Monday, October 27, 2014


Last night I had a dream.  It was a bad one.  The kind that makes me worry about myself.  You see,  in it, someone close to me does something that hurts my feelings.   And I've had similar dreams before.  In real life,  this person has disappointed me time and time again.  Obviously I haven't got over these feelings since they manifest themselves in my dreams.  So I need help.  How do you forgive?  I know we are commanded to, but I'm not sure how.  Any advice would be appreciated.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Aimee is awesome!  She is a great sister and is always willing to help her brother and sister.  She is in preschool and is really   smart.  I think she is trying to keep up with her brother!  She loves Aubree and takes good care of her!  We love this spunky girl!

5 months!!

I can't believe our sweet girl is now 5 months old!!!  She seems to have changed overnight, from being a newborn to a baby!  She started rolling over and is now all go go go!  Then,  she started eating solids and is a champ at that!  She still refuses to sleep longer than 3 hours at night,  hopefully we will work that out soon!!!  


Monday, October 6, 2014

Aubree Fae Jensen

Our sweet angel baby, Aubree Fae, joined our family on Friday May 16, 2014. She was born via c-section at Banner Ironwood hospital, at 11:28 AM weighing 6 lbs. 8 oz. and being 20 in. long. She came out screaming and squealing and wouldn't stop for the longest time! She is perfect!

She is now almost 5 months old.  She isn't sleeping very well at night. She goes from her swing, to the pack and play, to our bed! She is such a joy though.  She smiles and laughs and is a pretty mellow, content baby.  We love her oh so much.

Aimee and Bryson are great big brother and sister. They both love to make her smile and laugh. They lay by her and play with her. They bring me diapers. Aimee picks out her clothes almost daily.

Bryson- 1st grade

Bryson is in 1st grade this year.  He is growing so fast!  He works really hard and is doing very well in school.   He has the top grades in his class and was his teacher's student of the month for August.   I am grateful that he has a teacher who loves him and sees his potential and recognizes his hard work.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Oh baby!!!!

We are so excited to announce that we will be adding to our family by May 23,2014!!!!  I am 12 weeks pregnant.  After three miscarriages we feel so blessed and thank Heavenly Father for this new addition to our family.   The kids are soooo excited.  I have been very sick but will hopefully come out of it soon.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


For the 4th of July, we went to Utah to visit Grandma Pam, Grandpa Dave, Aunt Breanne, Uncle Mike, and Evan and Noah. We spent over a week there and had so much fun! Brenton, Breanne, and Mike ran the Freedom Run 10K.  We watched the parade, went swimming, played in the splash pad, went to the museums, had a picnic up the canyon, met with family, and hung out.We love our Utah family!  We had a great time and miss our family when we are away! Here are some pics from our trip: