Managed to find spot in southern parking structure. Yeah!
Then walked north the entire length of convention centre to door A.
I was lucky, by that, my job assignment allowed me to sit.
Volunteers booth. "HI. Did you bring your paperwork and a photo ID? May I see it please"..?
Erin, my co-worker, rocked. She kept me laughing when I wasn't keeping her laughing.
As for the time spent "working". It felt more like, a friendly get together, with my "own people" all of us... geeks.
After a short three hour shift, I was off and headed for the convention floor.
My work shift started at 7:45am. So me heading into convention @ 10:45am was early enough.
Artist alley once more, was my goal. Met two more artists.
Debbie Huey from Bumperboy comic.
And The Toy People.
I was happy to have completed my first task. Finding new artists to keep in contact through the year...with my students.
I had met Dave Pryor and Bob Rissetto from Inner Workings &
Emo Gonzales and his brother Chemix of at Preview night.
All four of the artist were/are willing to keep in contact and share some of their art and insights with my art students, through-out the upcoming year.
Now time for me!
Panels to attend: Dr. Who, Torchwood, Bloggers @ Con, Geekroundtable live Podcast.
Films to view: Citizen.
people to watch...booths to wander and in the end: George Lucas, Star Wars awards to animated, small film. After that a preview showing of the B rated...Lost Boys 2. Cory was there, Kevin Spacey and a room full of very tired fans...but we stayed till the end, which was near to 1am.
Now, I had to head home sleep for two hours and turn around to do it all over again....more on day three.