Monday, December 15, 2008

5 Months!

Today Bryson turned 5 months!!! It's hard to believe that only 5 short months ago we were waiting impatiently for him to join our little happy family. He is such a big blessing in my life. I cannot imagine my life without him. As I watch him grow and change everyday, I can't help but want to never take my eyes off him. He lights up my life. I am so grateful for every day I have with this precious angel. I'm so grateful he is healthy and happy. I look forward to an eternity with my two men!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


My friend, Kelli, tagged me... let's see if I can come up with 8 of each :)


8 TV Shows I LOVE...
1. Survivor
2. American Idol
3. Little House on the Prairie
4. What Not to Wear
5. Jon and Kate Plus 8
6. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
7. Super Nanny
8. A Baby Story

8 Favorite Restaurants...
1. Olive Garden
2. PF Chang's
3. Wendy's
4. Subway
5. Ruby River
6. Red Lobster
7. Long John Silver's
8. Manuel's Mexican Restaurant

8 Things that Happened Yesterday...
1. Had a Roman Party at Work
2. Fed Bryson
3. Changed Bryson
4. Played with Bryson
4. Made cookies
5. Made fudge
6. Spent time with Brenton
7. Mourned my finishing the Twilight books
8. Talked with my mom

8 Things I look Forward To...
1. Christmas Break with Family
2. Warmer weather in the Spring
3. Brenton graduating
4. Strengthening of the economy
5. My own washer and dryer
6. Living in AZ
7. Not living paycheck to paycheck
8. Watching Bryson grow and learn

8 Things on my Wish List...
1. Owning a home
2. Being out of debt
3. Knowing my family is save forever
4. A Strong, Healthy baby boy
5. A close family
6. A successful, fun job for Brenton
7. New nice cookware
8. At least 8 hours of sleep a night.

8 Things I Love...
1. Brenton
2. Bryson
3. My family
4. Friends
5. Cows
6. Warm Weather
7. Really good books
8. Mint Choco Chip IceCream

8 Things I Don't Like...
1. Cold Weather
2. Dirty Dishes
3. Stinky Trash
4. A Dirty Home
5. Being Sick
6. Being Stressed
7. Brenton's Busy Schedule
8. Violence

Now I'm cheating. There's one for 8 People I tag... but how about you do it if you want :) It's kind of fun.... Hope you had a fun time getting a glimpse of me!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What Now?

Today marks a happy and sad day for me. I finished the Twilight Series!! I must say, I have thoroughly enjoyed these 4 books and have LOVED every minute I have read them. I loved the story. I loved the characters. Meyer did an absolutely wonderful job! I have to admit, it takes a lot for me to get so involved with a book. Most of the time, I start a book only to skip to the end and read the last chapter because it can't keep my attention. But this series was different; I couldn't put the book down. You could say I was... obsessed! I laughed, I cried, I even wanted to hiss with them! I am dreading what to do now. I need another book to keep me attention as this series has. However, I will balance my time better. I must say thank you a million times to my patient husband for allowing me the time and space to read them. He was extremely patient and understanding even though I've hardly done anything else these last few days. And when I wasn't reading them, I was talking about the characters and the plot. Thanks, Brenton, for listening to me and letting me have this fun time! I have learned that I really do enjoy reading, when I can find the right book. I look forward to seeing the movie over Christmas Break with my family in AZ. I don't want to go back to watching TV like before, so if you know of any other good books that you think will keep my attention, please let me know!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Rice Cereal Update

So, I decided to give Bryson rice cereal in his bottle the other day, and he loved it! I wanted to try it in all that formula to dilute it first of all, and see how he would react. He loved it and handled it well. I also gave it to him in a bottle with a bigger hole in it, making it easier to get it out (fast, instead of slow). Well, he liked it too! He's been struggling during feeding time; he gets frustrated and takes FOREVER to eat, and it's because he has to suck so hard to get anything out. So, now we have decided to switch him. He isn't choking on it, and he hasn't acted like it's hurting his stomach, so we think it's a go-ahead! Also, we are spoon feeding him rice cereal, now that he is adjusted to the taste. Yay for new adventures!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Rice Cereal

Yesterday, Bryson started rice cereal! His Doctor gave me the O.K. to start him on food at his appt. last Wednesday. He's been showing signs of being hungrier, so we bought some at the store and gave some to him in his bottle. He didn't seem to mind it at all! I'm excited to start him on this and see how well he reacts to it over the next few days. Then, we'll work on veggies! My little baby is getting so big. He also started to roll over more yesterday! Shocker! He has been rolling onto his side, but yesterday he kept trying to go all the way. He couldn't quite make it, but I'm guessing it's gonna happen soon. He would strain and make the funniest noises like he was really trying. He'd kick his legs up in the air and then swing his whole body over to the right side! Big milestones!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


My old roommate, Susan Mortensen (married name Turley) passed away yesterday. She was 25 years old and lost the battle with colon cancer. I lived in her Condo in Chandler after the mission. Our other roommate, Miriam, lives in Salt Lake. Susan had been married less than a year. Her dad, Bruce Mortensen, was the bishop (from my ASU Singles ward) that sent me on my mission. She was a wonderful roommate. I pray for her husband, Justin, her parents, family, and friends. I'm thankful to have known her. She was happy and optimistic and exercised great faith in Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for the Plan of Salvation and the knowledge that we can be with those we love again. Without this knowledge and faith, there would be no hope of family and friends lost in this world. If you are interested in learning anything about her and her story, you can check out her blog on the side labeled "Susan and Justin".

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bryson's 4 month check-up

Today was Bryson's 4 month check up.... He now weighs 15 lbs 2 oz. He is 25 1/4 inches tall. His head is 42.5 cm. He's getting big! He was in the 40th or 60th percentile for his weight in all of those (I don't remember which)! Since Brenton was gone all day today, Breanne came down and hung out with me and went to the appt. Thanks for coming and hanging out! I always enjoy it! Poor baby did so well up until the shots and then he let out this terrible blood-curdling yell. It broke my heart! Those shots hurt! Luckily, within 10 minutes he had forgotten about them and was back to being a happy baby. I love that baby boy!

Thanksgiving Break

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. On Friday, the 19th, we left Provo after I got off work (around 11:30 AM) and started the drive down to AZ. We were really worried about how Bryson would do on his first long trip. We ended up stopping for the night in Kingman. We could have made it all the way, but it was a nice little stop on the way. Saturday we drove to Brenton's grandparents' home and spent some time there. Then, we went to Phoenix for time with Brenton's parents. We stayed there until Sunday. Sunday evening we drove to Mesa to hang out with my family. We had a good time there- shopping, watching movies, playing games, etc. On Monday we celebrated my grandma's birthday and had tin-foil dinners and cobbler we cooked in the firepit. It was fun to see family. Monday morning we were surprised to find out that Lisa had been in labor and we had a new nephew. Zane is so cute! Now there are three grandbabies (all boys) in the family. Thursday we had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. Friday afternoon we drove back over to Phoenix to spend more time with Mom and Dad Jensen. We had fun going to look at lights and shops at "Glendale Glitters", playing "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?", and just hanging out. Thanks so much everyone for the great times and memories. For those I didn't get to see, I'm sorry and sad! We should be able to get together soon...


Bryson ate some applesauce Sunday night. We were on our way back from AZ and stopped by Aunt Leslie's house. Uncle Andy had made some homemade applesauce and I decided to see if Bryson would like it. I've been letting him try different foods every now and them, but he's never liked any food and hasn't shown any interest in it. But this time, he loved it!

Monday, December 1, 2008

You've Got to be Kidding Me?!?!?!?

Obama. Clinton as Sec. of State. Napolitano as Homeland Security. Need I say more?!?!?!