping bags,
and bowls of popcorn
for mom & kids movie night
Glad such simple things make kids so happy :)

Now, that Dad has been called as Young Men's President,
this may happen more often.

I'm sure they won't mind.
We always have a great time.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


After Genesee, we spent a couple of days at Uncle John & Aunt Raquel’s where the kids got to swim.  They live in Hidden Springs in Boise,  what we affectionately call the “bubble.”  It is just cuz we are a little jealous of the parks and the pools within walking distance of their house.  :)  Not to mention the fact that Boise is 10 degrees warmer than where we live…so pool time comes 1 month earlier.
The “Beached Whales” Ethan & Bryce
VID00272Colton & Bryce in the tube 
VID00271 Anna
VID00273 The three boys – Colton, Ethan & Bryson
Thanks to Erika and Ethan for their watchful eye and time they spent with their cousins.  They loved it!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Genesee Days

Small town fun days always involve a great little parade with A LOT of candy.  Anna picked up on the game real quick!
She also figured out that it was much easier to look cute and beg from her older cousins than to fight a bunch of kids in the street.VID00257 See!  One more, that easy!  Just ask Hannah or Bryson or Colton or Myah.
The girls champion softball team must have thought Colton was cute and tossed him a softball.  Hannah, who is also on a competition softball team tried to convince Colton out of the ball by saying “Only girls play with softballs—if you keep it people will think you are weird.”  It didn’t work.  He kept it.
Along with candy came some patriotic necklaces from some political candidates we’d never vote for. :)
AND Slinky the Clown…
Who created this sword—that lasted about 2 hours max.  (Colton’s sword only last 20 minutes or so).
Colton and Bryson did a little climbing on Uncle Joseph’s National Guard rock wall
Neither of them braved it all the way to the top, but they were close. (Come on…if you are that close, why quit now!  I’m such a mean mom!)
My boys may not have gotten their food “appetite” genes from the McEntire’s, but they definitely got their love of cars.  The classic car show is always a hit—and this little “boy” was an interesting distraction from the cars for Anna and Bryce.
Dad even got to have some fun participating in his first ever trap shoot competition.  Not too bad for his first time!  I think he may be hooked.
Thanks to Joseph and Angie for being wonderful hosts to us all week.  We had a great time and would love to do it again someday.
The drive home took us through McCall—again STUNNING—and along the raging Payette River.  These pictures don’t even do the river justice.  It was no surprise that no one was on it.
Goodbye Northern Idaho.  Hello Boise, again…and the rest of summer.
That was just the first week.  Plenty more to come.