Monday, August 24, 2009

Alturas & My 1st Open Water Attempt

Thanks Kara for the pics!
We made our 2nd trip this summer up to Alturas...
6 moms and 14 kids...and a lot of fun!

Perfect weather

Re-united buddies, Colton & Brady!
Welcome back, Brady.
Colton is so excited.

The three musketeers:
Preston, Colton & Brady

This is a lovely picture of my backside
as I am trying to put the
"youth large"
wetsuit on that I picked up last
minute from the thrift store...
Because Maren & I had to attempt our first
open water swim in prep
for our first triathlon next month.
And Alturas is WAY TOO Cold for us to
swim 750 yards without wetsuits.
This picture, thought hard to see, is Amanda on a floating
turtle with a GPS leading the way, so we would know
how far we needed to swim.
Wow! That was hard. Wish us luck--only 4 more weeks to train.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Welcome to the Family!

The family has some new additions.
Meet Jawea
(short for Sacajawea),
grand-doggy number 4 for my parents.
No, she isn't ours. (Darn it)
She is my brother Dave's new rotweiller puppy.
Our family used to have a rotweiller named Jawea years ago.
She got sick and we had to put her to sleep.
She was the most amazing dog ever.
This new generation Jewie has a lot to live up to.
Is she not the cutest little thing ever!

Not only did the family get a new puppy,
but we got a new sister-in-law
CARLY is officially a McENTIRE...

My brother called yesterday to say they decided to
go to the courthouse and make it official.

We couldn't be happier.
Because Dave is so happy with her;
He seems to have found "the one!"

Welcome to the family Carly,
we love you...
and we welcome your cute little son Carston.

My boys were quite excited;
they said, "Now we get TWO new cousins."


Yes, two.


We are so excited for the two of them, too.
More excited because someone besides me & Nate
will have babies...
and excited to see them as parents.
They will be great!

Only 3 weeks until Lake Powell! Can't wait.
Love you all!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Baker Lake

Amanda & I took our kids
(all 6 of them, between the 2 of us)
on a hike up to Baker Lake
It is about 1.6 miles in
and about 900' up in elevation to

The trail is beautiful and had some
great diversions, like this
log bridge.

Fruit snack breaks,
tiny suckers,
and gum
were the KEY

to keeping everyone, even the babies, and
especially the mommies happy.

Colton took a nice fall and split open
his head at his eyebrow on a rock.
Thank goodness a nice gentleman we met
at the very beginning of the trail had given me
a "just-in-case bandaid" since
I had left my first-aid kit in the car.
The lake was mighty cold,
but kids never seem to mind.
Even when they fall in, like Bryce did
Anna wasn't quite sure, though...

Until she actually stood in it,
then she wanted more.
Nope. Mom didn't want to haul
a wet cold baby down the mountain.
Great hike.
The kids did great!