Monday, June 30, 2008

1 Month Already

Anna is such a blessing to our family. The boys can't kiss her enough--she's constantly got boy slobber all over her face. She is starting to stay awake more and focus on the people or dog around her. She's very easy to calm - all you have to do is touch your face to hers and she immediately stops crying. Here are some new pictures for you to see how she's growing.

Mom, don't throw Anna in the water!

Check out Anderson Ranch Dam - Isn't it beautiful! Saturday afternoon we decided to check it out...definitely worth it. It only took us a little over an hour to get there. It is huge, hardly any other boats, incredible water, etc.
Atlas the "Aqua Dog", tongue and all with smilin' Colton

Dad & Colton swimming in the lake - so it obviously wasn't too cold. Bryson, however, wasn't too interested in getting in the water. He was more concerned that I not "throw Anna in the water." Ok, son. I won't.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Echo Lake Fun

Last Saturday, we had a family get-together at Echo Lake near Coalville, Utah. We took our boat out for its first summer excursion and my brother Dave had his. The water was a little rough and chilly--so some of the guys just did tube rides. Anna loved the ride as long as we were moving. We had a nice little BBQ next to the lake and celebrated Colton's & my niece Brooke's Birthday. Brooke is turning 13! Wow!

My beautiful niece Lily, me and Anna.

My nephew Ian & Colton - who were both brave enough to ride in the tube - slowly, but surely

My brother Dave with Anna - He has always been great with babies

My neice Brooke playing with Bryson

Do you like our makeshift Birthday Cake - Hostess Cupcakes with 13 candles, of course. She thought it was strange.

Colton blowing his 5 candles out on his Hostess Cupcake Birthday Cake

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday, Colton!

My little boy is now 5 years old! I can't believe how fast time flies. Colton is such a great kid in so many ways. He is a great friend to his little brother (most of the time). He got some legos from his Nana & Pop and it came with two lego men. He said to me, "I know why there are two lego men. Nana & Pop knew that I would want to share one with Bryson." He has been a great sharer (is that a word) lately.

He also has a very curious mind--he asks a thousand questions all day long about everything. I work really hard at just answering the questions and not getting frustrated--I don't want to discourage questions.

He loves people. He always has. He doesn't like being by himself--the more the merrier...and if you give him the opportunity, he'll talk and talk and talk - just ask his cousins.
He is also very helpful around the house - when he's had enough sleep. He'll set the table, clean the toilets, gather the garbage and dust.
He wanted an "ARMY" birthday this here's to camoflauge (which is also the boys favorite attire).

We had the familys with their kids over for a BBQ and party

I called in an order for cupcakes this morning and said I wanted "army green" frosting. The order taker was spanish, so I wasn't sure what I'd get. Ben picked them up for me and called to say the cupcakes were really and dark green. I'd say they worked out perfect for army men to top them off. I got my "army" green after all.

Colton's friends: Danika & Drew Merrick (Danika's head is behind Colton), Brady, Bridger (with the present on his head), Krissa, Saylor, Sariah & Preston
Opening presents--always fun for EVERYONE!

The result of the "army" green frosting... sorry...
Kerry Nilsen & Emmy
Bryson, Colton, Preston & Brady

Isn't this puppy cute? Look at Atlas' baby jeolousy.

Tracy Aviary (The Bird Zoo)

I spent Thurs - Sun in Salt Lake (Ben had meetings and I wasn't about to stay at home by myself). So, Friday, I met some girlfriends - Lisa, Debbie & Kristy - and their 3 kids each at Liberty Park. Great park for kids. They've re-done it since I was a kid. Then Kristy & I took our kids and went to the Aviary, or the "bird zoo", so my kids could understand. I was quite surprised with how much they enjoyed looking at birds. Who knew?

Gavin, Colton, Bryson, Conner & Avery
Those Emu's are...ugly?

With the owl at the end of the worst bird show I've ever seen. None of the birds would do anything they were asked to do. Must have been the heat - it was at least 93 degrees.

Just a cute pic!
Colton & the Golden Eagle

Monday, June 23, 2008

Adjusting to Number 3

It isn't really adjusting TO number 3, but adjusting to having 3 kids and only 2 hands and 2 eyes. There is only so much you can do. I've gotten behind in just about everything...but that is ok for now. She is totally worth it. I am really loving the baby stage this time and not getting too stressed about not getting stuff done. Babies grow up WAY TOO FAST, so I'm going to enjoy it while I've got it. So, my blog posts may be a little behind...but who cares, right. :)

Anna at about 2 1/2 weeks old

My work sent me this great gift - a sugar cookie bouquet. Isn't it cute.

Pretty flowers from my mom and dad

The Rocket!

Colton's friend, Preston Hill, received a great birthday present from the Rideouts - A Rocket. It was a huge hit with the kids AND Ben asked for one for Father's Day...he NEVER asks for "toys", so I had to get it for him.

Grandma and Grandpa were there for Father's Day and got to enjoy first hand the fun. And, as you can see from these pictures...the rocket wasn't really for Ben - obviously!

Colton pumping air into the rocket
Bryson anxiously awaiting the launch.
And its off...just not too high. We couldn't get it to consistently go high, but when it does it really does go HIGH!

Bryson's turn
He's eyeing that thing so intently thinking "it better fly high"
And it launches. Again...not high. Who knows? Cheap $14 King's toy Made in China. What do you expect?

BONUS PICTURE: Grandma & Grandpa with the 3 kids...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

To the two most important men in my life - My hubby and My dad!

First, Ben...
...the dad who blesses his children to "have a sense of humor" during the priesthood baby blessing at church
...the dad who insists on having "space and land and animals" so his children grow up knowing how to work
...the dad who can demand obedience and respect (and get it), yet still show love, kindness and be fun...he keeps us all laughing!

...the dad who has taught his boys how fun it is to fart LOUD (I don't know if that is a good one or not)
...the dad who will take his boys for a ride in the jeep, a hike in the woods, out on the boat, to the shooting range, outside to fly kites, build lego projects, read books...or just sit with them in his chair and watch Nascar races

This is what Colton said about his dad today: His very favorite thing to do with dad is when dad lets him help fix things with his tools.

I'm grateful for a husband who takes his role of father very seriously, but can still have fun. He is my best friend and I'm glad we are in this parenting thing together. I love you.

Now, my own dad...
...What can I say? I couldn't ask for a better dad. We have developed a very close relationship over the years...Ever since I was no longer a teenage girl that made him crazy with worry all the time. Thanks for always believing in me, dad, and never giving up.

I love him for so many things--for how he treats and worships my mom; for asking and valuing my opinion on work or personal matters; for being so good at everything he does; for loving all of us kids no matter what; and most importantly at this time in my life for being the best "Pop" in the world. My kids love their pop--he wrestles with them, he plays monster with them, he loves them so much and they can't get enough of their pop. Thanks, dad! I love you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cinammon & Grumpy

Welcome to the Petzinger Family Farm. This year's cows are Cinammon (the brown one) and Grumpy (courtesy of Colton's creativity).
We aren't sure if Grumpy is really "grumpy", yet. I'll keep you posted.
Yes, the boys are in winter coats (& shorts, of course) the 2nd week of June. That wind is COLD!!! It was below 50 degrees.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Thanks to the girls! I LOVE YOU ALL!

My first thank you is to the girls for putting me into labor. We went out for Kara's birthday the night before I went into labor...let me just say that I haven't laughed so hard in a long time! I kept telling them they were going to put me in labor...and they did. Who knew laughing could do it?

I stole these pictures from Amy's blog (Thanks Amy) from our fun girls night out.

Kristin, Maren & Carrie
Amy, Maren, Amanda...and me...I really am having more fun than I look--but contractions had started...can you tell?
Shalece, Maren, Me, Carrie, Shalece & Kristin

My second thank you is to Carrie for picking up my boys on a minutes notice when I went to the hospital and keeping them for the night until Nana & Pop could get here. Carrie just happened to be the first person we got in touch with...but I know any of these girls would have been there the second I needed them.

My third thank you is to all of you for bringing in food last week--and delicious food, too, especially the chocolate (Thanks for satisfying my chocolate cravings) AND taking my boys after Ben went back to work so I could get some much needed rest and time with just Anna. I appreciate it so much! What would I do without you all? THANKS A TON!!!