Saturday, May 17, 2014

Skills From the Past

Found this at the library
in the Friends of the Library
shop, for 25 cents!

My first thought was to put it to
use on canvas or collage
but once I opened it I realised
a different value.

Many things from the past
I still think are very useful!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Vintage Stuff

Recent Reads...

Don't you just LOVE vintage stuff?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Supplies At the Ready!

My watercolours draw
This is where I keep my travel sets
and computer desk watercolour supplies.
I have another tube set on my paint table
with all the mask, blends and other additives.

At my computer desk
I keep water too,
because allot of my ideas come to me
while I'm chatting with family
and friends,
or while I'm or rather
when I WAS reading
my chapters for school work.

For now
I'm happy to have my supplies
at the ready
while I'm working on
my business plan
and mapping out my next
few steps towards school,
art, business
and life!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wine and Waffles

This is how I feel on the inside!
Celebratory that school is over for now!
But in reality
I simply am doing this...

It is pretty toes time!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Last Class

Today's my last day of classes
at university.
After today I will be done
with this degree program!

I will have almost three months off
from school!
The plan is to start back up in August.

Woot, Woot!
I ACED my final exam!
Now all that is left is formal presentation.

Commencement ceremony is on 7 June

Monday, May 12, 2014

Remembering My Dad

After thinking of my Mum yesterday,
I began thinking of my Dad.

Pictured here, my Dad and I at easter time
(funny how we take spring photos on this day, allot in my family)
I think I was 4 years old.

My Dad passed 33 years ago.
I think of him nearly everyday since.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Remembering My Mum

Happy Mother's Day!
This photo was taken many years ago on easter morning.
My Mum was holding on to my son
so he would not drat off
as he had done several times prior to this photo.
My daughter was clearly being her typical silly self.
The dress she is wearing was designed and sewn by my Mum, her Nana!
Hard to believe this year marks 10 years since my Mum's passing. I miss her!

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