Monday, December 29, 2008

The Biggest Story of 2008

It has been a nice few days away from work, and the biased and unreliable news media as we stopped to celebrate the Christmas Holiday. I am grateful to be able to have family gathered around in observance of this sacred occaision.
To all my 4 brothers, their dear wives and all 14 neices and nephews - it was great to have you in our home. It was great to have my mom and her husband Joe over as well. We had a great time and you are missed - even the 4 dogs in the house are missed.
So, I am back at work this week and stewing over problems at work. Nothing new. The new year is upon us and I am sure the news anchors are busy as bees getting their "biggest stories of 2008" with mantages of pictures and famous people doing famous things. That is all crap!

I am sure the following stories are being bantered around for popular traction in straw polls by pundits:
1. Banking and credit crisis - the Fall of Wall Street
2. The housing crisis - the Fall of Freddie and Fannie
3. The auto industry crisis - the turmoil surrounding GM, Chrysler Dodge and Ford.
4. The election of Barrak Hussein Obama.
5. The implosion of the Republican Party.
6. The vast success of the Democrat Party.
7. Global Warming.
I have only named seven significant events that many consider to be the Biggest Stories of the year.
Let's tie these stories to their political roots:
1. I think the banking crisis is tied to the mortgage crisis is tied to the politicians who pushed for deregulation in the mortage industry so more and more people who could not normally qualify were able to sign mortgages they had no business signing.
2. The housing crisis relates to number 1. and may have caused number 1. Where is the accountability for the politicians who pushed aside legislation that would have curbed this issue when warning flags were raised several years ago. Frank and Dodd - you should be tarred and feathered.
3. When you pay out benefits and retirement for more people than produce - you are headed for bankruptcy. The UAW may not share 100% of the blame - but they have caused the cost per vehicle to sky rocket! My tires will get slashed for saying that!!!! The Wash D.C. politicians and their cafe standards have shackled the auto industry. My message to Detroit: build what the market wants and tell D.C and the unions to study results of socialist central planning. It's call the Volga and Moskvich.
4. Big deal. Hooray for the socialist party! Elections have consequences. Hold on!
5. Big Deal. This happened with McCain's nomination. The blue haired blue blood country club Republicans got what they wanted. A middle of the road nominee who got ran over........... of all places - in the middle of the road. IF YOU STAND FOR NOTHING - YOU GET BEAT BY ANYTHING.
6. Big Deal. Elections have consequences. Hold on! The 2006 elections gave us the biggest do nothing congress in recent history. That isn't really a bad thing after all.
7. Global Warming. My last blog post where I explained the winter of 1977 illustrates the absurdity of Global Warming. It was my observation that Sun Valley did not have sufficient snow pack yet this year. As of today - Idaho is on track to have the second largest snow fall in the history of tracking snow fall. The greatest year of snow fall besides 2008 was 1983. It is obsurd to use recent imperical data to project or forecast one month ahead. Global Warming is a hoax.
NOW FOR MY PICK - It is my most proud opinion that the Biggest Story of 2008 is the same as the untold story for years - THE FACT THAT WE HAVE NOT BEEN ATTACKED ON OUR SOIL BY TERRORISTS SINCE 9-11-01.
Thanks to the dedication and service of our volunteer armed services, we have been safe at home. I can put my kids to bed each night knowing that there are solidiers beyond our shores defeating the enemy and keeping us safe. Radical Islam remains our enemy. I will not forget and I do not apologize for this either. That's the #1 story of the year.
I'd love to hear from you all - just submit your response on what you think the biggest story of 2008 is.
I've rambled - but thanks for joining me at lunch again today.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Early Christmas for the McEntires

Thanks to my parents & Curt & Shae taking off on an Hawaiian cruise...we got to have Christmas a little early.
The entire family decked out in matching fleeces from Nana
Heather, Jake, Mandi, Dave, Mom, Dad, Anna, Me, Ben, Bryce, Curt, Shae
Nate & Becky, you were missed. :(

Anna's FIRST Chrstimas gift...

The tag on the bag said this:
"Anna, This bag contains the one thing
that no matter how bad things might get in life,
pull them out and they will always make you feel better."

She's thinking hard about that, while sucking on her fingers...

Wow! Look. New cowboy boots. Just what I Needed.

Those are so cute. I can't wait to get them on.

Look how cute I am!

New Sunday clothes for the Boys. Bryce opened his and shouted...

"That's just like a bishop!"

He then refused to wear his tie. It made his neck hurt, he said.
Then it was time for Uncle Dave's gift...
Riding gear. Hmm...I wonder what they need riding gear for?

For the new 4 wheelers (well, the pass down 4 wheeler (110cc) from a cousin
who is growing so fast he already needed to pass it on)
Colton's was out front and Bryce was so excited for him, then sadly realized

"But, what about one for me?" was around the corner just waiting for him to discover the little 50cc 4wheeler.

He loved it, and climbed right on while announcing

"I'm growing up!"

But he refused to ride it with anyone
except Uncle first.
Not even mom.
Not even if Uncle Dave teaches mom how to ride it.
I have to tell a little story, though, about what happened next...
Colton had said a prayer the day before asking Heavenly Father to help Santa
bring gifts to kids who aren't going to get any.
Then when we got home, we talked to the boys about how lucky they
were with such nice toys and
asked what they wanted to do with their trucks from last year,
since they now have 4wheelers.
Colton then suggested that they give the trucks to another
little boy who might not have anything.
So, glad he thought of it. :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Eight Years...

Getting married in the year 2000 makes it really easy to remember how many years we've been married. Eight years doesn't seem that long--but SO much has happened in the last 8 years. We met in May of 2000 in Georgia, then I was transferred to Tennessee and we bought a house while we were unofficially engaged. We were officially engaged in September and married in December. Then there was Atlas (can't forget the dog), then it was off to Chicago, then there was Colton, then Arizona, then Bryson, then Colorado, then Idaho, then Anna...and now 8 years later here we are.

I scheduled this to post while we are off on our annual anniversary outing. It is my year to plan--but sorry everyone, it isn't as exciting this year. We only have 1 night and a baby to work around. So, we are staying at the Inn on the Hill near Temple Square for the night, going to dinner and a show. So, it isn't New York or San Francisco or a snowmobile trip...but we are together ALONE (that means WITHOUT children). Thanks Mom & Dad for always letting us do this every year. my husband. Thank you for a wonderful 8 years. It has been more than I could have hoped for. I can say that we have experienced a lot in the last 8 years together. We've moved 6 times, we've remodeled 2 houses and built 1 from new together and survived, we worked together for 3 years and survived, we have 3 beautiful children and are surviving (some days barely :)...and most importantly we still have fun together. Thank You. I love you! Happy Anniversary.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Quadratis Maximus & Minimus

Our ward had a wonderful Christmas party on Saturday. We received a notice to "Come to Bethlehem to be taxed." Ben, however, was asked to play a Roman Centurian gathering taxes. So, I decided his sons would join him.

Sheets, pillowcases, brown felt, aluminum foil and....a red velvet dress from 1972 (Thanks mom) turned these men (and boys) into excellent Roman Soldiers.Yes, the red velvet is from an unfinished bridesmaid dress of my mom's from 1972. I knew I was going to use it someday. I thought it would be a dress for me, but when am I ever going to wear a red velvet dress--I'm not in high school anymore.

This evening definitly portrayed the true spirit of Christmas, which is Christ and his birth. The choir sang as the nativity was recreated. We had a market with excellent "authentic to the time" food. Enjoy the slide show of pictures.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Winter of '77



I remember my dad talking about the winter of '77 when he dug and set all the post holes for our back pasture on our small farm near Caldwell, Idaho in Canyon County. He did this by hand - power augers were not legal on our property. I don't remember telling him that I used a power auger later on when I set a bunch of posts for him as a summer evening project he gave me. I felt guilty when I saw his post hole digger with the well-used shiny wood handles - I had been unfaithful to a good tool. ANYWAY - He said that it did not snow that year ('77) and there was no frost in the ground. He said it with a smile like he had accomplished a coup de tat against Mother Nature in getting soo much work done. Dad loved to work.

So, I take these memories that rattle around in my gray matter and apply it to current events. Obama meets with Algore with a resolve to fix the environment. "Time for debate is over. A majority of scientists agree that something must be done". We've heard it all before. I am not a farmer with an almanac. I am not a scientist with grant money from George Soros or Exxon Mobile. I am a dude with a camera and I have my own observations about Man and Mother Nature.

Here in Sun Valley the Ski Industry is kind of important. People have been coming here since the 30's. The first chair lifts were even installed here. You need snow for skiing unless you roller blade in the middle of the street with the cross country ski wheel things. SHARE THE ROAD.

As I was driving by Dollar Mountain - I realized that they have been blowing man-made snow for weeks as long as the temps have been condusive. Then I looked up to Baldy (not my head) and realized the same. For all the time, money, water, electricity, labor, equipment, piping, cooling towers, grooming, maintenance, snowcats, MORE WATER, and more time - there is not much to show for it. Granted, the Sun Valley Co. is very good at what they do. But they don't do Mother Nature very she can.

There is a snow storm comming this weekend. It's comming from the North. I hope for a lot of snow - we need it. In one fraction of a second, this storm will produce more moisture in this small valley than the Ski Industry's finest equipment could produce in several weeks and who know's how much water and money.

So what's the reasoning behind my rambling?: It is simple. Man's puny arm outstretched against mother nature or even to assist her is pure arrogance. ARROGANCE for Obaminators is defined as: an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions. A well-respected colleage of mine asked if I believed in Global Warming yet? I told him "no, I believe in God." It is not a flippant response, rather a point to be had that Science is based on fact - not belief. The earth has warmed - so what! Did I cause it? Show me the facts - not an arrogant politician with beliefs.

If it is science people are interested in - look up the definition of CONCENSUS. By definition, there cannot be a concensus in science becuase when there is: you have created a religion.

Thanks for spending lunch with me....... and enjoy the pictures. Especially the one from New Orleans where it snowed. Snow tires and chains were not included in the FEMA aid. It's W's fault again.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree.....

So we continued the tradition of cutting our own live tree for Christmas. We looked long and hard for this one (12-6-08). It is rare that my wife and I will agree immediately on anything - much less something as important as a Christmas Tree. This one is the exception - it was Cut-At-First-Sight for both of us - and the tree.

Please visit the link I am posting as well to hear the other side of this sordid event...... and you'll know the true horror of what we did all in the name of Holiday Decorations> it is a terrible sacrifice to have a "cathedral" under which to place our precious gifts. Yes, "Bring me to this cathedral" ENJOY

Merry Christmas!

Fish Hatchery

I am a huge fan of little Noah .

The boys and I (dad) went up to Stanley after chores were done a few Saturdays ago with our good buddies from the Hill famdamily (Jared (dad), Preston and Noah). Although all the big fish were already released - we were given a private tour of the facility and learned all about the fish production of Salmon and the different varieties. Red Fish Lake gets it's name from the Salmon that spawns there after making the trip all the way from the Pacific Ocean past all those EEEVIL Hydroelectric Dams. This year was the most successful return of the salmon in years and no one knows why. I know: Obama did it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Good little helpers

Colton and Bryson Helping Dad move some rocks.

My boys have fleeting moments of brilliance when it comes to helping me around the house and property. I was in the corner of our pasture stacking some 6" 200 PSI PVC pipe when Bryson showed up ready to work. It is pure joy to spend time with them while working and I hope and pray they learn to love work rather than avoid it.

Happy Thanksgiving

I didn't get any pictures from our Thanksgiving. Mainly because it was mostly spent on the road. At least 25 1/2 hrs of it. We drove from Idaho to SLC, then SLC to Moab where we got to spend the night and a few hours with Dave and his kids, then on Thursday drove to Durango through a blizzard. We worked on our house there - got the basement and garage painted and our caved in shed cleaned out. We enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner at my brother's house on Friday night with them, my parents, and Curt & Shae. Then Saturday we drove back to SLC and then back to Idaho. We hope and pray that the next time we go to Colorado we do not own a house there anymore. Other than that, we are very grateful for all our blessings: our beautiful children, Ben's job, our home, our vehicles, our extended family...and the list could go on and on. Happy Thanksgiving to all.