Saturday, December 1, 2007


It snowed! I woke up this morning and found snow on the ground! Now, I normally don't like the cold or snow, but I was excited! It looked so fresh and new... It was pretty. I thought it was very fitting for December 1st!!! So, Brenton took a couple pics.

Also, for those of you who don't know...I love cows. My kitchen is decorated in black and white with lots of cows all over the place. We bought a small 4 ft Christmas tree a few weeks back, but couldn't find a star or angel for it. So, we put a stuffed cow on it. My cow is a Christmas cow, and it "moo's" to "Deck the Halls". You should hear it, it is so funny. I love it!


Thanksgiving was fun! Brenton's parents came up from AZ and spent it with us. His sister, Breanne also stayed with us. We had a good time. Brenton and I fixed almost all of the dinner, and it turned out delicious! We fixed way too much though, we finally had to throw all the leftovers away today. Friday we took Family Pictures (I will post those later). Then, we went and walked around the Salt Lake Temple to see the lights.It was cool. We took a picture in front of the same tree we did last year, in the visitors center. Brenton took some good pics of the temple in the reflection pool. It was cold, but still there was no snow. Saturday we went shopping and hung out. Sunday was church at our ward, and then dinner again at Brenton's aunt and uncle's home in Orem.

Las Vegas Trip

2 weekends before Thanksgiving, November 9th-12th, we met my parents there to hang out and have fun for the weekend. We stayed at the Luxor and played lots of games, drove around, and walked down part of the strip.The highlight of the trip was on Saturday when we went to the Las Vegas Temple. It is beautiful!!! It was very relaxing, and we didn't go out much. We had so much fun with mom and dad! thanks! We took some pics of us in front of the Fountains @ the Bellagio. It had started to rain, and I was exhausted. We love spending time with family!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

what's going on?

Well, I thought i better write and give an update on our lives. Unfortunately, Brenton's camera is not working so we haven't taken very many pictures lately. The pictures we have taken on my camera are stuck there until we can figure out how to get them on the computer. Sad, huh? Nevertheless, I wanted to give you an update on what has been going on lately.
Brenton is busy doing midterms at BYU. He is doing very well and I'm so proud of him for all he does. He makes time to work, do all his homework, attend all his classes, clean the house, and spend time with me every day. I love him so much!
I am busy working full time at Power Innovations. I am working in Human resources/Payroll/Accounts Payable, and I love it. It gets stressful at times, but I have a great boss and great co-workers. I plan on staying there for as long as they'll have me, or we live in the state.
With Halloween coming up, last weekend we went out with Manuel (a friend from the mission) and his wife Stephanie. We went to a corn maze and also a Haunted hayride. It was a lot of fun! I took pics, and we'll put some on as soon as we can. In the middle of the cornmaze was a look-out with a make-shift slide to get down. We had fun sliding down together. I get scared really easy, but luckily for us, the haunted hayride wasn't too scary with us all being protected sitting in the middle.
Saturday I got my hair cut. Yes, it's official... I have semi-short hair. To me it's short, to others it's still long. I cut 7 and 1/2 inches off it and will post pics ASAP. I like it, and so does Brenton. I think he might like my hair more than I do right now. We also were able to go to the hospital and see my cousin's new born baby. His name is Jarett and he is a cutie! Saturday night we watched one of the best movies of all times on tv- E.T. E.T. is awesome. I love it. It's so entertaining, and I think we both enjoyed it a ton!
That's about it for us right now. We are busy with life, but we enjoy it. We celebrated our 5 months of marriage last week (soon to be six!). We are going to Vegas in November to hang out with my parents, and Brenton's parents will be coming up for Thanksgiving. So, we have things to look forward to.
We love you all and are grateful for your friendship!!!

More wedding pics

Alright, I decided to post more wedding pics. It was such a wonderful event- the best day of our lives so far and we wanted everyone to be able to see some pics!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

The State Fair

Last weekend, we went to the State Fair. Brenton's sister, Breanne, came with us. We had a really good time! We saw a hypnotist, turkey races, a rodeo, the freak show, cows, goats, chickens, and a bunch of other stuff. The food was soo good- we ate scones, french fries, corn dogs, turkey legs, snow cones, etc. It was a blast! The smell of the cows kind of got to me, but other than that I was ok. Brenton went on his first Ferris wheel ride... ever! it was quite an adventure.. he liked it, even though he was hanging on for dear life when we were at the top!

Onion Days

For Labor Day this year, we attended ONION DAYS in Payson, UT. My cousin Jason and his wife Kami went there, so we went to a parade with them. It was cool, but very commercialized. People passed out tons of flyers! Then, they also had a cool carnival and lots of booths selling stuff. My favorite was the food. We had a good time, even though it was really hot outside. Hooray for ONION DAYS!!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Life in general

Hello! well it's been a while so I thought I'd write. I still need to post pics up, but because our dumb internet doesn't work so great from home I'm going to have to take them up to BYU and do them. Brenton started school after labor day at BYU. he is finishing up his general classes and prerequisites so he can apply for business school in December. we'll most likely be up here for another couple of years if everything goes according to plan. we are also starting to look into moving into campus housing- especially a 2 bedroom place. we really could use another room, especially with family coming over often. No, that is not an announcement yet. Brenton teaches Elders Quorum every 4th Sunday.
I'm working for a place up in Lindon called Power Innovations. It's an interesting place and I can't really explain what we do, but you can check out the website if you want @ . I work in the Accounting dept- doing mostly Accounts Payable, Payroll, and Human Resources. I just found out I'm getting business cards for it and that made me happy. I'm learning a lot and hopefully can stay there for a couple of years. I look forward to growing with the company. I like to study about accounting, and realize that maybe that's what i should have studied in college instead of Political Science. oh well.. too late for that. As far as church goes, I'm in what is called a "Unity Committee member". Unfortunately, I haven't done anything with that yet. The leader of the group has tried to organize meetings, but nothing yet. We attend a BYU family ward. Most are young married couples, some have small babies. It's fun.
Well, that's an update on our life for now. I really will be better about getting pictures on here. We did receive our wedding album so I need to put pics up of those. If you have any other requests let us know. We love you all!
Brenton and Adree

Friday, September 7, 2007

wedding album

After months of waiting, our wedding album finally arrived 09/06/07!!! yay!!! this is good news! anyhow, we will be posting pics up here soon from the wedding, and I can't wait! this week Brenton started back to school, and I continue work as usual. We celebrated labor day in Payson @ ONION DAYS. and it was fun!!! anyhow, gotta get back to work, but we'll update the page again later :) love you all!

Friday, August 24, 2007

More Pictures!!

Here's us at our Luau.
The Jensen Family at the reception. All five of us!

Me and Adree as we came out of the temple after the wedding.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Latest

I just got a call from my mom who has been watching the news on the earthquake. Apparently Chincha, a small town I was in for 6 months, was one of the hardest hit.


I am completely shocked. Yesterday an earthquake hit Peru. It hit Lima (mostly south) and down into smaller towns called Canete, Chincha, Pisco, and Ica. Over 300 people are now dead, and the country is in a state of Emergency. What makes this matter hurt so much is that Brenton and I both served there. 70% of Pisco is destroyed, and I was there for 6 months. I have many friends and loved ones there, and now I am waiting for news from them. It seems that they don't have electricity, or food, or water. Most are too poor to buy food to last more than one day. Scary. For now, we hope and pray everyone is ok. I wish I was there now to help... If you want to read up on it you can at

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Last week we babysat twice! Wednesday night, Brenton's cousin Bryleigh came and spent the night with us while her mom was out of town. Then, Saturday we went to my Aunt Leslie's to babysit the boys (5-range in age from 4-17). It was quite eventful. We did get to have some fun in the pool and take some other pictures. I played with the basketball and Brenton did his Shamu impression. Nice stuff! We took the boys to church on Sunday and had fun, but were definitely glad to come home Sunday night. I couldn't handle 5 boys!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Christmas 2006

Christmas, 2006 was a lot of fun. I surprised Brenton with a trip to Disneyland. He surprised me with tickets to Josh Groban in Las Vegas in April. It was awesome! WE spent New Years together as well.

The History of the Jensens, Part I

Welcome to our blog. Adree and I have seen how a few of our friends have started blogs. They post stories, pictures, videos, etc on how their family is doing and what they are up to. We loved the idea so much we decided to create our own.
Adree and I first met in Peru in August 2005. We both served in the Peru Lima South Mission, and Adree's last change I came to her zone to train. We served together and talked a few times, but that was about it, except for just before she left to go home and her Remembrance Book went missing. I promised to look for it and send it to her. To make a long story short, I never found it, but when we next met up at the Mission Reunion in October 2006 in Provo, UT, Adree was excited to tell me that she had gotten it back. (For the full story, which Adree loves to tell, you'll have to ask her, or maybe we'll post it later on).
Adree invited me to go with her and one of her mission companions to a session of General Conference the next day. I went and soon discovered there was something about her. That day I asked her for her email address. For the next few weeks we emailed a lot and soon began to also talk on the phone at all hours of the night (which her parents loved).
We soon discovered that there was something there, and decided to go on a date and found out how things went. On November 21, 2006, we went on our first official date while I was at home for Thanksgiving Break. We went to a Switchfoot concert and hit it off splendidly. We were together everday the whole week I was down there.
On that Saturday, I told Adree that I loved her and we decided there was no way we could possibly go on living so far apart, (she was going to ASU in Mesa, AZ and I was going to BYU up in Provo, UT). We soon decided that Adree would move up to Provo to be with me. She came up in December and we found her an apartment not far from mine, about 100 feet away, :). We continued dating and I proposed on February 13, 2007. Of course, Adree said yes!
We were married on May 12, 2007 in the LDS temple in Mesa, AZ for time and all eternity.
We are currently living in Provo, UT as I continue my education at BYU.
I might add that we are absolutely loving married life.
And so it is with this short history that we begin this blog, hoping that it gives you all a deeper look into our exciting life together as we begin our eternal family!