Thursday, May 8, 2008

Where this teacher finds joy...

Today the conversation was lively around the playdough table.
"I'm making a bear, what are you making?" says the 4 year old. "I'm making food", replies the 5 year old.
Later at the drawing table, these same kids are conversing over their drawings.
"what is that?" asks the 5 year old to the 4 year old..."It's my bear eating your food".

Gotta love the job to do it! But it's these wee moments that make it so worth it!!!

Another wonderful day in the world of creative education.
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Saturday, December 29, 2007

This year in review (2007)

What a wonderful year this has been.
Now there have been many ups and downs through out the year.
Despite this, I'm happy to say that all has been for the good.

I'm still teaching.
Not in school this month. Shall return next month. And I'm really excited about that.
My son has a year and a half left of high school. My daughter live with her Dad now, for the first time. This has turned into a really positive thing too.
I like her boyfriend allot. He is a keeper!!!

My hopes for the new year...well, I'm still working on those.
I really do like to keep things simple.

As for now, my wish is for good health, prosperity and the comfort of family and friends.

These are some of my favorite things!
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