Sunday, July 27, 2008
5, 4, 3, 2 and...2 months

On to Silverton
Thanks Nate & Becky for being great hosts! Glad we didn't have to entertain the bear (stay tuned for future post regarding the bear for those who don't know the story)
Kids at "Handlebar's" Saloon in Silverton
Colton posing in front of what remains of Animas Forks, an old mining town that used to house 450 people - even with 10' high snow winters
Colton made a game of counting how many marmots he could see on our 4x4 trek
My dad took his Lexus where no Lexus has probably been before...a jeep trail loop that took us to at least 14000 ft...above tree line. It was incredible.
Old mining cabin
Waterfalls were everywhere
It was a great trip. Thanks Mom & Dad, Nate & Becky!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Colton's First $Tip$
Petzingers at the Lake
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Treasure Your Loved Ones
I hate to post such as sad story; but in this tragedy, we are reminded how precious and delicate life is. We are reminded to love our family unconditionally and not take them for granted. We never know when the Lord may take them home.
My prayers are with Cris and Ryan, the Westerfield Family, the Keep Family and all those affected.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Anna's Blessing
Sunday was Anna's special day...or I should say Mom and Dad's special day. Everytime I look at her, my heart aches with the love I feel for her. I am so grateful I have been blessed with such a sweet, beautiful little girl. I am also so grateful for a wonderful husband who was able to give her such a beautiful blessing. She was still blessed to have a sense of humor (just like the boys)...but there was still a very special spirit that I felt as Ben was speaking. The full name she was given is Anna Lenore. Lenore is my mom's name - so Anna has a wonderful namesake to look up to during her life.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy Birthday Nana!

My mom with Bryson at Curt & Shae's wedding last summer
Nana & Pop with my kids