I started this post Sunday night around midnight...but never finished it because I wanted to take some cute current pictures of the kids to post...and never got around to it. Its been a busy week!
Ya know, when I first became a mom to little Colton...it was hard. It was REALLY hard. I wasn't sure I wanted any more. I felt like something was wrong with me because I didn't like it. I was anxious, uptight, frustrated...and he was not an easy baby. Then it started to get better. And God knew best, he sent me Bryson a full year before I planned on even thinking about having another child...and now, with three, I am beginning to really enjoy this calling of being a mom. I wonder if God grants you greater everything - patience, joy, understanding, calmness - the more children you are willing to take on. Just kidding. It is starting to feel that way though.
I have been thinking SO much about my kids, lately, and how much I love them. How grateful I am for each of them and their unique personalities. They make me smile. They make me laugh. They make my heart want to feel like it is going to burst. I am so grateful God has blessed me with such beautiful children.

Then there is my Bryson. He is such a "disaster." That is meant to be endearing and positive. He loves to be center of attention. He loves to make people laugh. He loves to torture the dog. He loves to make his brother happy. He loves having friends. His face is animated and full of expression. His voice is LOUD. Often too loud for my liking. Maybe I should get his hearing checked. I love him so much--even with his loud voice that he always likes to use while Anna is sleeping.

Anna inhaling a cheese quesadilla--I know...she has only had rice cereal so far
but it was keeping her happy
And Anna is my sweet little girl. Her big bright eyes and huge, infectious smile lights up the room. Her laugh...and her laugh-shreik is so cute. Yes, she may be teething and frustrated that she can't move around and do what she wants right now, but she is still an amazing joy to this family. My favorite is to hear her wake in the morning and just lay there talking to herself. I wonder what she is thinking and saying. So content to just chat away...and so I walk in to take a peek and her eyes get big, her mouth turns into a huge smile and her legs start kicking. So happy to see her mommy.