Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Glory of Love

Dear Peter,

I have loved you for a long time. Ever since I was a young girl, I would listen to your melodious voice sing the most romantic songs I knew. I would lie in my room with my headphones on for hours listening to you croon while I did homework, wrote letters, danced, and (of course) fantasized about love. 

Some of my favorite songs you sang were/are The Glory of Love (from the Karate Kid), Hard to Say I'm Sorry, If You Leave Me Now, We Can Last Forever,  After All, The Next Time I Fall in Love, and (my absolute favorite) You're the Inspiration.

As I watched you perform tonight with the full strength of the Houston symphony behind you, I realized that I am still madly in love- with your music, with your lyrics, with you. 

You sang live exactly as I imagined. You are a total pop star. I found it intriguing to watch you sing impossible notes all while teeth were clenched.

You were hilarious. I enjoyed your cracks about how the audience has probably heard all of your songs while in the elevator, at the grocery store, in the bank.... You have a great sense of humor.

I'll admit it. I cried. I was as giddy as a school girl sitting in seat G12. Your songs brought back some really fun childhood memories. Plus, with a voice like yours, how could I not cry as you hit the high notes during If You Leave Me Now?

Thank you for coming to Houston. You made one little girl very happy. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Surprise

It snowed in Houston for several hours today. The flakes were large and beautiful. The snow only stuck to the ground for a very short time. 
Don't believe me? See for yourself!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Tradition

Our family started a new Thanksgiving tradition a couple of years ago. This tradition has brought so much joy to my heart. A few years ago, Brent wanted to try cooking the turkey. Since then, he has never looked back and I have never touched a frozen turkey! Brent also makes several of the sides. This year, he made turkey stuffed with apples, onions, sage, and cinnamon; cornbread and wild rice dressing; and corn pudding. I made the cranberry sauce. 

We had dinner at our friend's, the Theurers, house. They provided the mashed potatoes, gravy (made from the turkey drippings - yum), rolls, green beans, and the pies. Dinner was superb!

I am totally OK with our new Thanksgiving tradition. Brent loves to cook the food, and I love to eat it. And I am alright with doing the Thanksgiving dishes if it means I don't have to slave in the kitchen all morning long. 

I am thankful for my husband, his job, my beautiful and happy son, my health, my knowledge of the gospel, my loving family, and good friends.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Delectable Dinner

For my birthday weekend, Brent surprised me and made my favorite dish- rack of lamb. Mmmmm. Mashed sweet potatoes, and salad accompanied the meat. 
It was absolutely delicious! 

It's just another reason for me to count myself lucky for marrying such a catch! Thanks, Brent, for such a fantastic birthday dinner.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hurricane Ike

September 12th, 2008, Brent and I went to bed in anticipation. We knew that Hurricane Ike would hit the location where we lived sometime in the middle of the night. Neither on of us had ever experienced a hurricane before that night. We were almost giddy with anticipation (weird, I know).

Sometime around 12:30 a.m., Brent jumped out of bed and grabbed his laptop of the floor.  He had heard the sound of flowing water and knew he had to move his computer before water got to it. It was a good thing he moved the laptop because water was flowing into our apartment through our windows (which were closed) faster than I thought possible.

Brent spent several hours soaking up water around the windows with towels and then draining the water from the towels into bowls. It was a good thing Brent reserved that water because later on we realized the bathtub had drained and we had no water with which to flush our toilets.

We both eventually fell asleep only for me to be woken to the sensation of water dripping on my leg. I woke Brent up and informed him that water was leaking from the ceiling! Brent moved our thick, heavy, king-sized bed from the bedroom to the living room so it wouldn't get ruined by the water drip. Unfortunately, I wasn't much help to Brent since I was just over 8 months pregnant.

Although there was much chaos happening in our apartment, it appeared to be even worse outside. The wind was howling ferociously. The rain was pounding so hard against the outside walls of our apartment that I am sure it was coming full force at a vertical slant. It was pitch black outside with huge flashes of lightening. It was all quite eerie. I kept thinking that I hoped no one was left to try to fight against this monster called Ike while outside.

The next morning, Brent and I discovered the effects of Ike were disastrous. Brent and I were left without water and power, as was most of the Houston area. Old, strong trees were ripped to shreds. Thick, sturdy roots torn from the earth. Hermann Park, which is across the street from our apartment, was unrecognizable. 

Brent and I spent four days without water and power. (We were lucky. Most Houstonians went without power for one or two weeks.) We lived off of peanut butter and jelly, crackers, granola bars, beef jerky, and other non perishable items. Thankfully, in anticipation of the hurricane, we had stocked up with drinking water.

We had no water to bathe or flush our toilet. We ended up collecting water from the apartment pool. After a couple days our apartment smelled like a latrine. After day two, Brent couldn't handle being so sticky and dirty that he finally took a shower with the pool water. Yuck!

Thankfully, after day three of no power or water, our neighbors had their water back. They let us take a shower at their house. It was absolutely fantastic! Then, the next day, another neighbor family had power and water back and they let us shower at their house and they had us over for dinner. It was so wonderful.

For the four nights we were without power and water we did a lot of reading, played cards and board games, hung out with our friend, Matt (his wife and daughter were in NYC visiting at the time), and went to bed when the sun went down. Brent had to go back to work after the third day. Thankfully, he had taken a shower at our neighbors' house.

Our apartment sustained some flooding damage, and was covered in mold. So, we had to move into another unit on a different floor. It ended up being a blessing because we were able to get into a two bedroom unit, where we would have more room for Clark when he arrived.

We came from this experience feeling very grateful for all the modern conveniences we take for granted. We grew closer to our neighbors and our ward. We grew closer together as a family. And we are so thankful the Lord protected us through the hurricane and after. 

Clark Confidential

I have created a private blog to post updates on Clark. If you are interested in obtaining access to his private blog, let me know by giving me your e-mail.
 I must say, I am one lucky mama!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Brent gave me a Bose Sounddock for my 28th birthday yesterday. It is probably one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received. 

Brent and I haven't had a stereo in our home for several years. Brent said that he wanted me to enjoy listening to music again, like I use to do.

I am excited to listen to church music on Sunday mornings, organize my cleaning projects by song, dance with Brent and Clark, and find other ways to use my awesome birthday gift.

Thanks, Brent, for such a thoughtful gift. I love you with all of my heart.