It has been a nice few days away from work, and the biased and unreliable news media as we stopped to celebrate the Christmas Holiday. I am grateful to be able to have family gathered around in observance of this sacred occaision.
To all my 4 brothers, their dear wives and all 14 neices and nephews - it was great to have you in our home. It was great to have my mom and her husband Joe over as well. We had a great time and you are missed - even the 4 dogs in the house are missed.
So, I am back at work this week and stewing over problems at work. Nothing new. The new year is upon us and I am sure the news anchors are busy as bees getting their "biggest stories of 2008" with mantages of pictures and famous people doing famous things. That is all crap!
I am sure the following stories are being bantered around for popular traction in straw polls by pundits:
1. Banking and credit crisis - the Fall of Wall Street
2. The housing crisis - the Fall of Freddie and Fannie
3. The auto industry crisis - the turmoil surrounding GM, Chrysler Dodge and Ford.
4. The election of Barrak Hussein Obama.
5. The implosion of the Republican Party.
6. The vast success of the Democrat Party.
7. Global Warming.
I have only named seven significant events that many consider to be the Biggest Stories of the year.
Let's tie these stories to their political roots:
1. I think the banking crisis is tied to the mortgage crisis is tied to the politicians who pushed for deregulation in the mortage industry so more and more people who could not normally qualify were able to sign mortgages they had no business signing.
2. The housing crisis relates to number 1. and may have caused number 1. Where is the accountability for the politicians who pushed aside legislation that would have curbed this issue when warning flags were raised several years ago. Frank and Dodd - you should be tarred and feathered.
3. When you pay out benefits and retirement for more people than produce - you are headed for bankruptcy. The UAW may not share 100% of the blame - but they have caused the cost per vehicle to sky rocket! My tires will get slashed for saying that!!!! The Wash D.C. politicians and their cafe standards have shackled the auto industry. My message to Detroit: build what the market wants and tell D.C and the unions to study results of socialist central planning. It's call the Volga and Moskvich.
4. Big deal. Hooray for the socialist party! Elections have consequences. Hold on!
5. Big Deal. This happened with McCain's nomination. The blue haired blue blood country club Republicans got what they wanted. A middle of the road nominee who got ran over........... of all places - in the middle of the road. IF YOU STAND FOR NOTHING - YOU GET BEAT BY ANYTHING.
6. Big Deal. Elections have consequences. Hold on! The 2006 elections gave us the biggest do nothing congress in recent history. That isn't really a bad thing after all.
7. Global Warming. My last blog post where I explained the winter of 1977 illustrates the absurdity of Global Warming. It was my observation that Sun Valley did not have sufficient snow pack yet this year. As of today - Idaho is on track to have the second largest snow fall in the history of tracking snow fall. The greatest year of snow fall besides 2008 was 1983. It is obsurd to use recent imperical data to project or forecast one month ahead. Global Warming is a hoax.
NOW FOR MY PICK - It is my most proud opinion that the Biggest Story of 2008 is the same as the untold story for years - THE FACT THAT WE HAVE NOT BEEN ATTACKED ON OUR SOIL BY TERRORISTS SINCE 9-11-01.
Thanks to the dedication and service of our volunteer armed services, we have been safe at home. I can put my kids to bed each night knowing that there are solidiers beyond our shores defeating the enemy and keeping us safe. Radical Islam remains our enemy. I will not forget and I do not apologize for this either. That's the #1 story of the year.
I'd love to hear from you all - just submit your response on what you think the biggest story of 2008 is.
I've rambled - but thanks for joining me at lunch again today.