Tuesday, October 23, 2007

what's going on?

Well, I thought i better write and give an update on our lives. Unfortunately, Brenton's camera is not working so we haven't taken very many pictures lately. The pictures we have taken on my camera are stuck there until we can figure out how to get them on the computer. Sad, huh? Nevertheless, I wanted to give you an update on what has been going on lately.
Brenton is busy doing midterms at BYU. He is doing very well and I'm so proud of him for all he does. He makes time to work, do all his homework, attend all his classes, clean the house, and spend time with me every day. I love him so much!
I am busy working full time at Power Innovations. I am working in Human resources/Payroll/Accounts Payable, and I love it. It gets stressful at times, but I have a great boss and great co-workers. I plan on staying there for as long as they'll have me, or we live in the state.
With Halloween coming up, last weekend we went out with Manuel (a friend from the mission) and his wife Stephanie. We went to a corn maze and also a Haunted hayride. It was a lot of fun! I took pics, and we'll put some on as soon as we can. In the middle of the cornmaze was a look-out with a make-shift slide to get down. We had fun sliding down together. I get scared really easy, but luckily for us, the haunted hayride wasn't too scary with us all being protected sitting in the middle.
Saturday I got my hair cut. Yes, it's official... I have semi-short hair. To me it's short, to others it's still long. I cut 7 and 1/2 inches off it and will post pics ASAP. I like it, and so does Brenton. I think he might like my hair more than I do right now. We also were able to go to the hospital and see my cousin's new born baby. His name is Jarett and he is a cutie! Saturday night we watched one of the best movies of all times on tv- E.T. E.T. is awesome. I love it. It's so entertaining, and I think we both enjoyed it a ton!
That's about it for us right now. We are busy with life, but we enjoy it. We celebrated our 5 months of marriage last week (soon to be six!). We are going to Vegas in November to hang out with my parents, and Brenton's parents will be coming up for Thanksgiving. So, we have things to look forward to.
We love you all and are grateful for your friendship!!!

More wedding pics

Alright, I decided to post more wedding pics. It was such a wonderful event- the best day of our lives so far and we wanted everyone to be able to see some pics!!!!