Sunday, March 30, 2008


Bowling for Bridger Rand's Birthday. Great idea. 5 little boys on one lane, 4 little girls and Bryson on the other, and a lane for the adults to show off (ya right!) Bryson insisted on rolling the ball by himself--so we'd have to just encourage it to PLEASE make it to the end, which it always did a 1/2 hour later.Colton did a GREAT job! Thank heavens for bumpers. Those sure would have saved a lot of childhood tears in our family, wouldn't they have, Dad?Brady, Preston, Colton & Bridger anxiously watching their friend's ball.
I had to throw this pic in for Kara. Paisley sure loved smiling at Ben. Ben needs a daughter, doesn't he?

Waitin' for the bus!

Title courtesy of Grandpa Joe who was here this weekend. The boys went out to play and came around front with this head gear on. I couldn't pass up the photogenic moment!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Egg Decorating

My mom made sugar cookie "Eggs" and decided to have a decorating event for the kids...and a contest for the adults as part of our Easter Festivities. Here are the results: Adult Cookies...Mr. Potato Head, Sailing, Playboy Bunny, Jeep, Transformers, Moab, etc.
This was Ben's. Isn't he creative. This is a frosting representation of "Lion's Back" - a jeep climb we did a couple years back that is no longer open to the public...
Bryce Easter Egg Pic 1 - Wanting to put his new Hot Wheels Hummer on the cookie (got the idea from Uncle Dave who did this trying to win the kids vote for his cookie)

Hot Wheels Hummer on the cookie driving over a pile of rock sprinkles
Hot Wheels Hummer off the cookie--time to lick the wheels
Colton decorating his cookie
Colton next to cousin Adrey. He is always so studious and focused. :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Maybe a girl????

I know you are all waiting for the BIG NEWS! I had another ultrasound today. We had a pretty dang good view of between the legs and there wasn't anything swaying in the wind...but there wasn't anything else real definite, either. She thought she could see the three lines you look for with a girl, but then the picture changed and she couldn't get back to that view again. I am starting to feel a little more confident that I may actually be having a girl. Ben has decided, though, that we need to just pay the money and go to the fetal foto place...he doesn't want to be surprised! We'll see.

We could get a betting pool on here, though...and wait it out...any takers?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Creativity Spark?

So I'm not creative. I think I may have been at some point in my life, but not that I can remember in my fairly distant past. My life is planned, methodical, organized. I have weekly dinner plans that I rotate over six months. (With a few open days to try new recipes). I have my household cleaning chores scheduled in my Outlook--the weekly ones, the monthly ones, the quarterly ones, and even the yearly ones. I basically have the same routine on a weekly basis...consistency. They say kids like it that way, right? It tends to drive my husband a little nuts. Especially when it comes to my cooking. I've gotten better--but I used to follow the recipe exactly, measuring out each ingredient perfectly. Well...thanks to Ben, I've gotten daring. I actually don't measure anymore--I take a guess. I even add my own things or take certain things out. This winter (thanks to our cows Tank & BBKing) I created my own beef stew recipe all by myself--and its really good! This is called progress towards being creative.

Now spontanaity is something that is not lacking, thank goodness. I may not be creative, but I can be spontaneous. If something else comes up that sounds more inviting--then my Outlook list of tasks can be saved for another day. I think this lack of creativity is what got me so excited that I'd actually made homemade Valentine's cards with the boys. I still didn't come up with the dinosaur idea on my own, though--I found it--online, of course.

When I was in high school and for the first few years of college, one of my best friends and I (who I had been friends with since the 1st grade--but is unfortunately no longer in my life because of a jealous wife--a story for another day) would go on the very first hike of the spring. The snow would still be melting. The trail barely discernable under the melting snow. The streams near the trail would still be displaying some of the most beautiful ice sculptures created from the winter cold. The green buds and a few green strands of grass would be just starting to poke through the cold, wet ground. This was my FAVORITE time of year to hike. The remains of winter were beautiful and the signs of spring were uplifting. It was during that time that I decided, or more like hoped, I was going to be a writer for Outside Magazine. I was going to explore different places around the world and then write about them for other people--so they would then want to go and experience the same things. So, I started writing my own little articles about these hikes and places I would explore. I could never share, though. I thought they weren't good enough. I couldn't seem to put into the right words the things I saw and felt while there. The words seemed bland and insignificant. I think those "articles" are still stashed away in one of my filing boxes containing my past.

However, since blogging and reading other's blogs...I think there has been a small spark of a desire to find that creative bone again. I must have one. My mom is incredibly creative. She is always doing something creative--and had to have passed something on to me. The latest has been her watercolor paintings--which will be featured on this blog at some point. I've been thinking back to experiences of my past--especially our 3 years on the Navajo Reservation--desperately regretting that I didn't document it...with pictures and stories. Pictures of that unique place can speak a thousand words about our experiences. We talked about writing a book about our crazy experiences there that I thought I could never ever forget, but even now, as I think back my memory is hazy and unclear. All those stories that I thought would be etched in my memory forever seem to be gone--and I'm not sure I can resurrect them. I probably blocked them out for sanity's sake. It is unfortunate, but I think I am going to try to bring them back. My perspective may not be so negative as it would have been had I documented it while it was happening, so it could be a good thing to try and do it now. Kind of like those handcart pioneers from the ill-fated Willie and Martin Companies. I just finished the book "The Price We Paid" about those incredible people...and their memories, documented 30 years after the fact were presented with a much more eternal and grateful perspective than if they had documented their experiences while it was happening.

I'm also seeing things around me in a different light, as well. Looking for the right photo to capture...not just a picture...but a story. Part of all this comes from being a little bored lately with the same old thing. I don't feel like I've been challenging myself, improving myself, or developing any sort of new talents. I need something to get excited about...I don't know if this is it, but at least its something out of my normal routine of day-to-day mundane tasks. So...this long epiphany that I've decided to share with my friends and family is hopefully an indication of better things to come...maybe some good, fun stories...better pictures...and a more creative, improved me...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

When mom is distracted...

These kids need to get outside. Winter began in October and here we are 5 months later still in it. The house and the toys within the house can only hold their interest for so long. I had some work to do the other day, so I was in my office and the boys were playing so nicely and quietly. That is usually the sign that we are in for some big clean-up project. Sure enough...the play room, which is usually always organized and cleaned up ( maybe not always) had become a war zone. Enough said. Enjoy the pics.

Now this was a date!

It sounded like a great date...ride the River Run lift to the top and eat at the famous "Roundhouse Restaraunt." So, when we had some friends come into town to visit, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to show them a little more of Sun Valley than just a drive through town....not to mention a great get away from the kids for an adult outing.

I should have asked more questions of the person who suggested it (Amy). I had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. I tend to always get us into situations like this, though, so it came to no surprise to Ben.

I had never been to the River Run lift area of Baldy Mountain. I had never snowboarded anywhere on that mountain, so I had no idea they didn't have gondolas. Why would they advertise a "foot pass" to the top to eat at a restaraunt for the non-skiiers if they didn't have a gondola? And who knew that it wasn't just one quick lift ride, but three different lift rides. So, first of all, we felt quite out of place walking onto a high-speed quad through the snow in our street clothes--and let me emphasize street clothes--not snow clothes. The guys were sporting jeans and a fleece jacket...and Tricia and I were in black slacks, casual boots; but at least we had coats. Thank goodness we had coats, because partially up the 1st lift, the blizzard began. Not just snow falling--a blowing blizzard at 7000' on a freezing cold chairlift while in street clothes.

So, after almost 1/2 hour of riding three different lifts, we finally made it to the restaraunt. Was it worth it? Ben says that "Nothing was worth the frostbite, not even two great bratwursts." But it just wouldn't have been as great of a story OR memory, if we had peacefully riden a warm, enclosed gondola directly up to the restaraunt and back down again, now would it?

And back down we had to go...with the lift attendants laughing their heads off at our ill-prepared attire, our white frozen hair and pants, and our obviously frozen minds. What were we thinking? Ok...what was I thinking? Thanks for being such good sports, Tricia and Micah! We loved having you here for the weekend...after 5 years...let's now wait another 5 years...especially now that we are both in Idaho. Yeah for Idaho...except for the continuous snow when you least expect it.
It started out so nice...Me & Ben on the lift

Tricia & Micah Scott enjoying the lift

And then there was this...

Not so nice, anymore...but memorable!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Baby Brother is 23!

Happy Birthday, Jake! I know he loves it when I call him my "baby" brother--but to me he is...and a brother who I almost didn't want to have anything to do with. I was in sixth grade when he was born. I was called out of my class to take a phone call from my dad. Dad said, "Guess what! You have another brother!" I already had 4 and I wanted a sister more than anything in the world. I said to him, "I don't want another brother!" and hung up on him. What a rude and ungrateful child. But, all it took was one look at him in the hospital and I loved him instantly. I was a teenager while Jake was in his growing up years, so I have lots of memories of him. One of my favorites--he loved to tell me stories, but his stories took a REALLY long time to tell and I could get a little impatient. He was so dang cute, though, you couldn't get mad at him. He has always had this quiet confidence about him and I'm so proud of everything he is--especially the amazing husband he is to his wife, Heather. They make such an incredible couple and are SO good to eachother, they put the rest of us to shame. Jake, Heather & Daisy (their 1st child)
He's so dang smart, too...who knew I'd be calling my youngest brother for help on everything from computers to web site design to engine trouble and who knows what else. He even just won $500 for solving an ISIS puzzle. It's this puzzle thing through The Sharper Image and people have been working on this latest puzzle for 2 months--and he solves it. He and Heather own their own businesses, have lots of different websites...I could go on and on about what a great guy he is. I just want him to know I'm happy to have him as a brother and let him know that I love him (and I hope he doesn't move too far away...hint...hint)
Jake & Heather on the cruise

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friends Reunited

Thanks to the internet, facebook and blogging, I was reunited with two great friends from high school...after at least 13 years - Melanie, left of me, and Susan, right of me. Kristy, the one on the right side end, and I have stayed good friends over the years. We were crazy and took our kids to lunch--all 8 of them under 5. It was still fun--but next time it will be either no kids or at a park. Aren't they all so dang cute, though...I meant the girls! The kids are cute, too.

If any of us have changed at all since 1993, it is for the better. All 3 of those girls look great! Anyway, I've been unpacking since we finally are staying put--and am finding things that haven't been unpacked since 2003. I found these pictures from GRADUATION NIGHT and thought they'd be perfect for this reuniting post. I thought Melanie was in these, but was disappointed to see that she wasn't. I'll have to find some of Mel...but Susan, Kristy and I are all in these great last day of school pictures...and I threw in one extra one just for you, Rachel...(they were all together...and I've been meaning to post this one for you.) We missed you at lunch. Maybe next time. Again...thanks girls for getting together. It was fun.

Susan and I--we look a little too happy...or at least I do. Why is my mouth wide open? I have no idea.
The big group is Kristy, Carrie, Jen, Jill, Amber's face, Susan, and Me...
Then there is Susan and Kristy...and last is Brian (Susan's brother), Rachel, and Me in Moab.

2008 Snowmobile "Ride Giver"

For the 2nd year in a row, Ben and some snowmobile buddies volunteer to take the kids from Gooding's School for the Blind on Snowmobile Rides. They kept riding and riding...and by the time the last one was finished and they re-entered the lodge, all the kids were passed out from exhaustion. We hope they had a fun time--and hope their parents weren't too worried about these crazy snowmobiles.

Gotta Love That Face!

We took the boys out for Ice Cream Shakes tonight - Yeah, Snow Bunny! Well, the shakes were a little thick, so Bryce decided he would just take his lid off and drink it. He got a nose and face full! We had to wait until we got home to take the pic--so a little of the effect is gone, but you get the idea. He did not think it was very funny AT ALL.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Ben's Favorite Idol :)

Those of you who know my husband have surely guessed his favorite Idol Contestant this year...yep, Danny Noriega. Isn't he just the "cutest." Ben just loves his singing and "fun" personality. Watching Idol is one of his favorite pasttimes and it is just that much better when he gets to watch someone like Danny. Go Danny!