Sunday, November 16, 2008


I started this post Sunday night around midnight...but never finished it because I wanted to take some cute current pictures of the kids to post...and never got around to it. Its been a busy week!
Ya know, when I first became a mom to little was hard. It was REALLY hard. I wasn't sure I wanted any more. I felt like something was wrong with me because I didn't like it. I was anxious, uptight, frustrated...and he was not an easy baby. Then it started to get better. And God knew best, he sent me Bryson a full year before I planned on even thinking about having another child...and now, with three, I am beginning to really enjoy this calling of being a mom. I wonder if God grants you greater everything - patience, joy, understanding, calmness - the more children you are willing to take on. Just kidding. It is starting to feel that way though.

I have been thinking SO much about my kids, lately, and how much I love them. How grateful I am for each of them and their unique personalities. They make me smile. They make me laugh. They make my heart want to feel like it is going to burst. I am so grateful God has blessed me with such beautiful children.

Colton is growing up so fast. He reminds me so much of me. That first child syndrome--I'm going to be the best, I'm going to impress my parents, I am smarter than my parents, I am in charge. I can tell he is going to be very independent and well-adjusted. We had our first parent-teacher conference this week. We are in the big leagues, now, I know. It was so great. Every parent wants to hear how great their kid is. I was so proud of him. Granted it is isn't like they are going to tell us bad stuff, anyway, but I'll take it.

Then there is my Bryson. He is such a "disaster." That is meant to be endearing and positive. He loves to be center of attention. He loves to make people laugh. He loves to torture the dog. He loves to make his brother happy. He loves having friends. His face is animated and full of expression. His voice is LOUD. Often too loud for my liking. Maybe I should get his hearing checked. I love him so much--even with his loud voice that he always likes to use while Anna is sleeping.

Anna inhaling a cheese quesadilla--I know...she has only had rice cereal so far

but it was keeping her happy

And Anna is my sweet little girl. Her big bright eyes and huge, infectious smile lights up the room. Her laugh...and her laugh-shreik is so cute. Yes, she may be teething and frustrated that she can't move around and do what she wants right now, but she is still an amazing joy to this family. My favorite is to hear her wake in the morning and just lay there talking to herself. I wonder what she is thinking and saying. So content to just chat away...and so I walk in to take a peek and her eyes get big, her mouth turns into a huge smile and her legs start kicking. So happy to see her mommy.
I am grateful this week and always for my children.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blessing Basket

On Sunday, the primary president told the kids a story about a family going through a really hard time, so they decided to create a family blessing basket...and each night they all placed something they were grateful for in their blessing basket. The more they recognized the things they were grateful for, the more blessings they realized they had. She encouraged the kids to go home and create their own blessing basket for this Thanksgiving and to come back next Sunday with a list of things they are grateful for.
I feel like I need to recognize my blessings more every day. We truly are SO blessed it is almost overwhelming. I like how Carrie and Jen place what they are grateful for on their blog as a side post. So, I am going to do the same. Thanks girls.

And today, I am grateful for my friends who are always there ready to help, ready to play, and ready to motivate me to be a better person.

Monday, November 10, 2008

From Batman to Cowboy

These are just some dang cute pictures of my boys.
He didn't take that cape or hat off for a week after Halloween.
He even slept in it.

But then, he found the cowboy hats...
And a new superhero was born...

The cowboy hat, (jump) ropin' cowboys
Bryson actually started it all. He was wearing the nice white
hat, until his older brother insisted that he HAD to
have the white hat.
Now, Bryson, the super nice brother that he is, will ask me
if he can wear the white hat as soon as his brother leaves for school.
Colton doesn't realize how lucky he his.

The front door handle, the stick horse, boxes, chairs

and anything else they can find
they will rope.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Oh Deer

It landed 120 feet from the truck - I had plenty of time to measure the flight pattern while The Elmore Co. Sherrif was en-route for the report. I knocked out it's antlers upon impact. And just for the record - the deer hit me. I did not hit the deer - it ran right into my truck. I scared the crap right out of him and it is all over my stinking truck! I didn't even have time to hit the breaks and luckily I was able to pull the bumper out with the use of a good samaritan's rental car and my chain - I asked if he had bought rental insurance in case the chain slipped and blew out his back window. Ben from Ohio was a great help!

Count to one; that was how long it took to tenderize 130 pounds of venisson.

There were no Obama stickers, pins, posters, t shirts, yard signs or other propaganda on the deer either for you wise acres out there.......... this deer was an independent. Independents hang out in the middle of the road and eventually get ran over like this one.

Sorry for the political comparisson - but it is true.

I'll spare you the picture of the deer

I know. Your welcome. The deer obviously didn't fair too well at all.
Since 2003, we have lived in areas with
open cattle ranges, deer, elk, moose...
And until now, we haven't hit anything.
Ben, unfortunately, decided not to stop and eat in Mtn Home last night,
but to just hurry home to us
and was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

We are glad he was ok, though. And we are glad Jay was nearby.
Thanks for you help, Jay.
We love you dad.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President O.

I'm not sure if I should refer to him as Big O, Oprahman, Oh No, or just Oh Boy! Either way, he is up for re-election in 4 years.

I'll stick with Barry, the little squirrel. Disrespectful - I know, but much more palatable that Buck Fush. Sorry if that shocks anyone - but the people with this bumpersticker are the ones in love with the IDEA of Oh Boy!

I was driving from Spokane, WA to Sandpoint, ID late last night and struggling with the rental car radio - when a Spanish AM station came on and I heard "Obama Obama Obama" - insert spanish accent to get the full effect. How fitting to be 40 miles from Canada and to hear that the President is Oprahman in Spanish. America is litteraly somewhere in between right now. The thought of continuing my drive North was not an option. My family came to this country by choice because it was, is and will remain the best country on earth. No matter what squirrel is president.

Just remember everyone; Carter gave us Ronald Reagan. Who will Obama provide? It'll be a tough experience to stay tuned in order to find out.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I didn't vote for McCain

In the spirit of full-disclosure and honesty, I did not vote for McCain today. I am wearing a sticker alright and I did vote, but it wasn't for McCain.

McCain may be many good things, but he is not a conservative. I will not vote for a president unless they are a conservative. It is a matter of principle for me - it's just how I see the country.

America the Beautiful Written by:
Katherine Lee Bates

4th Verse......
America! America!
God mend thine ev'ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law.

I voted against Obama - I voted for Palin.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pitiful Anonymous Post

One important thing to ask yourself when confronting a liberal is: Who's laughing and who's pissed? Liberals consistently poll as more angry and upset at life. Poor anonymous liberal; I called Little Barry O out on the carpet for his record.

What I pity most of all about Liberals is their inability to take pride in their views. They hide behind an anonymous post with no counter argument to what I have said. By the way - my name is Ben Petzinger. I am not anonymous.

When you stand for nothing - you'll fall for anything. Little Barry Obama has a lot of followers who are incapable of countering a differing point of view in the arena of ideas. It is the lack of substance that motivates liberals to such quick and meaningless defences usually accompanied by name calling etc. I never said liberals were unintelligent, but apparently, I forgot to add - "yeller" to my description.

Sarah Palin knows that "yeller" means........... and them's fightin' words......

Anonymous - go stand in the corner. Bad liberal. Bad liberal.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Batman, Spiderman & a Red Hot Chili Pepper

All with their Spider Witch Mama...
We had a great Halloween.
After helping at Colton's school for the "Halloween Party" - which wasn't really a party - WITHOUT COSTUMES...
{Quick vent: Our elementary school voted to NOT allow
costumes on Halloween or allow any festivities.
How ridulous is that?
To me anyway.
I loved the Halloween parade as a child,
even though my costumes were usually
pretty embarrasingly home made
-Peaches and Cream Oatmeal Box -
The school thinks it disrupts education and does not contribute to learning.
Luckily, Colton's teacher disagrees. She feels it teaches culture and tradition.
I agree.
End of vent.}
After school, we went to Webb Nursery in Ketchum
for their Halloween party...
Webb provides a scavenger hunt, face painting, pumpkin decorating,
apple bobbing (no my kids have never done that), a bouncy house
and a costume contest...
of which Amanda's kids took 1st and 2nd place.
Then trick or treating in downtown Hailey to all the businesses.
Great thing Hailey does.
I could only get Bryce to wear Bridger's batman cape,
his batman hat (which I think is Brady's, Kara?),
and a bat on his face...stay tuned for the entire look...
No, I did not take these great pictures.
Thanks, Amanda.
Ben knew at first sight that I didn't take them.
Guess I should learn how to be a photographer.
I didn't think I was that bad until I look at
We then ended the eventful day
with a well attended Trunk-0r-Treat
at the church.
This holiday is way more fun with kids of your own!
Can't wait until next year.