Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tagged with the latter "S"...

So I was tagged and I have to name 10 things I love that start with the letter "S".

1. Sara Ann Wright
2. Shoes
3. Sandals...Which are different then shoes! Lol
4. sandwiches...PB&J
5. suckers
6. soup...especially cheese and broccoli
7. sisters
8. sherbet
9. son!!
10. Sun!!! LOL
Now I tag: Leesa with the letter "R", Tara with the letter "K", Alyssa with the letter "G" and Kelden with the letter "W". Good luck!

Photo contest!

Sorry for those of you who tried to vote for Braxton on this! I received the email from Gerber and thought it was legit until I tried to vote for myself! It was a bunch of surveys and I don't like that! Sorry to you who did try! Thanks again!


Friday, March 20, 2009

9 months...Where have they gone??!!??

My, Oh my! Where have the past 9 months gone!
My sweet pea is 9 months old today and is big as can be!
He crawls all over and is into everything!
He has 3 teeth and is working on getting a few more!
I love him more today then I did 9 months ago...
Which I never thought was possible!
I love how he gives me kisses. I love how we play on the bed in the morning!
I love how he cuddles with his daddy! They are my 2 favorite guys!
Here are pictures from the day he was born until today!
Look how much he has changed!
I love you Bones!
June 20, 2008 hours old

July 20, 2008 1 month old

August 20, 2008 2 months old

September 20, 2008 3 months old!

October 20, 2008 4 months old

November 20, 2008 5 months old

December 21, 2008 6 months old

January 2009 7 months old
Cuddling with daddy bones

January 20, 2009 7 months old

February 2009 8 months old Moab, UT

February 20, 2009 8 months old

March 20, 2009 9 months old

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Jennifer Lynn!!!

Happy Birthday!
You came into this world 38 years ago. You came to soon and left to soon!
Although we don't remember what you look like or know you very well, you are a very important part of our lives!
Not a day goes by that we don't think about you!
Mom and dad kept you part of our family, raising us to know who you are and where you are! Now we get to share your memory with our children!
Today we celebrated you and your beautiful memory! We love you and miss you!
Happy birthday to the big sister I will know someday!

3 pink balloons in memory of her...
He might not understand now why we let these go, but someday he will!
One for Brent, one for Braxton....
And one for me!
Off to heaven they go!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So I was just looking at the pictures I posted of my nephew and he and Braxton look a lot alike! What do you think???

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pictures I promised!

Here he is!
Brentin Calvin Wright
March 4, 2009 11:37 am
6 pounds 13 ounces 19 inches

Calvin, Andrea and baby boy

Cute little family!
Kelly took all the following pictures

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Welcome Jelly!!!

Our peanut butter and jelly are now complete! We welcomed Brentin Calvin Wright on Wednesday March 4, 2009! He weighed in at 6 lbs 13 oz and is 19 inches long! Stay tuned for pictures...Some time next week...Since I am in Utah as I type this!
He is the smallest baby in our family so far! He is wearing preemie clothes! It is hilarious! He was only 4 days early! But his momma is pretty little! Well that all for now! Have a great day!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Making my blog...Not private...

Well I have been thinking lately that I love looking at other peoples why can't they look at mine. If you stumble upon my blog...Welcome and I hope you enjoy the many pictures of us! Lol! Because that is what is mostly on here! Thanks for checking in...for those of you who follow us! Have a great day!