Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The Mr. and I escaped to San Diego this last weekend. It was fabulous! The weather was gorgeous. My parents were good enough to take the kids the whole time. We left Friday early morning and came home Sunday. It was short, but sweet! We went to Sea World and the beach. Friday and Saturday were spent at Sea world- except for when we went running Sat. morning on Mission beach. Sunday, we had breakfast on the beach @ the Wave House (delicious) and then headed home! We loved it! We didn't take very many pictures, guess we were too busy having fun!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Grandma Great's Birthday!

This past Saturday we were able to spend some time with Brenton's side of the family! It was Grandma Great's 75th Birthday! We went to Aunt Cheryl's house for breakfast. Nathan made a delicious bfast with some kind of yummy omelet and crepes. We ate way too much! The kids love to see the family, they had a great time! Too bad they all live on the other side of the valley, else we would see them a lot more!
Here are a few pics:

Happenings as of Late...

Check these out:

I painted Aimee's toenails for the first time :) I know, it's taken me a while. She liked them though! I love having a little girl!

Bryson and Aimee wrote all over each other with Crayola Markers... I was not happy, but I took some pics before they got busted!

We went out with all the adults on my side of the family (Mom, Dad, Scott, Pam, Jer, Lisa, Jordan, Christy) to Red Robin and bowling to celebrate Jeremy's birthday. Jordan and Jeremy wore the same short- evidently that happens a lot! We had a great time! I hurt myself though and couldn't bowl, so that was a bummer.Judd watched the kids and did a great job, as usual. He's a great babysitter! We love having so much family close!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Bryson and Aimee had their 3 year and 18 month well-checks today.

Bryson: 30 lbs
37 1/2 in.

Aimee: 27.4 lbs.
31 1/2 in.